Carl Friedrich Gauss Quote

“If others would but reflect on mathematical truths as deeply and as continuously as I have, they would make my discoveries.”

~ Carl Friedrich Gauss

The World of Mathematics (1956) Edited by J. R. Newman

Ratings and Comments

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

Singularity of focus has its limitations.

Advisable and advantageous it is for an
individual to detach and develop a panoramic perspective.

An amplitude of discoveries follows, necessarily.

Mike, Norwalk

Gauss came up early when I was studying how math could equate to the absolute of natural law (-; I know, what? ;-) I think, besides the "deeply" and "Continuously" one would need a gift or aptitude to make the discoveries he did.

Ronw13, Oregon

To reflect on mathematical truths deeply and continuously. Gauss'es statement appeases those who look on and wonder as to the source of such great insight. Mathematics, Music, Beauty, harmony, the construct with which we live in. Clues can be found with his belief and its historical origin, yet there is a " preparing of the heart " through reflection and numbering. As the Good Book says, " Let him that hath wisdom number." There is a method taught early, to distinguish a student who has an " ear " to hear what the " Spirit " has to say. Then accordingly that student will continually receive instruction, though not perceived, for the most part, by the rest of the class. ( eido, vs ginosko, perceived knowledge. to know. ) eido, leading and testing truth, while ginosko frequently implies an active relation between the one who "knows" and the person or thing " known." Timothy was given a challenge, II Tim 2:15, when completed, received Prov 22:21, then a charge was given, to know and teach in a given "pattern and form." Having been made a steward of the mysteries of God, codifications understood and a continual feast for the beholder. Being blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places, befitting that Gauss was an astronomer given to names and numbering.

E Archer, NYC

The truth wants to be known. ;-) If I give the time and attention to reflect, the truth will reveal as much of itself as I am willing and able to comprehend. Ask the right question, and the road to the truth is paved -- and the right vehicle will take me far.

Vedapushpa, Bengaluru

The great Mathematician approach was the Spiritual one.It gives the conclusion fir and thereafter its deprival I suppose!

Vedapushpa, Bengaluru

Please add this.. the Chennai Indian genius Ramanujam I mean read 'the conclusion first and then the detailing of its derivation.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Ah, that rare display of humility. There is intelligence if we look for it.


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