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Posts from jim k, Austin, Tx

jim k, Austin, Txjim k, Austin, Tx
jim k, Austin, Tx

Absurdities, like a walking, talking snake in a garden .

jim k, Austin, Tx

Politics without principle, just look to Washington.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Now i do believe in miracles, I agree with Reston. I hope that my agreeing with him doesn't ruin his reputation.

jim k, Austin, Tx

A , from Florida, unemplyment has doubled, The national debt has tripled, the economy is in the tank, are you happy with that straight Democrat vote now after 3 years of this mess.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Reminds me of those unelected busybodies in the EPA.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Charley is right on target. Just look around, it's so obvious that even a liberal could see it. Well, maybe not.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Local police departments are more and more being federalized and this is a very dangerous precident.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Nowadays we give petty thieves a fine or short jail time, and send the "great ones" to Congress where they stay for 30 or 40 years and live like kings.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Waffler, sometime I just think you're nuts and then I read drivel like above and I know you're nuts.

jim k, Austin, Tx

You could also change the word "petty" to many. We now have thousands of laws and the scary part is that congress meets every day to pass more.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Just because something is legal doesn't mean it's right. Drug laws are one example.

jim k, Austin, Tx

The majority of the folks in Germany supported Adolph Hitler almost till the last gun was fired. Mark Twain was right on with his quote.

jim k, Austin, Tx

The problem with working"within the system" is this. We get all worked up at election time, try to get the good guys elected, and even if we do, nothing changes. Every administration spends more than the last one and we go deeper in debt and into socialism. If we expect government to make our lives better we are barking up the wrong tree.

jim k, Austin, Tx

It's exactly correct no matter who said it. It's especially true now with that bunch of socialists and muslims running things in D.C.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Libertarians believe that you can live as you please as long as you don't cause harm to others. I agree and wish that liberals would agree and leave folks alone. As good Democrat Woodrow Wilson said: "Government, in it's last analysis, is organized force".

jim k, Austin, Tx

Maybe he means that when your favorite candidate wins, nothing much changes. The Repubs and the Dems are really the same party. The only party worth voting for is the Libertarian Party.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Public Servents: Persons chosen by the people to distribute the graft. Mark Twain

jim k, Austin, Tx

George Burns once said that the perfect sermon was to have a good opening, a good close, and to keep those as close together as possible.

jim k, Austin, Tx

As usual, P.J. has it right

jim k, Austin, Tx

Translation: The more you send the more they spend and it's never enough.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Further proof would be Obama saying that he is trying to improve the nation's economy.

jim k, Austin, Tx

"I'm from the government and I'm here to help" is proof of that quote.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Beware when politicians talk up tax reform. Tax reform is code for tax increase.

jim k, Austin, Tx

This reminds me of a politician trying to get a hare-brained spending bill passed. They almost always say that the people demand it when you can't find a soul that demanded anything.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Government bureaus are a great example, they last forever no matter how bad they are. When they prove to make matters worse they aren't done away with, they just get more money and get bigger. The War on Drugs and the Department of Energy are prime examples.

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