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Posts from Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Fredrick William Sillik, AnytownFredrick William Sillik, Anytown
Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

This quote is a confirmed expression of severe mental disorder. The strong individual is naturally peaceful and orderly, hampered by the sniveling cowards with their weapons and conniving manner. The gentleman say eliminate your weapons, pave the way for trust, openness, justice , and humanness, for being right is might.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Nevertheless, in the developing process of freedom we must study the different states of confinement before we are granted a more advanced stage of freedom and its advanced components. We are not in a single climatic defining dimension of freedom, no not at all, but we are actually becoming ever more and more free beings if so  inclined to seek freedom in its authenticity and its vast range.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

As we understand that freedom is a growing process and accept the attitude of consciously challenging the developing nature of the confinement vs freedom conflict, this can leave us at the point of the danger of becoming an inanimate object greatly reduced.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Success in freedom, equality, justice, or anything will be more accessible or even simply more recognizable with the attitude of earning these qualities. Earn them my friends, earn them.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

There is a definite positive correlation between nonviolence and intelligence. These two components are unequivocally related, inseparable.  

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

It would be of a great fortune for all, if our world citizenry, would place a much higher priority on the pure dimension of life itself. Obeying the laws of humanity would certainly cause a more ordered human formulation.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Truly a kind, thoughtful gentleman this Buddha fellow.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Well Mike,, Norwalk, Mr Archer, you fellas would be giving me just a warm fuzzy all over if it wasn't for my nostrils, picking up a foul scent, redirected me on the correct course pertaining to your biased bologna sausage make believe comments all the way from Norwalk and New York City, respectively. You're both full of it..

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

An examination of this individual's effort pertaining to this quote.  The finding is it's unlikely that this individual understood little of the concepts of morality or freedom or their interrelating characteristics.  Conclusion leaves us with the notion this individual had little morals and not much responsible messages of true freedom. We need a more substantive education enforcement incorporated into our communities.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

A brief examination of this quote leave one's diagnosis to the conclusion that this creature had little understanding of corruption or freedom or of these two  conceptualization's interrelationships. Sadly, most likely, Mr Burke was a corrupt individual enjoying very little natural freedoms. 

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Religion and God are promulgated  and supported entirely by nothing other than cold hearted violent cruelness. The minority speaks for the improvement of humankind, and says eliminate the childish fantasy fraud of the idea of God and the devil. Peace on earth, goodwill towards all. In humanity we must trust for that is all we have.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Freedom is understanding what it is in reality. Its somewhat complex in its broadness and scope. You may have to give up  a a particular freedom to access another. For instance, in the financial realm you may have to give up some regular practices to save up money to enter another new unknown experience.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Not even close, responsibility has much more higher priority over freedom. With responsible behavior we are supplied with the essential basic understandings that allow us to understand our position in the existing environment. Without responsible behavior to guide our ambitions or aspirations we'll never even understand what authentic freedom actually entails. Humans are responsible most essentially.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Mr Archer, I did sow, and so shall I reap, indeed, you better believe it. Under my direction this laughing stock of nation, before that direction, has become the world leader in creativity and productivity. It is no longer the playground joke of the world, your direction Mr Archer, but a respected hub of moral direction and guidance as I have directed and dreamed. Welcome to civilization. 

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Mr Archer, It is your mental illness that does not recognize my character as the only true American patriot in thought, words, and practice. I am the only authentic practicing American who in fact practices commitment, devotion, loyalty, integration, equality,  nonviolence, and justice in regard to the American cause. Without my sole personal efforts there would never be a true American realization, but  the American dream will be realized. President Kennedy,  Martin Luther King, deserved a decent and fair trial, not your gangland murder "justice."

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Mr Archer, I believe that the debt can be paid back by realizing, achieving and recognizing the first authentic honest human beings. We've never had honest money system because we've never had honest beings.  The honest human being is on the horizon because the social man(Socialist) has realized his credentials and we are ready to take on the debt crisis. We are ready to understand that here and now the system is ready to be honest for the very first time. We are ready to repay the world.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Husbands need to be faithful to their wives. Wives need to be faithful to their husbands. Parents need to love, treat their children with appropriate care and attention. Build the family, so we can build the country.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

There's apparently is an intense necessity to make these secrets well known. It would be pleasant to make the acquaintance of a happy individual who exhibits both freedom and courage. 

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

To make the mentally ill laugh with the healthy mentally is a quite a challenge for healthy mentally. 

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Correction: I am not calling you my herd of pigs. I don't need pigs. I need, we all need people, people to take responsibility. This is simply not available. I am trying to be responsible and can find no like minded individuals. Just folks you who want to childishly keep the situation messed up.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Maybe, I don't fully understand what you're saying Mr Archer. But there's no group in my thinking. I am not god. I am, however, a leader of some sort. No one I ever met believes in a complete equal distribution of resources. We must have this situation or we are all dead.  You are not in the healthy sense pigs, but none of you are healthy but pigging out. You, the rest of USA, and l owe the world 35 trillion dollars and I would like to repair the situation. Discuss the circumstances and I believe we can find a answer. No Mr Archer it backwards, you by your actions say you're the pigs.  I say we are not pigs and can pay all that debt back. Where are the responsible citizens when you need them?  is what Mr Fredrick William Sillik says, asks. 

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

This Mr Bradford is a product of his time. He was a believer in "god given inheritance."   We are, in contrary fact, a product of our environment and the environment becomes ever more conducive to making us understand that we are quite similar in value as we appreciate each other's various diversities. We find, in the finality that all of our various rational abilities are in essential need and equally respectful. And as President Kennedy said for those who believe that Communism is the wave of future, eat your jelly donut, in German. I respond I'll take my vegan donut and Communism. I believe Communism is the future.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

The intelligent are more than happy to lend their abilities to the less able. The intelligent understand the more able have more responsibility than the less able and act in accordance. Similar to the faithful father and the needy children.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Forgive, and remember the lessons learned from our disputes, as to prevent the return of those disputes.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Mr Archer, I sincerely believe you are in actuality a productive creature that you are in fact rejecting, substituting for this highly potential production, a life of playing as mindless children.

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