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Posts from rbesrq


He should know especially while hiding in Britain during WWll - Diplomats are privileged clerks of the ruling class.


Perfect! Action is more important than words because action demonstrates intent and has a defined outcome where words demonstrate life's spectrum without definition.


That was fun Mike.


He has one fatal flaw but that's for another day...


It's a tongue in cheek... It's exactly what we do...


Love it! Now, that is simple...


It was because he wanted a fascist state. If you asked him to provide a better solution he would not have answered and you would still be waiting for a reply today. Reagan was a nice chap and was totally manipulated by his corporate masters and the Military complex - a bit like Obama is today.


Total hypocrisy - which always works on the educated masses. We wave the flag of freedom and democracy while we carry the cross and yet overthrow democratically elected leaders; we advocate peace and yet have military bases in over 170 countries. We give to the rich and take from the poor - oh yes, what a great country we have become.


What is really sad is that this country is moving more and more towards right-wing fundamentalism. It is sad that people need a myth to keep them moral without the responsibility of being moral PERIOD. There have been many Gods all of which feed of each other as proven by their contradictions and similarities in their history. Using God as a crutch for your own insecurity and fear of death should not be your life - your life is now, not yesterday or tomorrow. The Lord and the power of is might as you say is beyond comprehension as it has NEVER been shown. We have nothing but horror going on around the world and he/she/it just does what? please tell me how this almighty Omnipotent being actually changes anything.........


Good Archer. How can you believe in a God that threatens to send you to eternal misery (hell) just because you are not a believer? "But those Christians who are unfaithful (Matt. 25:28-30) will have their rewards taken from them and given to those who were faithful, and, and they will be cast into "outer darkness," the place where there shall be "weeping and gnashing of teeth." And to be sent to everlasting torment "fire and brimstone" in other words hell. The wonderful thing about atheists is that they have no documents, no scriptures, no pain, no written authority, no commandments, etc, etc. etc. When atheists say they believe in something (anything) it does not mean that that belief is said on behalf of atheism.


P.s. Sorry Archer, it was remiss of me not to congratulate you too on such an excellent comment - well done!


Mike, first I would like to thank you for your thought remarks, they were much appreciated and speak volumes for your integrity. Though we both have very different opinions on a number of subjects it's good we can remain civilized and speak freely about our differences without converting to negative dialogue. Steve (Planet Earth) Yes, I was of a similar background being brought up in the (High) Church of England traditions which reflects more the Catholic liturgy. It wasn't until my late twenties did I gradually become disheartened with my religious beliefs and eventually leaving them altogether - there were and are many reasons for this but this is not the venue to explore such a discourse. There were a number of important influences, in my early life namely, Bertrand Russell "Why I am Not a Christian", Benjamin Franklin, Freidrich Nietzsche, George Bernard Shaw, and of course Albert. This is not to say that there weren't famous Christians which of course there are many. Sparta1 I am sorry but this was disproved I can provide the info if you wish; better still here its: "It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it." Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Did_Einstein_believe_in_God#ixzz1CLb1t4vx There is a very good play written by Peter Schaffer called "The Battle of Shrivings" (1970) staring John Gielgud, Patrick Magee, and Wendy Hiler. This play is worth seeing or reading as it provide a discourse that treats the subject "Christianity vs Atheism" with dignity. I personally believe that we can all live side by side as long as we understand that everyone is entitled to their beliefs - which gets me onto another point which is that atheism is not a belief its just a non-belief in religion, period. Atheism is not philosophy, has no doctrines, no ascribed process, no set of rules, no sin, no nothing. If there is a belief system that I would ascribe too it would be Buddhism. If you wish to discuss this subject further I suggest you send me an email robken16@gmail.com Spartan, just as an aside, the last thing I would ever call myself is a crusading professional atheist that would be a complete anathema - now as atheists we have opinions, beliefs, philosophies, likes and dislikes, but they have nothing to do with being an atheist. I hope that clears up the subject of what an atheist is (for which the question is a complete dichotomy)


Now they want to add the internet to the long list of security to protect our Liberty - It's going to take a mighty shift before the American people get out of their stupor. Now they're also getting the sheeple ready to take away their social security - I'm afraid America is descending into the abyss from which it may never come out. Obama's State of the Union speech was pathetic and yet we continue to lie down and take this abuse of our intellect. The intelligentsia is on its move east, over the pond and far away before the gates come crushing down.


Reston, we are wasting our valuable time explaining our reasons. I have tried but alas it falls on death ears.


This is really terrible misinformation of the type befitting Glen Beck and his ilk. America is the most armed nation in the world and yet we have the most murders, etc, etc. And the most people in prisons. If we all had concealed guns there would be more deaths, more murders, more crime. Just look at the fact. Americans talk tough as long as they have a gun.


God has zilch to do with liberty it's the people that get liberty and it has nothing to do with religion. If God wished to bless you with Liberty he wouldn't need people. It's people who we need to bless for they bless us.


Wow! I didn't know he said this but if he did it puts a new light on the man, one I like.


That's why America is not a free state... Until the people see the criminality of our politicians and corporate leaders the sooner we will have an informed nation - but, alas I do not see this.... Freedom is most definitely a privilege as most do no work to obtain it. P.s. I like the recent alliance between Ron Paul and Nader for a third party.


His quotes on Freedom are above most...


guys, it's metaphoric!


Waffler, I would put it the other way round "Discipline equals freedom" and that is eastern wisdom - the wisdom in the west is till finding itself and hopefully it can before they self-destruct. We must be open to contrary opinion, to other beliefs, other ideologies, and other ways, only then can knowledge enter the gates of comprehension and Self. If you wish knowledge don't sing with the choir. RBE


Knowledge is everything, it knows no party, no religion, no ethics, no morals, no thought. Knowledge is the elixir of life; it is after all the product of intellect. And, Johann, you are so right – if we don’t protect education and quadruple its funding a renaissance which we are wait desperately for will never happen. Dick, for once I agree with you fully - no I'm joking, I have agreed with you many times, though our politics diverge a little.


Above; you must be very confused if you think Obama has a Liberal Agenda or is a socialist - please what have you been smoking. He is an instrument of the plutocracy which is based on the wealthy elite, our military complex and fundamentalism. Guys read your history books and learn the difference............ In the time of King George lll (diseased with porphyria) all Kings, rulers, were fascist's - even though the term was not coined until Mussolini.


Excellent resource for my new book - many thanks, Robert


Mike, if you do not understand what I am saying then any further retort would be useless. Take care, Robert

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