Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1151-1175] of 2040Posts from wAFFLER, sMITHwAFFLER, sMITH Previous 25 Next 25 2Reply Waffler, Smith 11/24/09 re: Noah Webster quote Mike no reputable person is engaing in the debate concerning Obama's citizenship. McCain should be the first to raise a stink. Not a word from his camp. Weirdos (sorry Carlton I don't mean to include you in my dereision) but weirdos will always question this. Yeah they need to get a life! 2Reply Waffler, Smith 11/24/09 re: Marcus Aurelius quote Again medicaid and medicare are killing us financially, now the Repubs claim to be the friends of Medicare and want to maintain the current ruinous trend. The Dems are at least stepping up[ to some responsibility.Things will never be perfect as envisioned by some but they can be better as envisioned by many. 1 Reply Waffler, Smith 11/24/09 re: George Boas quote Good stuff Archer! 4Reply Waffler, Smith 11/24/09 re: Marcus Aurelius quote Great! Anon knows nothing about the health care issue. It has been going on for 100 years. Universal Health Care was first proposed by Theodore Roosevelt. Insurance is a scam, a form of gambling. Every state has an Insurance Commissioner to watch orver the fleecing of the people. A Public Option (option I say not forced upon anyone) with the States and their Commisioners deciding to opt in or opt out, controling and overseeing it would be another option to the greedy for profit insurance comes. If you are for FREEDOM how can you be against people having more options. The bill under consideration requires that each of these public state plans would be individually solvent costing the State or the US nothing. The two democrats most against it are from states with large insurance industries, Connecticut and Nebraska. The concept of majority is a basic plank of the concept of freedom. Minority leadership is dictatorship. States now suffer mightly with the costs of medicaid for the poor, the new law may require these poor to pay up for at least the public option. Now when uninsured go to the Emergency Rooms the Hospitals file claims withe feds and get millions if not billions in checks to cover those costs. The system needs to be changed, wake up Anon, wake up! Reply Waffler, Smith 11/24/09 re: James Madison quote Ah! to live like the Honorable Native Ameridcan again would not that be great? The only thing more oppresive than the the ruile of the 51 is the rule of the 49. Without one or the other we would have no rule at all just chaos. I just experienced what no rule at all resulted in Lincoln County, New Mexico. That was the site of the famous Lincoln County wars between cattlemen, involving Billy The Kid etcetera. Law, cavalry etcetera straightened it all out and the 51 rule was institured. Reply Waffler, Smith 11/24/09 re: George Boas quote The quote is not about all the guys that you guys are cuttin up, it is about you fools. It is saying how shallow we are to judge and misjudge people in the here and now. It is saying that every one or at least very many called Harry Truman a fool but now he is considered one of our very our best. 1Reply Waffler, Smith 11/24/09 re: Noah Webster quote Kenya and Indonesia may both recognize Obama as a citizen of theirs that does not make him not a citizen of the United States the land of his and his mothers birth. Kenya may recognize him because it is the land of his fathers birth, and Indonesia may recognize him because it is the land it which he lived with his family for a number of years. What Kenya and Indonesia do has no effect or control on what the United States of America does, which is OBEY THE LAW which proclaims you a citizen when you are born here or if you are born elsewhere of an American parent. The only way to lose your American citizenship is if you apply for citizenship to another country with the intent of giving up your USA citizenship. Gusy with the mental block Carlton espouses have just got to get up to speed and move on. 1Reply Waffler, Smith 11/24/09 re: Noah Webster quote Interesting construction Jim and I will grant you that it is maybe true, hate speech is free speech. But lies are lies. Obama was born in Hawaii to an American. I don't know about visa and pass port laws concerning legal reisidents (green carders) versus citizens. When Obama was in Indonesia his step-daddy was an Indonesia and he was like Carlton except for being a child a legal resident of that country. If he traveled with his family and Indonesia step father while he was a child it seems very possible that he might have Indonesian papers. I still think lies are hate speech, free hate speech but still hate speech. You can still be sued for lies under libel laws, so lies are not entirely free, you may have to pay up in court. So go have your silly fun and JJim man-up later. 1Reply Waffler, Smith 11/24/09 re: John Steinbeck quote Anon as long as all educators including the parents see the student children as children of God and not there own to shape to shape and control to their own image or ignorance and that they are not educating the child as a glory to themeselves but truly for the sake of the child alls okay and freedom is saved and enhanced. Reply Waffler, Smith 11/24/09 re: George Bernard Shaw quote What would the world be without emotion, sentiment and feelings. Right wing fascists I think. Be careful Carlton the sentimental season is upon us. Reply Waffler, Smith 11/23/09 re: John Steinbeck quote Great quote but what are we to do with the statements that follow that totally bashes the thought of a single mind and a man like Karl Marx. Are not the folk above doing exactly what Steinbeck's character in his novel said that government, church or any idea should not do. Mike and some others for example are for home schooling is not that an effort at mind control of the little ones. Reply Waffler, Smith 11/23/09 re: George Bernard Shaw quote The word may or may not mean that but people use the word to try to defeat anything that two or more folk may try to accomplish, like flouride in the water to prevent tooth decay was or is a "Socialist plot". It is nonsense I say pure nonsense! 