Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Comment on this quote Share via Email Print this Page [41-60] of 355 Democracy quotesDemocracy QuotesDemocracy Previous 20 quotes Next 20 quotes Vote: The instrument and symbol of a free man's power to make a fool of himself and a wreck of his country.~ Ambrose Bierce The best weapon of a dictatorship is secrecy, but the best weapon of a democracy should be the weapon of openness.~ Niels Bohr Our founding fathers detested the idea of a democracy and labored long to prevent America becoming one. Once again -- the word 'democracy' does not appear in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, or the constitution of any of the fifty states. Not once. Furthermore, take a look at State of the Union speeches. You won’t find the 'D' word uttered once until the Wilson years.~ Neal Boortz I can’t think of anything that would do more toward putting us back on the road to liberty and personal responsibility than for the average American, and for the news media, to come to the understanding that we are not a democracy, nor were we supposed to be.~ Neal Boortz A world of unseen dictatorship is conceivable, still using the forms of democratic government.~ Kenneth Boulding Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.~ James Bovard We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both.~ Justice Louis D. Brandeis Anybody that wants the Presidency so much that he'll spend two years organizing and campaigning for it is not to be trusted with the office.~ David Broder It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.~ Giordano Bruno I like the noise of democracy.~ James Buchanan We are thus in the position of having to borrow from Europe to defend Europe, of having to borrow from China and Japan to defend Chinese and Japanese access to Gulf oil, and of having to borrow from Arab emirs, sultans and monarchs to make Iraq safe for democracy. We borrow from the nations we defend so that we may continue to defend them. To question this is an unpardonable heresy called 'isolationism.'~ Patrick J. Buchanan We are so concerned to flatter the majority that we lose sight of how very often it is necessary, in order to preserve freedom for the minority, let alone for the individual, to face that majority down.~ William F. Buckley, Jr. There can be no assumption that today’s majority is “right” and the Amish or others like them are “wrong.” A way of life that is odd or even erratic but interferes with no right or interests of others is not to be condemned because it is different.~ Justice Warren E. Burger Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays, instead of serving you, if he sacrifices it to your opinion.~ Edmund Burke The tyranny of a multitude is a multiplied tyranny.~ Edmund Burke To govern according to the sense and agreement of the interests of the people is a great and glorious object of governance. This object cannot be obtained but through the medium of popular election, and popular election is a mighty evil.~ Edmund Burke The government of the absolute majority is but the government of the strongest interests; and when not effectively checked, is the most tyrannical and oppressive that can be devised... [To read the Constitution is to realize that] no free system was ever farther removed from the principle that the absolute majority, without check or limitation, ought to govern.~ John C. Calhoun To maintain the ascendancy of the Constitution over the lawmaking majority is the great and essential point on which the success of the [American] system must depend; unless that ascendancy can be preserved, the necessary consequence must be that the laws will supersede the Constitution; and, finally, the will of the Executive, by influence of its patronage, will supersede the laws ...~ John C. Calhoun Stripped of all its covering, the naked question is, whether ours is a federal or consolidated government; a constitutional or absolute one; a government resting solidly on the basis of the sovereignty of the States, or on the unrestrained will of a majority; a form of government, as in all other unlimited ones, in which injustice, violence, and force must ultimately prevail.~ John C. Calhoun Remember to vote early -- and often.~ Al Capone Previous 20 quotes Next 20 quotes Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print