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Posts from Denise, DURANGO

Denise, Durango

This nation has corporately turned it's back on the God that brought it together. All things that were good and decent are now considered "intrusive". 2nd. Timothy predicted a couple thousand years ago that; "Good will become evil and evil will become good." ... can we get an amen? God has been kicked out of schools but yet gets the blame (along with guns that apparently have some magical way of committing mayhem by themselves) when some monster shoots it up. Babies are killed and disposed of like so much trash, kids are taught they're no more than "accidental cosmic mistakes." (and yet we wonder at the rampant suicide among kids!) Parents aren't allowed to correct their children because spanking is "cruel". Morality is a dirty word. The justice system is a sick joke. Snowflakes melt at real truth because they're taught to make up their own "truth"...and, oh gee, it may offend them. Sadly we the people are to blame for the majority of the problems in our nation because WE are too busy getting the big new house, the new fancy cars, more money, more pleasure...and to hell with protecting or even being bothered to study and understand our the Constitution (the law of our land) which gives us the RIGHT to watchdog our government and remove those who abuse our God given laws...while those who we elected (but didn't bother to vet) become fat and dictatorial in "governing" we the peons. That about cover it?

Denise, Durango

Globalism is Satan's own design...and Slick Willy Clinton along with the rest of the self enriching traitors to this nation are his little demons. To destroy individual sovereignty, personal choice, freedom, especially religious freedom, take away personal rights, tell you what you can and can't have, destroy the right to self defense, limit income, establish a dictatorship wherein a few self important "we know what's best for all" deluded "elites" believe they and they alone know what's best for all.
Socialism doesn't and never has worked, accept perhaps for the lazy, cowardly and unimaginative. Only fools buy into this destruction. North Korea, China, Russia, North Viet Nam etc...take your pick. The only difference between socialism and communism is; socialism is death by suicide. Communism is death by firing squad. Unfortunately too many are "too busy" to protect a Constitutional Republic, it takes diligence and knowledge..."oh let someone else do it, isn't that why we elect representatives"? Indeed and this all goes down to to the fiction that  "people are really good by nature... it's 'society' that creates the problems"...HUH?? Who is this magical "society" made up of? Flawed, self serving PEOPLE!

Denise, Durango

The Source of all morality, honesty, love, and all that is good comes from one place only. Unfortunately the carnal minded deny that Source to their detriment. God's word makes it clear that the heart is deceptively wicked. Man left to his own devices sinks to the lowest level, in critical situations the masses sink to fighting, stealing, and evil against their neighbors. Babies don't have to be taught to be selfish, it's inherent. Kids don't have to be taught to lie, it's inborn. Morality must be taught ... it doesn't evolve. Pride is the source of evil if one takes the time to think about it...

Denise, Durango

He was a Godless, self absorbed, (as all self described "elitists" are) narcissist. He is at this time "enjoying" the fruits of his self indulged nature...as we all will ultimately. Chose wisely which side of the fence you intend to sit on.

Denise, Durango

Ahoy mates! Be we just knaves of the liberty minded sort? Indeed suh! But then we now have a "government" intent upon destroying our hard fought "knaveness"...mayhaps it's time to take up arms and toss the tea into the harbor!! Along with those self proclaimed Kings!!
I, sirs, am justly proud of my knaveness!!

Denise, Durango

And isn't it curious that he wrote this over a hundred years ago...indeed as one commenter put it...the more things change the more they stay the same. But now we must also acknowledge a hostility that's getting uglier and more in our faces from the "liberal" side and take appropriate actions lest we "labor in vain".

Denise, Durango

Except, of course, if you're a politician. Then it is taken from the laborer under the guise of a loosely defined  "infrastructure", as though it's the right of the "know better" politician to do so.

