Benjamin R. Tucker Quote

“We enact many laws that manufacture criminals, and then a few that punish them.”

~ Benjamin R. Tucker

Instead of a Book, 1893

Ratings and Comments

A HREF="" title="  " target="_tab", Vancouver, GVRD(Paine Cnty), Coastal Lwr Mainland BC(State of Neo Sumer), U.S. of Eh!

Very wise statement, look at secret societies which create reasonable suspicion of conspirasy. Marijuanna Parties and even Worse NAMBLA that arorganize to conspire to smoke pot and/or rape. Where is the punishment? --- Gölök Zoltán Buday; Philotician.

Joe, Rochester, MI

Prohibition didn't work on alcohol, and it isn't working on drugs. Legalize drugs, removing the money, so drug gangs will fall apart, returning the neighborhoods to the people.

A.Jurgensen, Stuart, FL

Absolutely on the mark. Roe v Wade hasn't stopped abortion - even late term abortions. Brown v Board of Education hasn't stopped segregation. People have simply found more subtle ways to get around the Supreme Court's opinion.

jim k, Austin, Tx

We still have vestiges of puritanism left in this country. We haven't burned any witches lately but we still want people to behave and do like we do. The war on drugs is a perfect example and, of course, doesn't keep people from doing drugs. It does , however, cause havoc in our streets, corrupt law enforcement agencies, and fill our jails to overflowing while costing millions.

Mike, Norwalk

I'm not quite sure how to rate this. 5 stars for social perception and enactment or thumbs down because of the quote's accuracy in what has been done to eliminate a once free society. The term 'law', used to describe man's tools of administration are enacted, more often than not, to manufacture criminals (those, in fact, that have performed no act that infringed in any way on property or person). And then, there are those so called laws (?) that punish them. Laws don't punish, it is a perceived dimension of justice that punishes.

E Archer, NYC

The first thing to understand is that government leaders do not want peace -- they want conflict. Without conflict, they are not needed. Therefore they war upon the people, set brother against brother, class against class, stir up tensions, fix the game to be unfair, and keep people down, taxing them in so many ways that oppression becomes an acceptable way of life. They create 'problems' so that they can implement the 'solutions' which inevitably put more power and money in their hands at the expense of the people. If there aren't enough terrorists, they will bomb us instead -- false flags become their modus operandi. I do believe that one day the people will wake up -- but how much longer will it take ?

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

A constitution guided by reasonable principles would manufacture law abiding citizens.

Mike, Norwalk

Sillik, your destructive socialistic rhetoric is a propaganda lie ab initio. Your anti-reasoning is upside down, inside out and just wrong. A constitution guided by reasonable principle would manufacture NOTHING ! (maybe tyranny) Law (nature's law, not man's philosophies) abiding sovereigns are the basis and sum total of a reasonably principled constitution.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Mike, Norwalk 6/23/24

Mike, Norwalk, If I understand Ronald Reagan correctly you law abiding imperialist sovereigns have come up with nothing more than an evil empire. I'm sure Reagan could not tear himself away from his latest screen play, as is the practice of any political individual or actor, same thing really, to really understand to motives of Soviet Russia. He just projectedly assumed correctly it was the same toxic environment as he was familiar.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 6/23/24

Correction: If I understand Ronald Reagan correctly you "law abiding" imperialist sovereigns have come up with nothing more than an "evil empire." I'm sure Mr Reagan could not tear himself away from his latest screen play, as is the practice of any political individual or actor, same thing really, to really understand the motives of Soviet Russia. He just projectedly assumed correctly it was the same toxic environment as he practiced and was familiar.  The United States of America is, however, not an evil empire. It's not Hollywood and it's not politics. It's a fledgling nation learning it's real potential and worth. Please implement the Maximum Wage.

Mike, Norwalk
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Mike, Norwalk Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 6/23/24

Sillik, WHAT? ? ? Wrong again. What law are you saying I'm abiding? How do you define sovereign at nature's law? You've stated you say nothing that you can't prove. Please prove with facts, evidence and intent how I'm an imperialist. Please identify and exhaustively define the scale of good and evil that would, beyond a reasonable doubt, show the empire I'm coming up with. Sillik, by your single statements here, you demonstrate you are a lying mentally ill child.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Mike, Norwalk 6/23/24

Mike, Norwalk, you're not in fact abiding by any laws of humanity. Laws of humanity demand a comprehensive investigation of all components and sides which you and your juvenile comrades conveniently neglect so you can carry out your evil empire agenda to sustain your evil, half truths and whole lies are your "credentials." Adults take into consideration all elements and sides to render an action to prevent escalation and remove violence.

Mike, Norwalk
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Mike, Norwalk Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 6/24/24

Sillik, it is "almost" amazing to me that you can't EVER answer a single question. What are laws of humanity? What law or philosophy of law am I abiding? "demand"? So, by your circular word salad, laws of humanity are antithetical to individual sovereignty, inalienable rights and liberty at nature's law. Which of my juvenile comrades conveniently neglect such comprehensive investigation(s)? Please name my comrades by name so I will know who to speak with? My evil empire ;-) '-) :-) hahaha, lololol? I think, thank you for the upgrade? Please be specific when describing my credentials of an evil empire agenda, how I sustain my evil / half truths and whole lies. Does my evil empire stretch to the planet you came from?

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Mike, Norwalk 6/24/24

Mike, Norwalk, your are amazed with my mentally healthy responses, something no one else has the qualifications to perform is really what your expressing.  The laws of humanity are the forces that preserve the human being. The nonviolent responses to existence that our ordered life force offers.

Mike, Norwalk
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Mike, Norwalk Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 6/24/24

Sillik, hahaha / lololol you've had NO mentally healthy responses  EVER (to be amazed or not). So, by your definition, I'm living the laws of humanity because I exist. Socialism is ultimately anti-laws of humanity. Your circular word salad does not qualify as a real definition.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Mike, Norwalk 6/24/24

Mike, Norwalk, You do not exist as a human being, but as a mere child. You are always, always up to farcical tricks to "prove" your "superiority."  Today the kids timed  my restroom to an "display of telling the truth." Like you telling the truth sends me to the restroom. I had just finished some chocolate cake and went at the natural call. You tell me about yourself more than you learn about me. I send you to restroom with my usual honest responses

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Mike, Norwalk, the terrible flaw you represent is misrepresentation. You're not at all interested in education, but performing illusions, but unfortunately for you it just intensifies your delusional state of mind.


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