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Posts from gunnycee, durham

gunnycee, durhamgunnycee, durham
GunnyCee, Durham

The very first principle will pretty much covers the rest -- politics without principle. Today, the fabric of our society is being shredded by politicians without principle, from the very top on down.

GunnyCee, Durham

Woodrow Wilson and Adolph Hitler saw eye to eye on most things societally and the economically. What all these people who agree with them lack is a sense of decency and honesty. No economy or society can long exit without the principles and values of good honest people. Capitalism is about to collapse because our businessmen and women, our politicians, and big banks and Wall Street, especially, have the morals of alley cats in heat when it comes to riches and power. Any means to achieve the end is their guiding principle. Be warned, if this is allowed to continue, we are all doomed to live under a dictatorship under the guise of "the good of society."

GunnyCee, Durham

Old Winnie had a great sense of humor . . . and he is right. Although he was speaking of the British Parliament, it seems to fit right in with today's American Congress. In a way, it's a good thing that they can't get anything done, yet, they've even found a way around that by seeing to it that they get their pay raises only if Congress agrees NOT to raise their pay.

GunnyCee, Durham

Sounds just like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and the entire Democrat Party!

GunnyCee, Durham

Do you think George Bush and his neo-cons want you to think for yourself and act in your own interest? If you did, they would be lynched and there would never be another Republican elected again. -- Simon, Victoria, BC, Canada Simon, I would think that you and your Nazi-socialists would have loved George Bush and his "neo-cons" If they were so enamored of looking out for the people and not letting them think for themselves. So why do you people insist on trashing them? Don't bother to answer, I know the reason. It's because you folks live in two different worlds at the same time (a parallel universe), and double-think and double-talk are second nature to you.

GunnyCee, Durham

Simon is Canadian, what can I say. Yes, today's socialist/communist bureaucrats are terrified of anyone who uses logic and self-interest to further their own agenda. If everyone did that, there would be no need for the thousands and thousands of bureaucrats we are plagued with today. Ayn Rand is the devil incarnate to liberals because she touts selfishness (self-interest) as the only way to survive in this world. Of course any liberal will tell you that SELFISH is a bad word. It's only because they don't understand the theory of liberty and freedom. Anyone who puts other people over their own self-interests is essentially mentally ill and a danger to a free society. Anyone who would put total trust in a government to look after their own self-interest is either too stupid to vote or belongs in a mental institute where they can be looked after 24/7. Freedom and liberty come at a cost. Just ask George Washington or Lincoln (of course, that's not a literal request to you liberals out there). Read our history for once in your miserable little lives and you find out what it means to live in a free society. You will also find out what it takes to create and maintain a free society, and accepting aid and comfort from the government as your mainstay in life is NOT the way to do it. However, it IS the way to lose your freedom and liberty. Lazy people could care less and I class all liberals as either lazy or conniving to find ways to live free off the government. Me, I'd rather live free with as little government as possible. A totally different of the meaning of the word "free."

GunnyCee, Durham

The Nazis were successfully absorbed into German society because they didn't try to do it in one big chunck. They took over by increments, just as the liberals are doing today. The takeover is much faster under Obama. He saw this election as his chance to once and for all collapse the American economy bringing on hard times for enough people to keep him in office with his promises of more and more free stuff. The Nazis had to have a "fall guy;" the Jews. Obama rule has many "fall guys." They have the race card, the female card, the rich people card, and the environment card to play and they are playing them hard. Divide and conquer is the order of the day from the White House. Keep in mind the frog and the warm water theory. The water is about to boil folks. It's almost too late to do anything to stop these folks.

GunnyCee, Durham

The press is owned and operated by rich liberals (wait a minute . . . isn't that an oxymoron?) I didn't think there was any such thing as rich liberals. HA! They are encouraged not to look too deeply into anything that goes against their liberal doctrine (their religion). Anyone who doesn't agree with them is now a rabble rouser and a terrorist. Doncha just love liberals?

GunnyCee, Durham

This so true! Today, even after this dire warning, the Supreme Court is more powerful and intrusive than ever. Will we ever learn that history repeats itself? It is even more important that we know how our government works and that all responsible citizens get actively involved in the election process. If Obama uses his billion dollar war chest and gets re-elected, the Supreme Court will be all his. There can be no doubt that the precedence has been set and his Court WILL bypass Congress and legislate from the bench. That's the scariest part of this whole election coming up.

