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Posts from Devon, Edmonton, Ab

Devon, Edmonton, AbDevon, Edmonton, Ab
Devon, Edmonton, AB

Goes to show you just how evil those sober people are.

Devon, Edmonton, AB

Even if the mere posession of guns caused people to run amok in the streets, shooting one another, I would still feel safer in such a situation than in one where the government would have exclusive rights to own and operate firearms.

Devon, Edmonton, AB

Good quote, but the USA is a republic, not a democracy. Also, FDR was a socialist asshole.

Devon, Edmonton, AB

Social justice is simply a euphemism for theft. Also, Hayek was a libertarian, he would dislike George Bush just as much as any leftist claims to.

Devon, Edmonton, AB

He was a socialist. The pledge of allegiance is just about the most unamerican thing since paying taxes.

Devon, Edmonton, AB

Wrong again, Plato! democracy is mob rule, and anarchy is liberty.

Devon, Edmonton, AB

E Archer said everything I needed to say.

Devon, Edmonton, AB

If only he were correct. He isn't, however. Democracy and socialism are very much compatible. Democracy is only a method of choosing leaders, it doesn't pertain to the quality of those elected officials.

Devon, Edmonton, AB

Truer words have never been said.

Devon, Edmonton, Ab

Pure, undiluted bullshit.

Devon, Edmonton, AB

My objective in life is to oppose everything Karl Marx stands for.

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