1Reply Waffler, Smith 11/22/09 re: Thomas I. Emerson quote Good job Mike, good job. I am right with you on your comments. Archer well he as usual is off base. Our opinons taken together, in a democracy, do become policy. His interest in doing more is simply the interest of the terrorist or dictatior who is not happy having his fair say along with everyone else but wishes to be the bully on the block. Democracy takes patience and tinkering around the edges. 5Reply Waffler, Smith 11/22/09 re: Emma Goldman quote Obama must be doing just great. Not only is Warren and the usual crowds of suspects against him so is the Congressional Black Caucus. He Reid, Pelosi and company have got the Congress and the country talking about something that McConnell and his boys have been hiding and sweeping under the rug for 75 years of so; health care. Now the Reupublicans are claiming to be the defenders of Medicare, have they no shame, have they really no shame. They (yeah the Republicans) claim there is a Democrat effort to take over health care in this country, and then they claim to be the defenders of Medicare. (As usual does anyone know what the hell Mike is talking aobut.) Reply Waffler, Smith 11/20/09 re: Thomas I. Emerson quote Sticks and stones will break my bones but names or words will never hurt me even though lies and distortions can be painful. Still violence is verboten take 'em to court under libel laws. 12Reply Waffler, Smith 11/20/09 re: Emma Goldman quote In our free, happy and relatively prosperous country voting is tinkering around the edges with the system. Those that want wild swings between extereme points of view are living in some kine of fantasy world. Voting changes a lot of stuff. If it does not then why complain about whether this guy or this group or the other guy or the other group gets elected. Reply Waffler, Smith 11/19/09 re: William Graham Sumner quote The smartest thing I have read Sumner write. While true mans better angels try to mollify this tendency he describes. We want to be free to sturggle, succeed, be the top dog, hell this isn't much different than what Ayn Rand glorifies so much but yes we need a SYSTEM of fairness rather than ruthlessness. Anonymous are debt is not so much to the Government as it is to the soldiers who have died in a war WE have not paid for. It is time for the American people to grow up and pay for not only their personal debt but for the debts we have incurred together. Reply Waffler, Smith 11/19/09 re: Will Rogers quote Where have you guys been. Any student of recent events knows that welfare as we knew it was tremendously changed in the '90's with Clinton as President and a Republican Congress. Not that we won't always have poor and underachievers with us but things are better today in that regard than they were 15 years ago. Some guys like Mike will always be negativists. Reply Waffler, Smith 11/19/09 re: Eduard Limonov quote The human penchant and deisre for systems knows no bounds whether it be political systems, engineering systems or computer systems etcetera. A system is just a known and proven way of doing things. Systems should be able to be tinkered with around the edges, new and improved models etcetera. Those who are totally and adamantly against systems of any and all kinds is probably a little bit immature. May there always be freedom and tinkerers around the edges so that revolutions will be unnecessary. If King George would have allowed the colonists to tinker many lives could have been saved. Reply Waffler, Smith 11/18/09 re: Theodore Roosevelt quote We have and should exercise our right to disagree with politicians, of all offices. On the other hand we are obligated to respect the right of Senators, Presidents, Reps and other elected officials to disagree with us and for them to govern and legislate according to their conscience, knowledge, facts etc to which we may not be privy. We should recognize that persons who adminster and serve constituencies larger than yourself or myself will not always or may seldom decide things, support things, or do things just to please you or I. For him to do so would in effect make you or I a dictator. Standing by these people and their offices while at the same time expressing our support or lack of support to them or to specific issues is what Patriotism, loyalty, or loyal opposition is about. I think that is standing by the country. I give the quote a two because I don't think it is nearly or complete or lucent as mine. (Carlton also said it very cogently.) Reply Waffler, Smith 11/18/09 re: Sir Winston Churchill quote Probably a very bad quote from this great leader. All information comes to us and must be processed or syncretized into a complete whole or policy. Ever heard of the word NUANCE. 17Reply Waffler, Smith 11/18/09 re: Richard Salant quote Another Salant quote: "If newsmen do not tell the truth as they see it because it makes waves, or if their bosses decide something should or should not be broadcast because of Washington or Main Street consequences, we have dishonored ourselves and we have lost the First Amendment by default." Examples of the above occurring is the previous administration bringing home our dead soldiers in secrecy and the hiding of environmental science by the far right media. 29Reply Waffler, Smith 11/18/09 re: Richard Salant quote Thank goodness someone pays attention to quality. You can get what you want, porn, "pro" wrestling etcetera all over the TV. And you can especially get the garbage you want on Fox News and Limbaugh radio. Anyone who lives in this country and can not get what he or she wants just does not have their eyes open. Quote probably a little bit out of context and not a complete rendition of Salant's real thinking, so what is new, all publications and news orgs have editorial policies. Reply Waffler, Smith 11/17/09 re: Thomas Sowell quote I only trust you Warren on the facts concerning the Civil War. You got to learn on whom to trust for what, But yes for starters, I allow the other guy to reach for his first then I nail the bast***. Some people you can read right out of the chute like Sarah. Reply Waffler, Smith 11/17/09 re: John "Birdman" Bryant quote Judith the Census is required by the Constitution as it was originally adopted as was The Postoffice. I would bet that you have never read The Constitution. No one Mike likes your posts, he expresses ignorance of the document constanly. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print