GunnyCee, Durham

My first reaction was to give this a thumb's down, but after a second look and reading E Archer's statement, I notice that Russell was concerned with the OBSESSIVE passion for material things. We must have material things for our survival and for a decent standard of living, but when it gets to the point where we spend ourselves into a corner, then Russell is correct: You lose your freedoms and you are forced to do things that wouldn't be considered noble in some circumstances. It's much like an alcoholic, foodaholic, or gambler. They are obsessed with getting the things that will make them feel good--the more the merrier. As long as we don't lose sight of the fact that a certain amount of selfishness is healthy and is needed for our survival, then posessions are a good thing.

GunnyCee, Durham

Anonymous from Reston, VA has used a very clever left wing logic trick that blends two goods with a bad in hopes that you will be dumb enough to fall for the fact that the Puritans and the Evangelical Right are equally as bad as the Talliban. And that isn't the only twist of logic he uses. Since when is the Evangelical branch of religion equal to the conservative side of politics? One has to believe this person's premise that anyone is not liberal is as evil as the Taliban. The funny thing is, the ideals of the Talibans are based on liberal tenants of one party rule and the only way to be correct is to be liberal.

GunnyCee, Durham

This meddling is not restricted to Puritans. It is more likely that liberals and progressives will try to get you to do things their way.

GunnyCee, Durham

I think that Ingersoll has missed the whole point of God and his love of mankind. The Gods created man and gave them free will. Perhaps that was a mistake on His part, but at any rate, we can do what we like. The only problem here is that we have to answer to the consequences of what we do. Those who hate God are terrified of consequences and would rather turn against any thought of a God who would hold them responsible for their actions. The best way to avoid any responsibility is to deny the possibility of a God. WIthout religion, we can do as we please and to some, this is the ideal way to live life. I am disappointed in organized religion, but I am a believer in God and I believe that there is a spiritual world that we are all going to experience some day. But, without a true sense of what is good and what is bad is how evil thrives in this world. There is always going to be good and evil, just like there is always night and day, heads and tails, Yin and Yang. It's up to the individual how they want to live their lives. I have no compassion for the felons who live their lives behind bars because, as far as I'm concerned, that is what they wanted for their lives. The same goes for the homeless living in the woods behind the local Food Lion or Wal-Mart. They don't want the responsibility of parenthood, holding a steady job, paying taxes, or paying a monthly mortgage. They would rather put up with the hardships of living outside the culture than put up with the hardships of living a life considered normal by most people.

GunnyCee, Durham

I'm not so sure that Obama is unknowing nor is does he have the best wishes of the American people in his heart. He is a hybred Stalinist/Clinton. He seems to be well-meaning, but he speaks with flattering lips and a double heart. He says one thing, but does just the opposite as if we were all 5 years old and don't understand what he's doing. He is lucky we don't have the English Parliament system or we would have ousted him long ago with a no confidence vote. As they say in Texas, he's all hat and no cattle.

GunnyCee, Durham

To Bob Sarasota...you can't use intelligence in an argument against ignorance. It's like beating your head against a brick wall. It would be insane to think that you can deal with animals with intelligence. You deal with animals exactly as any animal. . . with intelligent force and authority! You so-called intelligencia are not part of the solution of world problems, you ARE the problem!

GunnyCee, Durham

Anyone who thought Dubbya was bad had better think ten times before voting for Perry . . . he's Dubbya on steroids!

GunnyCee, Durham

Andy. Where is GW now? If you ever see him, it's because he is sought out by the media. He has no dilusions of being King, however, Carter and Clinton seek the limelight whenever and wherever they can. They always thought of themselves as "soveriegn" kings. They will NEVER step out of the limelight. What makes anyone think that when King Obama is dethroned in '12 that he will go away?

