Famous Latin Proverb Quote

“History is written by the victor.”

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  • Reply
guy    8/16/08

so true


What amazes me is that very often someone says "before recorded history" If it isn't recorded, it isn't history!

Mike, Norwalk

The history of today's 911, wars, despotism, tyranny, financial collapse, fall of a nation, etc is being (has been) orchestrated in the media with selected sides and stories, the depth of truth not being allowed in the mix.

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RBESRQ    12/15/08

Did Richard the Third rush from York to kill the two Prince's or did he rush to save them but was too late. How will 9-11and our treatment of prisoners be recorded in the history books, etc, etc.

RKA, Wasilla, AK

True indeed!

E Archer, NYC

Churchill said, "History will be kind to me -- for I intend to write it." And he did, and it was. ;-)

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

This quote I truly believe to be patently untrue. There are many books written by Southerners about the Civil War, Germans and Japaneese about the First and Second World Wars. Sycophants who only read history written by winners are the problem. Losers can and do write books also. People who read only one side of an argument or one side of an issue or war are losers also. I would bet there are some on this site.

RAE, Texas
  • Reply
RAE, Texas    1/3/09

Any honest and good historian can tell you about myriad important events ignored by most people.


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