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Posts from Abby


Well said by a woman who began on the side of dependence and fought her way to independence and freedom! You go, Star!


Alinsky stole the word radical the same way the left robbed those who love liberty of the word liberal.


I love Yachats, having grown up in the area...nice to see some very intelligent being still exists in the little town (but for the city tax...yuk)...and at the time, in those olden days, most in the area were proud of their self reliability, self responsibility, self sufficiency and self determination, which they took other places with them. Yup, they would have been embarrassed to tears to be on the dole even if very hungry. Now folks march around whining if they are 'offended' or think they deserve what their neighbor worked hard for...times are sure different now, eh? No golden rule to live by.
Don't harm other peoples property; Don't take other peoples stuff; and Don't hurt other people. Wow, 3 simple rules to live by and EVERYONE would get along.


Great quote, worthy of being among the likes of Geo Washington and the other Founders. Sadly, we have a population now containing many who would have him run out of town for offending them somehow (at least off a college campus).


Here are those who vote in a manner that HONORS their word to support and defend the US Constitution at least 90% of the time in the 114th Congress; they are the A team. There are a few on the B team but the majority of Congress are on the F team (their loyalty goes to lobbyists or an agenda not constitutional.
Here is the A team:
Rand Paul, Ben Sasse, Raul Labradore, David Perdue, Thomas Massie, Justin Amash, Alex Mooney, Mike Lee, and Thom Tillis. It should be disheartening to learn that out of 535 members of Congress, less than 10 get an A. If the B team is ok with you you can look up their scores, but be aware that not all scoring agencies judge on adherence to the Constitution only--The document that separated the USA from all the other nations in the world by embracing individual liberty. This is the team that is trying to hold our country together in a lawful manner as of July 2015.


Too late here. 4 generations of people propagandized by the FEDERAL education system to be 'world citizens', not US citizens. And, along with that is the redistribution of US wealth for the so called 'damage' done to other nations because of the 'US caused global warming', the biggest social engineering plot of the UN (aka IMF, World Bank) to date...
"This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution." Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the UN convention on UN climate Change
She has some other pretty profound statements if you put her name into google on capitalism, communism, and the like.
Ask yourself, what is the 'defined period' of time? Answer: the 21st century hence, Agenda 21, now morphed into Future Earth.
Who was the economic development model that reigned the past 150 years? USA and Western Europe. How are they doing now? Well, in the USA as of 12-2015 (the link to that news is available on google) the middle class is no longer in the majority. Also, our less than economically stable nation is bringing in thousands of new people. People who will find no jobs as business has moved to other countries (that is why our middle class is gone). All will be on public assistance. Food for thought.


Once again, God bless Thomas Sowell. He totally understands the power of words and sees how easily people are led with propaganda. Democracy is mob rule: 51% of the people can oppress the other 49% (and the political body works towards this goal continually). Our republic is based upon the rule of law where everyone enjoys the same opportunity and freedom, Of course, men have a way of fouling that up when no one is looking....


He borrows a phrase here from Ben Franklin...but Democracy is NEVER but 2 wolves voting on what to have for dinner...because it is mob rule; It is 51% of the population OPPRESSING the other 49%. It is why the United States is a Republic, a nation of law (tho you would never believe it the way our Executive, Judicial, and Congress spit upon the the Law). Our government, right now is so divisive that it appears the WOLVES are about to devour the sheep because they ignore the fact that LAW has CONSEQUENCES.


Chaos precedes totalitarianism


Please educate me regarding 1307 Ron...


Please rethink, Mike and Mike...we witness this in our country daily...and we hear many spouting their dislike or disgust for this country even tho they continue to live here, were born here, and don't move on. It is appalling the number of folks who whine today over lack of prosperity yet accept the rules and regulations that are unconstitutional as good law for they truly believe that our government would only do what is best for the nation. They believe the propaganda on msm. Some of the population is paying attention but most are being led into the grossest of errors and they can't even see it happening. (UNs Agenda 21, Common Core, propaganda on tv, lies by politicians, manipulation of stats, theft by central bank). These can only be 'forced' upon an ignorant and misled society...Hamilton is correct~it is the fault of the populace to have no interest in their own liberty for if they were interested, they would learn of and insisted upon a government which didn't lead them away from the Constitution. They would have cheered on Dr Paul at last election instead of Obama, they would be shouting for Sen Paul today rather than for Trump or Bernie. They would elect new city county state and federal servants if they didn't honor their Oath of Office. We live in an extremely ignorant society who just goes along to get along. That makes it the fault of the we the people...for we do not see society rising up united against the force and failures of the government. Sadly, we the people don't seem to give a damn.


Without time for reflection, man will be no different than sheep being tended by a wolf. What better way to put the mind to work than while working one's body.


It is still so, even tho gov. regulation is increasingly eliminating the ability to farm all over western America. Food must be imported in greater amounts. What would happen should the US be unable to get food into the USA due to weather or other disaster for any length of time? What farmers that are left would be working double time (which farmers do already). Ranching and farming is being deemed 'unsustainable'...and a vegan diet is being considered as the only clear alternative in the USA, all in order to rewild America.


but no one would listen...


The Underground History of Education by John Taylor Gatto


"There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt." John Adams, 2nd Pres of the USA


Karl Marx, "The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother's care, shall be in state institutions at state expense."


Nikita S. Khrushchev,
Comrades! We must abolish the cult of the individual decisively, once and for all.

Karl Marx
My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism.


Communist Party Education Workers Congress,
We must create out of the younger generation a generation of Communists. We must turn children, who can be shaped like wax, into real, good Communists.... We must remove the children from the crude influence of their families. We must take them over and, to speak frankly, nationalize them. From the first days of their lives they will be under the healthy influence of Communist children's nurseries and schools. There they will grow up to be real Communists.


Soviet General Pantelei Bondarenko,
From the rostrum of the United Nations, we shall convince the colonial and semicolonial people to liberate themselves and to spread the Communist theory all over the world.


"The invisible Money Power is working to control and enslave mankind. It financed Communism, Fascism, Marxism, Zionism and Socialism. All of these are directed to making the United States a member of World Government." Quote by: American Mercury Magazine Date: December 1957 pg. 92


"The American communists worked energetically and tirelessly to lay the foundations for the United Nations which we were sure would come into existence. … It can be said, without exaggeration, that ever closer relations between our nation and the Soviet Union are an unconditional requirement for the United Nations as a world coalition. … The United Nations is the instrument for victory. Victory is required for the survival of our nation. The Soviet Union is an essential part of the United Nations. Mutual confidence between our country and the Soviet Union and joint work in the leadership of the United Nations are absolutely necessary."
by: Earl Browder
(1891-1973) General Secretary of the Communist Party USA (1934-1945), writer
Source: Victory--and after. New York: International Publishers, 1942


Mike, where do you get that information? I see no link to aid one in reading about this. s

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