Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [201-225] of 297Posts from Editor, Liberty QuotesEditor, Liberty Quotes Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 5/29/08 re: Friedrich Nietzsche quote We'll try to be a little more uplifting next week. Rattling cage doors cannot be avoided, however. :-) Cheers. Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 4/24/08 re: Justice Byron R. White quote StanLee, the source of the quote has been added. Cheers. Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 4/18/08 re: Arthur Sylvester quote The quote has been updated to reflect more accurately what was said and its reference. Thank you. Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 4/15/08 re: United States Supreme Court quote I agree, Waffler. We cite wherever we can, and we welcome any help from our dedicated subscribers. Please keep in mind that 'quotes' are just that, 'quotes.' The words of men/women are not automatically truth -- that is for the reader to discern. That goes for judges, presidents, politicians, church leaders, everyone. Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 4/7/08 re: Karl Marx quote Daniel, the Tytler quote you mention is similar to Marx's but not exact - in fact this concept is common to many quotes here at We have the Tytler quote in our database here, too. No official source is known for the Tytler quote. I will try to find the source for this quote also. Cheers. Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 4/4/08 re: Alan Dershowitz quote Thanks, E Vill. Actually, here at Liberty Tree we encourage the identification of false quotes -- if you have more, please let us know. I have reviewed the transcript of the debate with Keyes and have indeed confirmed that the above quote is not in the transcript. However, Dershowitz does say: "Rights are not self-evident. They're not unalienable. They are subject to modification just like anything else." 2 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 4/4/08 re: Norman Thomas quote Sorry for the confusion. "By 1970" the Republican and Democratic parties had adopted every plank of the Communist Manifesto. Thomas died in 1968 and the Socialist Party had all but merged with the Democratic Party -- most of the Socialist delegates were in the 1968 Democratic Convention. The Communist Party fizzled out as funding from the USSR stopped. 3 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 3/19/08 re: Rowan Gaither quote Waffler, here is a link to a video interview with Norman Dodd in 1982 corroborating the quote above. The interview has been recorded in parts, so you will have to view each part in sequence -- here is a link to the transcript. Very 'illuminating.' 612Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 3/9/08 re: David Spangler quote While the quote is unsourced and commonly referenced on the Internet, Spangler makes a similar statement from his book, Reflections on the Christ, where on page 45 he writes:"Lucifer comes to give to us the final gift of wholeness. If we accept it then he is free and we are free. This is the Luciferic initiation. It is one that many people now, and in the days ahead, will be facing, for it is an initiation in the New Age." 1 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 3/3/08 re: Constitution for the United States quote Thanks, Logan. The correction has been made. Cheers. Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 2/28/08 re: Neil Cavuto quote "It will take more than this blog to educate those religious devotees of governmental indoctrination so that they may understand the truth or this quote." Please, Mike, what can we do? Cheers! Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 2/12/08 re: James Madison quote Thanks, Aydan, for your research. The quote was indeed from The Federalist Paper No. 46 but was paraphrased a bit after the phrase "proportion of regular troops." We have updated the quote with actual text from the Federalist Paper No. 46, published sometime in early 1788. Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 1/29/08 re: Woodrow Wilson quote We have researched this quote and found a couple quotes from Wilson's book, The New Freedom. Here are links to them: As far as being a most unhappy man on his death bed for passing the Federal Reserve Act, we have not yet found a source. Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 1/16/08 re: Justice Charles Evans Hughes quote Waffler, would you please stop rating the quotes more than once. We have asked you repeatedly. Thank you. Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 1/9/08 re: Judge Gideon J. Tucker quote Thanks for your feedback, Paula. It is a challenge to find quotes every day, year after year. Perhaps you can help by telling us what you consider 'our' strengths to be and in what we have persevered? Cheers. 2 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 1/5/08 re: Ronald Reagan quote LOL, Anonymous!! I guess you didn't heed the quote, and thus gave it thumbs down because it wasn't credited to Truman. I am still laughing. The quote was on a sign on Reagan's desk -- I do not know if Truman said it or not. Cheers. Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 1/3/08 re: Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton quote Waffler, please rate the quote only once. Again, this is not a debate -- comment on the quote not others' comments. Thank you. 5 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 12/27/07 re: William Hazlitt quote Just a clarification since is based in Canada. Canada is a Constitutional Monarchy -- it is not a socialist state per se. I would also add that while the USA was established as a 'democratic-republic' it has everything a socialist state has except a formal national health care system. It has implemented welfare, farm and corporate subsidies, a central bank, progressive income taxes, and many other planks of the Communist Manifesto. Canadians may have national health care and a public safety net second to none, but they are not hypocritical about the nature of their government -- contrary with the US. Keep that in mind when the urge to bash America's largest trading partner exceeds the American desire to preserve the principles of Liberty and Independence. Canadians are about the kindest people in the world -- and they happen to admire the Freedom that Americans take for granted. Oh, and they have never burned down the capital of any sovereign nation -- that is except for Washington, D.C.. Cheers! 1 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 11/30/07 re: Dr. Sidney Simon quote The quote has been tagged false. Here is what Dr. Simon has sent us: "It is definitely a false quote. I defy anyone to show where it appeared in print under my byline or a tape of those words from any speech I gave. From the start, Values Clarification proudly stood for: Less Moralizing, less indoctrinating, less inculcating, and less preaching and shaming. All of us, among the early scholars and writers, had lived through the Nazi period. We saw the impact of brain washing, propaganda, and the use of tools for manipulating people's thoughts. We saw our work as just the opposite. We were committed to helping students search, process, and, by God, think. Our focus was not on having one set of values to inculcate, but on teaching people how to sort out the Chaos and Confusion of life. Look at the seven values criteria. A value must be: 1. Prized and cherished. 2. Chosen from among Alternatives 3. After due reflection and awareness of consequences 4. Must be publicly affirmed 5. And acted on, and acted on repeatedly 6. It must be consistent with your other values. 7. And they must be chosen freely. I'm proud to say that no one I know who has done the Values Clarification work ever hustled one set of values. It was always the process. The effort to close the gap between our creeds and our deeds, as Dr. Louis Raths, the real father of Values Clarification used to say. The seven criteria above are not easy to live by. They demand much of both the students and the teachers who walk that exciting path. Peace, Sidney B. Simon, Professor Emeritus, Univ. of Massachusetts, 11-29-2007" Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 11/27/07 re: Dr. Sidney Simon quote The first 3 comments were posted via the same IP address. I will check on the validity of Sidney B. Simon's comment. In the mean time, the quote will be labelled as Questionable. Normally we ask the author of the questionable quote to provide us with something they did say as a rebuttal. Certainly 'values clarification' in the schools is something that needs clarification of its own. 1 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 10/9/07 re: Joseph Paul Goebbels quote This site is hosted in Canada under a Canadian domain name and is not subject to US laws. If it were in the States, it would be subject to secret police search and seizures as per the Patriot Act. Publishers of dissenting views are well aware of the risks associated with free speech. Who would have thought quotes from American founding fathers would be considered a threat to the New World Order? Also, Google now censors search results depending on government demands. We respect the right to privacy of our bloggers -- thankfully the Canadian government does not share the U.S.'s love of war and double-speak. 2 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 9/29/07 re: Judge Learned Hand quote Thanks for the correction -- it has been made. 7 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 9/28/07 re: Robert A. Heinlein quote Mike, you ARE both Mikes. ;-) I apologize, this quote was posted just a couple months ago, too, when you rated it the first time. Cheers! 1 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 9/20/07 re: Daniel Webster quote Bruce, while your feedback is appreciated, please confine your comments to the quotes. Lately you have been leaving more comments than anyone else (sometimes anonymously as well as by name), not rating quotes, and debating other's comments. We wish to keep the quote comments related to the quotes. Thank you. 1 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 9/17/07 re: James Madison quote The quote is an excerpt of a much longer quote in which Madison addresses Massachusetts' and Connecticut's refusal to send the state militia to defend the maritime border against the British (who did ultimately burn the capital and White House in 1814). Please see the link above to read the entire speech. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print