Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [51-75] of 121Posts from Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VTBobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT Previous 25 Next 25 1 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/31/15 re: T. S. Eliot quote Goodie! Another complex "what do we name this?" situation for my [limited] mind to grapple with ( oops ! "with which my [limited] mind must grapple.") I begin with the word Civil. First, we should be "civil" in this discussion. Then think of the nearly limitless ways in which we employ that word, "Civil rights" among them, then list words that employ those five letters arranged that way, "civilian" among them as in Civilian Conservation Corps ( giving away my age ) .. and there was a Civil Air Corps of some sort during WWII, composed of private pilots and their private planes. CIVIL WAR: war between two groups of Civil-ians, I guess. Beyond that it's too esoteric for my pea-brain. Now, how about the labelling of the umpty-ump terrorist groups in the Mideast ??? COMPLICATED WORLD Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/30/15 re: James Madison quote I'll go Madison one better: All men ( make that "mankind" ) ought to be distrusted to a certain degree." ( There IS that issue of "... to a certain degree;" which gives Jimmy boy an out ! But verily -- to be totally "trusting" is ( ultimately ) to invite disaster: the damage may primarily be to our own hubris and ego, but nonetheless, there can be disaster. YES, the key is in the phrase, "a certain degree." Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/30/15 re: P. J. O'Rourke quote To P.J. --- AMEN !! ( But in their absence, whom would we criticize ? ) Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/30/15 re: Samuel Butler quote Who among we "contributors" does not consider him/her/our selves as an "authority" on this or that ? The POWER of authority is, or should be, granted by "the people." ( Ain't it wonderful how frequently "the people" turn out to be THE central issue ? Thanks to our democratic republic ! Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/28/15 re: Daniel Webster quote However, I can't believe Dan'l never confessed to erring, since that would mean he'd been a bad master. Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/28/15 re: Charles Eliot Norton quote But is there not never no reason no-how to obey ? After all iks said and done, there ARE two sides to the Freedom coin: liberty lone one side and lawlessness / rebellion on the other: Both are a part of mankind's "freedom" and each has its place at one time or another: choose or let others choose. Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/28/15 re: Woodrow Wilson quote Well, DUH !! The "history" of government ( are there any of which this is not true ? ) is restriction; rules and regulations. If there were none, there'd be no reason for government and it would fail. Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/25/15 re: Thomas Paine quote A quotation for all time. 1 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/25/15 re: Elmer Davis quote Well said ! 1 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/24/15 re: Thomas Jefferson quote This is one of the most memorable quotations of the man.In what I feel like the past decade, WE ( the we of US, the U.S. ) have not consistently and thoroughly paid that price.ETERNAL VIGILANCE guarding our FREEDOM ? I think not.But I ( and we and us ) CAN CHANGE. Let us pledge to unwrap that God-given gift left under our metaphorical tree in Jefferson's tumultuous days while being grateful for another God-given gift, the birth of Jesus. FREEDOM and RELIGION co-exist nicely for both believers and non-believers. 2 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/23/15 re: Justice John McLean quote The rule, in short, is as good for one as for the other. Amen and so should it be.. 1 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/22/15 re: John Hay quote A truism, and applicable to many of mankind's shortcomings. 1 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/22/15 re: George Orwell quote To the degree that deceit is universal ( and it is, since people are born deceitful; though some to a larger degree than others, particularly in some lines of work ), then truth is revolutionary; as are innumerable other human positive qualities found more in the breaking than in its observance. Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/22/15 re: H. L. Mencken quote Well said ! Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/21/15 re: John Adams quote Sorry to be so ignorant ( not "stupid": just ignorant ). Who's Dupuis ? Should not this site be offering quotes from him, 'though please not in whatever language he uses which apparently needs translation. I'll do some online research, but just wondered. 1 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/17/15 re: Richard Dawkins quote Richard Dawkins, a great thinker, spoke / wrote in haste. He SHOULD have uttered this truism: "Faith can be the great cop-out...," emphasis on CAN BE. There ARE those who use faith as a cop-out, but also there are those who use the word "faith" as a synonym for considered opinion or belief, nothing deeper. Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/16/15 re: Rose Lane quote Well said ! Speaking of which, who was it said "separates man from the animals" ? which I think fits here. Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/16/15 re: Edward Snowden quote A non-sequitur if ever I heard one. "Is like.." -- bah, humbug ! 2 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/15/15 re: Calvin Coolidge quote A man of few words; so much so that he was called Silent Cal. Bernie could take a page from Coolidge, Vermont's only POTUS. Bernie ( that is, Senator Bernie Sanders, who actually believes he could be President of the United States ) is counting too much on the Green Mountain State's relatively recent move to the left ( 'WAY Left !). It's his idea to spend 18 Trillion to change our Government from a Democratic Republic to, at a minimum, Socialism. Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/14/15 re: M. Stanton Evans quote He don't very much like "policy," do he ? 1 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/11/15 re: West Virginia Constitution quote How simple, how concrete and succinct. "Say what you mean and mean what you say." ( Who's words are those ? ) 1 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/11/15 re: Demosthenes quote Time for me to drag out my periodical reference to The Smothers Brothers song, "They're rioting in Africa, they're starving in Spain, there's hurricanes in Florida and Texas needs rain. The whole world is festering with unhappy souls: the French hate the Germans, the ____ hate the Poles. South Africa hates ____ , the _____ hate ___ .... and I don't like anybody very much." ( Missed more than I thought I would .. Oh, well. THE point ? NO STABILITY IN OUR WORLD. 2Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/10/15 re: Lyn Nofziger quote What makes ANYONE think we don't need BOTH -- freedom and security ? The Nazi's had security but no Freedom and I'd guess a similar situation exists with Islam. The U.S. had Freedom but no Security -- and Pearl Harbor happened. GOT TO HAVE BOTH OR YOU'RE IN TROUBLE !! 4 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/9/15 re: Thomas Paine quote Mr.Paine doth sayeth correctly and needeth not my interpretation of his just words. Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/9/15 re: William S. Burroughs quote Hear, hear !! Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print