GunnyCee, Durham

To Andy in Portland. If you think GW was bad, then why is Obama copying every move he ever made, but in spades (Pun intended). You have GOT to be kidding! Liberals are so enormously ignorant of the facts that it hardly seems worth the effort to quote them and just be ignored. All I can tell you folks . . . protect yourselves. The worse is yet to come. Everyone thinks that liberals are a bunch of weak-spined, lilly-livered wimps. That's true until they feel they are in the majority. Then they will kill you and your entire family to gain their objectives. Remember their motto: "By any means possible." Do not forget what happened in Germany. Do not forget the experiments where "normal" people gave what they thought were lethal doses of electricity to other people in a college-run experiment. It can and will happen if we aren't vigilant.

GunnyCee, Durham

When will you weak, lilly-livered liberals get a spine? Do you really think that the corporate world is working toward your eventual slavery? Think about it. It's a mutual beneficial situation. Corporations need workers: workers need jobs. If Americans feel they are being screwed by their employers, they simply quit and go to another job. In Europe, you quit, you are black-balled. You must bend to the rules of the corporations which are mostly privately owned but government run. Liberals are among the most ignorant people in the world and they are easliy persuaded to do evil in the name of the "common good." Individual freedoms: individual responsibility. It is what made our country great (nothing patriotic about it, just simple fact). It is what will make our country great again. It is liberalism that has brought us down to the sorry state we are in today,

GunnyCee, Durham

To Jack Green... you're opinion is about as backasswards as any I've ever read. This country was founded on a couple of principles that you folks seem to either don't know about, or just wish to ignore. One is personal freedom, the other is a belief in a higher power than man. We based our government on laws, not on feelings or whatever is the popular thought of the day. As long as we followed these concepts, we prospered and became the most powerful country on the face of the earth. It is the liberal screwballs who are trying their best to bring this country down to the level of European decadency.

GunnyCee, Durham

Archer . . . as always your remarks are pithy and informative. You have described the real motives of the New-World-Order fascists. OWO was the dream of Hitler. If he could have united all of Europe, he believed that the Americas would sue for peace and join his plan for "world peace." Archer is correct when he says that those in power today are doing their very best to create a "false reality." Once accomplished, they can continue in their quest for total power over the American people and then the world. I see in the posts here that there are many Americans who have bought into the Fascist bullcrap; and believe that world peace "Whirlled Peas" can happen if only everyone would walk in lock-step to a world leader. How pathetic.

GunnyCee, Durham

We are burdened with more rules, regulations and obstacles to weatlh creation than ever before and we think that not enough is being done! The Angel of Death has been studied by Marxist liberals and they know exactly what they are doing to our society. That was how they were able to "snow-job" us into ObamaCare and Trillions of dollars of our money to just disappear. Only now, Mengle's rule isn't looking too solid. Americans are quietly, but effectively rebelling and will sweep this bunch of thugs out of office next year. All we can do now is hold our breath and count on the House of Representatives and the House Majority leader to stop the rush of Fascist/Marxist policies that Obama and his henchmen are piling on to "change" (bulldoze) America.

GunnyCee, Durham

It never ceases to amaze me how, as much as so-called intelligent men and women know that history repeats itself, we just go ahead and blunder into our future as if we were on a never-ending loop playing the same sorry scenes over and over. We are reliving exactly what we went through a hundred years ago, and they repeated what happened a hundred before them. When are we going to wake up as a society and demand excellence in our schools so that we can once again have an intelligent thinking electorate?

GunnyCee, Durham

Archer, the initials after your name says a lot. I don't know what you are smoking, but it has scrambled whatever scarce cells you were supplied with. Speaking of H. L. Mencken, I wish we had just one journalist with one tenth the integrity and intelligence of this man. How can anyone claim that Bush or Lincoln created false alarms? Only a total whack job like Archer could think that Bush created 9/11 so we could go to war, or that Lincoln created the Civil War so he could get re-elected. We know that Archer is an Obamanista and it has been my exerience that most of the followers of Obama are just like Archer. A wise man named Thomas Gray once said, "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." We see how the ignorant try to demonize anyone with common sense. Today, ignorance reigns much to our chagrin. Hurry up November, 2012!!

GunnyCee, Durham

We see it happening every day right here in the good old U.S. of A. What has Obama been doing ever since he took over the regime? You must pass this health bill or millions of people will be without health care, you must pass this stimulus bill or millions of people will be out of work. He constantly holds up the spectre of the Great Depression while his attack dogs (the Main Stream Media), reinforce those fears 24/7. So Amy Tan is wise in showing us that side of government.

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