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Posts from Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Fredrick William Sillik, AnytownFredrick William Sillik, Anytown
Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Mike, Norwalk, well, when you adapt the idea of fairness in the distribution of resources you just may observe some of my essence in the mirror.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Mike, Norwalk, it's understandable. You just have to take a look into the mirror, mirror. Who is, after all, the most fair, of them all?

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Need more data, I don't understand this quote.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

The progressive's actions are to make a contribution and that, as it turns out, is everyone's business. 

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

The new addition to humankind finds themselves overwhelmed by the manipulations of existence.  The individual must examine the their daily situation thoroughly, and be committed to the principle of growth.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Addendum, there is feeling that the Patton way is getting less and less of a following, and education presenting its undeniable forward movement.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

There is a little complication here. There is a confusion between the the conventional school and education. Conventional schooling is a primitive strategy, although it gets a favorable following by most. Conventional schooling is similar to the George Patton notion of getting the other fellow to die for his country, beliefs, whatever.  We made Patton appear as the swashbuckler, this isn't correct. The General took an interest in the demise of others.  As we learn about ourselves of what education entails, we learn by self examination that we are connected "in a circular, a hoop that never ends. Education is a life long commitment to the development of a human being.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Mike, Norwalk, my point here is not the identity of sanity, but to identify the fact that at this point  sanity is rare, so we are adequately prepared to place it among the majority. I believe my mental health stems from my early identification of the vast majority practicing ill behavior.  And a question arrive on your definition, most understand and discern this imperialistic arrangement, "l submit, Mike, Norwalk, you are illogical to be a part of it.". "So what's it's going to be Mike, Norwalk, past or future, tyranny or peace." "In every revolution, there's one man with a vision."

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Acknowledged, but this is a more complex time. We can no longer tolerate the degenerate, or afford this quote's assertion. We must advance the consciousness of the whole race. With the introduction of nuclear weaponry we are surely required to reach a universal agreement to eradicate these devices. The eradication process is going to require everyone to rejenerate and become a people. 
People never want to "prove people wrong," only the degenerated desire this wish. The rejenerated person understands that people are always appropriately correct, and definitely desire to prove people correct. 

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

It is the American who is going bare the brunt of America's problems and find the solutions. You congress guys, presidents, supreme court justices, actors, athletes,  robber barons and all the rest of you hyphenated folks are just the obstacles that the American must address and repair.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

The marginalized enlightened independent mind has much semblance of the answers and solutions that plague our species. But to realize the effectiveness of these solutions it will be necessary to arrive at a majority consensus acknowledgement and agreement with the enlightened one.  It is necessary for the majority, possibly all, to be correct. The majority or possibly all actually being correct in a positive manner, is the principle for which we should be striving for the attainment of a universal dimensional freedom advancement.  At one evolutionary juncture, it is possible to please all the people in one defining moment.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Mr Mencken's quote is interesting but nonetheless uncoordinated.  Taking the role most dangerous to the government is not going to be effective for change.  Our creative individual must actually be a governmental promoter and assume the leadership role accepting responsibility and blame for the present circumstances.  But Mr. Mencken is absolutely correct in that our hero should remain the ever swashbuckling romantic. 

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

I'm sorry again, as almost always it appears, with our quote contributors, but I must disagree with the "expert" in that the idea of total control is predicated on the foundation of the contempt for what one has become, not for what one possesses. In addition, as for change, again our "expert" misrepresents, for nothing is to actually change in the context of growth, authentic change, for the mentally ill total control agent. For the healthy mentality, everything must grow, as the life cycle requires.  With growth self-esteem is maintained. 

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

I don't understand this quote.  The moral individual has the leadership of the government of the people. Steadily and resolute we become civilized citizens. 

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

This is not a rationally based comment in the fact that the citizens are the government. The citizens positive efforts are the effective and productive guidance for forward growth and development.  To separate the citizens from the government is synonymous to separating the mind from the body and all sum in these three words, We the People.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Pardon me editor, why do call my posts nonsense. From your response, your quotes, your post responders are quite unproductive and quite irrational, nothing progressive or change oriented. I present nothing but rational and logical, adult, original, progressive responses. 

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

They will call me the mercenary to my face of course because I'm not a gangster.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

It is, however, holding on to the old ideas of tradition that surely makes us crazy.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

When, I'm sorry to say, they say a person is not all there, this quoter  is the guy.  The characteristics of the change agent is audaciousness, independence, decency, dignity, courtesy, kindness, and all the time as the quote fella's aforementioned individual characters are trying to take it away.   

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

With further consideration, you could say this is your military experience. You go kill others in another country and when you return, with your medal of "honor," your local community kills you as justification for killing others.  The evil empire is phony, they will thank you for your "service," and when you turn your back they will call you the opportunist mercenary.  Socialism is the challenge of socialized behavior to create respect for all life.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Who? Specifically, who tried to please someone and got hanged.  There maybe some biased vague point in all this, but It must be understood you are dealing with the mentality ill and they're just not all present. The mental health provider is constantly trying to give the ill the cognitive repairs they require to keep circumstances balanced, and as always,

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