Denise, Durango

He nailed it. The One Who IS the Author of decency, honesty, truth, integrity, and goodness has been summarily "kicked" out of todays society. Suicides, a justice system that's a sick joke, "political correctness" or more to the point "If you don't agree with my leftists views you're "racist" "homophobe" "a Nazi" "a bigot"... kids who've been taught in the name of "can't we all get along" not to stand to bullies, schools that "teach" anything but what's desperately needed to exist today, technology that's made human interaction almost extinct..."safe rooms" for the spineless to hide with their puppy videos and blankets. For those of us who were born in the late to mid 40's this is incomprehensible. Guess what...mommy didn't hurry to kiss the boo boos. You dealt with it and moved on. Then "government" wasn't "requiring you" to wear your seat belt, stop smoking, attempting to take your guns (almost every household had them and surprise, where were the mass shootings?) rotting our schools, pushing perversion as "normal", killing the unborn in the name of "reproductive rights" pushing a leftist agenda intended to turn America in to a good little obedient country who genuflected to the self proclaimed "gov gods"....indeed. America the strong...where have you gone...we who fought and died for liberty and justice for all...don't recognize you any more....

Denise, Durango

And perhaps not to lump all pastors together as a group out to fleece the flock. Indeed there are many who are Judas goats but there are also those who are sincere and caring and have put themselves in jeopardy. Even the apostle Paul maintained that a pastor had the right to receive payment for what he did...but not to "shame" the people into coughing up the money to, say, buy him a $65 million dollar plane or pay for an obscenely huge mansion. There are true dedicated men of God but like everything thing else in a fallen world, there are charlatans. If you don't understand the basic principle of good and evil you don't get it.
God's holy word is an encouragement to millions but to those caught up in the world it seems like judgment....His truth definitely seems like judgment or shame to those who reject truth.

Denise, Durango

This is perhaps the most simple, succinct and accurate description of the progressive 'liberal' left today.

Denise, Durango

A disgusting, liberal sleaze ball..."never let a good crisis go to waste"....seriously quotes from a traitor shouldn't darken this page!

Denise, Durango

Elite groups: IE: those who've taken on the mantel of self righteousness. The underlying problem that's growing is that there is little or no moral base. God, the Author of Life, morality, righteousness...is being pushed out of everyday life. Where once His principles were taught and honored as a matter of reality, now it's anything goes. Morality didn't evolve, it came from a Holy God...who is no longer honored. Scripture says plainly: "the heart is wickedly deceptive". Pride is and will be the downfall of man.

Denise, Durango

There are causes in which killing is necessary. Even in scripture there is righteous war. We are also responsible for our loved ones and as such I would have no qualms about killing someone who meant to do them harm. Yes, ultimately I would have to deal with the fact I took a life. But I would rather deal with that than knowing I let my family be harmed or killed. The commandment in it's true meaning is "thou shalt not murder"...there is a difference.

Denise, Durango

This so describes the play on emotions of people after a particularly ugly incident. IE: the Las Vegas shooting. Laws pushed on the shaky grounds of emotionalism are dangerous, deceptive and often deadly...but this has been done by budding dictatorships since the dawn of time...dictators care less the "collateral damage" left as long as their ends are achieved.

Denise, Durango

For some reason this made me think of a "quote" I received in an e-mail..."When one continually hears about a civil war, some thoughts come to mind...we on the right have millions of guns and trillions of rounds of ammo...those on the left don't even know which bathroom to use....go figure. And, really, if we were the problem, the entire country would know.

Denise, Durango

LOLZ...one of the best summations of congress yet.....

Denise, Durango

ACLU was founded by Roger Baldwin, a card carrying communist of the worst kind. His entire foundation for the "American Communist Liberties Union" was to ultimately destroy any semblance of Christianity and personal liberty. Beware the grass hidden poisonous snake that is the ACLU....deception is their game, destruction is their aim.

