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Posts from ABBY


a psychopath has no conscience, but for those who do...it is good.


However, people, federally educated for 35+ years, believe they will be 'cared for' by the 'all knowing/all giving' government in DC so no longer have any 'duty' except to work and pay taxes for the privilege of being enslaved, er, 'cared for', by those who control and own them.


Maybe he should say: When government "removes" responsibility from the people...
It might better explain the place we find ourselves today...there is no expectation of self-responsibility, self-reliability, self-sufficiency...or 'self' for that matter. Our last 3 generations have learned thru the federal education system to be good collectivists that the government will take care of while their job is to work for the common good. Not even God will be necessary to folks by 2020....


Let me give you a word of the philosophy of reform. The whole history of the progress of human liberty shows that all concessions yet made to her august claims have been born of earnest struggle. The conflict has been exciting, agitating, all-absorbing, and for the time being, putting all other tumults to silence. It must do this or it does nothing. If there is no struggle there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation are men who want crops without plowing up the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. - See more at: http://www.blackpast.org/1857-frederick-douglass-if-there-no-struggle-there-no-progress#sthash.gRKlxeeJ.dpuf


Cal, certainly nothing you hear on TV news. So the search must be continued...


We see history repeating this right now in the USA...tho one must pray that those are old and wise can share their wisdom with the new folks coming up who have learned so little in the federal education system...


Most people become adults and do not behave like 2 year olds thus have chosen tto embrace the liberty to be lawful, loving, ethical, faithful, and honorable...it is more than self control that makes one an adult, it is self responsibility, self reliability, self sufficiency, and self respect. Sadly, little of those characteristics are seen in society today because msm and education has been busy telling everyone 'if it feels good do it' and have been censoring words and behaviors to lead America down the path of total destruction. Seems to be working too...we are like little registered (Americans are on every gov list and one's life is no secret) Beagles. Members of society are logged in, kept track of, educated, housed, fed, and medicated, contained. People work for this master, and the master allows members of society to believe they are free.


Ron Paul State of Liberty


another season is arriving: http://youtu.be/LNeimlu9jxk


tradgedyandhopemag on youtube explains the connections of crhodes and the world in hopes folks will recognize the state they are in...lengthy and worth it...(it has other stuff as well, but look for it...)


You missed 'government schools produce workers obedient to gov.,' Archer. Also, if you read Gatto's book or listen to him on tragedyandhope at youtube you learn that our leaders are nearly all from related families and have a far different education than the masses. One educational system is teaching the elites to be leaders, while the other system is squashing such aspirations in society's 'lesser' members~the masses. The history of education is extremely telling and interesting...and leading to total world domination by the few over the whole in a giant social engineering coup. Welcome to the new world order (in motion for MANY years now-Technocracy in the 20s and 30s, Metro 1313 in the 50s, and Agenda 21 today). Whomever teaches the children rules in the long run...and our children are being robbed of a real education...and we have 3+ generations of non-thinkers, and folks who lack basic knowledge of civics, history, and the 3 Rs and haven't read a classic or a philosophy book. They certainly don't know anything about the Constitution they are supposed to be living by as citizens of this country~our supreme law~after God. They do know they better turn off the tap while brushing their teeth and they need to walk and not go by car or they will be at fault for destroying the Earth (the new religion). Gatto knows of what he speaks and his words are worth your time to explore further.


not taught in federal education system anymore


Divine Providence: that which we believe is larger than ourselves or any MAN. And keep in mind, this says AMONG these...so it isn't limited by MAN.


Bull. Their job is to protect individual Liberty and honor their Oath of Office. By not doing so they betray society...and dishonor themselves.


At present there is NO discussion about IMPORTANT issues, States Rights, The Rights of Man, freedom OF religion, Constitution, individual liberty, the Globalists who are attempting to take over (NWO, Agenda 21, Smart Growth, ICLEI, Sustainable Growth, Earth Sustainability, Global Climate Change), and all designed to move the world towards a new communitarian/collective society ruled by the few 'experts'. NO ONE is talking about it, so the plans are moving right along adopted in EVERY city, county, state, campus of lower and higher education and 175 countries on the globe and have been since the first Rio summit where GWHBush signed us on in 1992. Politicians and media shut people up by saying they are conspiracy theorists...but you need only go to a local council meeting to witness...or look at the dense housing complexes and new building going on in the inner cities...following the 'plans'; read one of your child's school books ... and that is where we lose...education of our children in federal schools via Common Core. The kids are not loving our COUNTRY, not caring to improve our NATION, and they learn that some expert will tell them what to do eventually, based upon the data collected on them. They worry more about NOT having children who destroy the earth, and are told the parents have nearly destroyed the earth and they must repair it, and they must read technical books at school and are not allowed to go ahead if they are smarter than the others, and the math is designed for monkeys...but lets keep it all quiet? We are not headed for any utopia...but rather a new and different kind of dark age. The sentence as it stands (alone) is pretty correct...the context is unknown to me.


a minority of folks decided not to marry, now few marry
a minority of folks had kids without parents, now look at all the single moms with kids (very hard on boys I might add, for a woman can never show a boy how to be a man).
a minority can throw morality, ethic, integrity out the window, and the rest soon believe that is normal as long is it provides them with some goodie that belonged to another...as we see in today's political system.


the entire interview, not just a few phrases




Maybe TC is more of an insider than we know. Hegelian Dialecta at work? HE isn't connected that you can see, but his Mrs is...look her up. However, he does say all the right things and with apparent conviction. We need to see a huge reversal of direction in 2014 and 2016 if we are to survive as a sovereign country of freemen...something we are barely possessing now. Regionalization is working to remove representative government, so hard work at local level may change that. It will be difficult as there have been 30 yrs of education...and now Common Core- educate for a collective internationally? Sustainable Development?


In a democracy, 51% of the people can oppress 49%. The trick then, is to always woo the 2%. That is because no one understands (or acknowledges) that the Constitution guarantees a republican form of government in Article IV, Section 4. People are told this is a democracy (of course the real truth is we have an oligarchy).


The FIRST duty of government is to protect LIBERTY of the INDIVIDUAL.


He was apparently in London...so that is where to search for the Act.


Perhaps it is time to cast votes for the candidate who will honor his/her Oath of Office and not betray us and have a campaign promise of rescinding rules laid down by previous administrations.


He was on a case at age 3?

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