Denise, Durango

P.S. Seven nations since the 1900's were systematically disarmed over a period of 5 to 15 years using much the same propaganda being tossed around now. The almost complete extermination of the Jews was precipitated by first registering firearms, then confiscating them. Almost 60 million citizens were killed. Power hungry governments are very sensitive to arms in the hands of the people. The U.S. government is a bloated whale that's been allowed...by we the people....to intrude on every aspect of our lives...the last regime talked of organizing a "brown shirt youth" program in the beginning of his questionable occupation of our White House...who else had a "brown shirt" youth movement...?

Denise, Durango

Reply to Robert Sarasota...re: firearms. Our "judicial" system" has been deliberately dumbed down by those intent on disarming this nation. George Washington called firearms "The liberty's teeth". It's not and never has been about gun control, it's about the deliberate lack of crime control. Clinton on taking office fired 93 federal prosecutors and replaced them with leftist liberal prosecutors. Over the last 20 plus years violent crime has skyrocketed. In the 50's almost every household had firearms. If one would just look at international and national crime stats the truth is there...not in a bought and paid for "media" who's job it is to repeat lies so often even normally intelligent people buy them. Not one of these criminals is a member of the Big Bad Wolf, NRA...they are criminals...oddly enough every attempt to ban guns in liberal, democrat controlled cities has only increased the violence against law abiding citizens forbidden the RIGHT to defend family and property. This kind of violence was almost unheard of in the 50's.

Denise, Durango

Sadly we the people have not read and understood the wisdom of the Founding Fathers. The Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, Magna Charta....schools have been dumbed down and eliminated our truthful history and the very reason this nation was founded. Once we were a sovereign nation with the power to unseat an unconstitutional government, now the "government" has become more like the Blob, not only devouring our individual liberty and sovereignty, but literally threatening anyone who dares defy them. In the pursuit of the American dream we've forgotten to keep a watchful eye on those elected without bothering to test their credentials. War is for the benefit of international bankers and globalists, killing the best and the bravest without a thought.

Denise, Durango

Tho' he was more than likely speaking of the oppression of slavery...that applies to every people who, by force, subjection, deliberate starvation or genocide, have been enslaved. One reason so many are fighting tooth and nail against gun control. Tyrants are sensitive to arms in the hands of the people...Unarmed people are subjects, armed people are citizens.
One of the first things given to freed black slaves was a firearm.

Denise, Durango

I agree to a point....that point being that today we are diseased with a "press" rabidly devoted to a socialist, globalist agenda. They cannot be trusted with truth as truth to them is whatever they deem it to be. Once upon a time in a place far away and long ago, the press objectively reported the foibles and folly's of BOTH sides. They also didn't blatantly sit in one candidates camp or another. That's no longer the case.

Denise, Durango

P.S. Criminals do not obey laws...duh. Law abiding citizens who go through the time and expense of taking a firearms safety and self defense class, go to the sheriff's office, get finger printed, photos taken, go through an extensive FBI background check and then wait for up to 2 months to get their conceal carry license are probably the most honest folks you'll ever meet.

Denise, Durango

Mick, I am a firearms instructor painfully familiar with what happens to unarmed law abiding citizens. The problem is NOT guns, they are incapable of an agenda, the problem is with a "justice" system that's been systematically weakened by design since Clinton fire 93 federal attorneys. Why? they were to hard on criminals. This is what has happened in at least 7 countries since the early 1900's. Weaken the justice system, let criminals do as they will with an occasional slap on the wrist and then lament "we must take those evil guns away from the populace!". Thanks to gun control over 55 MILLION have lost their lives by dictatorial "leaders". Many of my students are older folks who have no way of defending themselves against the thugs roaming freely on our streets! Many women carry because they can't fight off some dirt bag. Check your history.

Denise, Durango

Spoken like a true Marxist! Exactly the same brainwash dumbing down in schools today. Kids are not taught how to think critically, ask well thought out questions...just put on your little Judas goat bell and collar and go for it...
Home schooled kids, by and large, stand out in the crowd. Have friends who've homeschooled and the kids are well adjusted: guess what mom and dad care enough to invest time in them; well mannered, intelligent and happy.
If I had a business I'd hire home schooled young adults without fail.

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