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Posts from J carlton, Calgary

J carlton, CalgaryJ carlton, Calgary
J Carlton, Calgary

Matthew, half the planet's wealthy people had slaves at the time and it still goes on today. Can you not get your head around the FACT that slavery was an English legacy and that the Founders were moving away from it? Why don't you just come right out and trash ALL of the principles that the nation was founded upon and get it over with?

J Carlton, Calgary

Heres the inconvenient truth: The Feds dont know how to make an economy better. But they know how to make it better for themselves. And that is an economy that is delusional and largely dysfunctional.

Why so?

Its all about money, power and status. Wealth that matters is relative, not absolute. People dont necessarily want more; but they definitely want more than their friends and neighbors.

The feds get wealth, power and status by taking them, not by earning them. And it is easier to take them from delusional people who believe they are making headway too.

But the masses shouldnt really make progress because that would make them wealthier and less dependent.

Bill Bonner - The Rogue Economist

J Carlton, Calgary

Lost liberty isn't a Phantom, in the growing USSA Police State, it's a definate reality.

J Carlton, Calgary

"Understanding" that aggression will be met with superior fire power. That's the reality.

J Carlton, Calgary

Investigate for political activities...just like Stalin, Hitler and Mao. No wonder they want to disarm everyone while they arm the hell out of themselves...

J Carlton, Calgary

I don't think its even a question any more.

J Carlton, Calgary

He must mean himself, Cheney, the CIA, or maybe his pal Bin Laden...hard to say with all the bull that came out of this guy....

J Carlton, Calgary

One thing we don't need to wonder about Jim, is whether or not it is treason.

J Carlton, Calgary

There is going to ba a great exercise in oppression in the DC area this October when over 380,000 foreign troops are due to arrive to practice a "FEMA" operation: http://freepatriot.org/2013/09/18/watch-fema-dhs-386000-foreign-troops-now-on-u-s-soil-obama-issuing-martial-law-in-october/ ....I wonder how people will react?

J Carlton, Calgary

We're reaching a point where the majority of laws are unjust and in place merely to criminalize the majority of people. After all the only power any government has over people is the power to enforce "laws". I'm a great admirer of ML King for many of the things he said.

J Carlton, Calgary

Those who work and those who have Obama phones...

J Carlton, Calgary

The tax system is one of the greatest criminal frauds in the history of the planet. It is about the destruction of freedom and total control of people...not "infrastructure". Abolish the Federal Reserve.

J Carlton, Calgary

By the time you pay income tax, state tax, sales tax...70% of your income goes to taxation. Yep! we're slaves.

J Carlton, Calgary

You have no rights in America...none.

J Carlton, Calgary

Another good reason for private property to be held as sacred and justice system to be clear, comcise and as simple as possible. and Hanson? ..."hear hear" !! Well said.

J Carlton, Calgary

Here's some entertaining "Liberal mentality" for ya! ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-sdO6pwVHQ

J Carlton, Calgary

I prefer this version ~ "Quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened but go on in fortune or misfortune at their own private pace,
like a clock during a thunderstorm."
Robert Louis Stevenson

J Carlton, Calgary

You really are a bigot Hanson. Like all deranged liberals you are fixated and incapable of broad minded thought. And sadly there just isn't a "pill for that". I suppose you are completely behind the false prophet Obama's attempt to start WW3 in the Middle East... because "Obama" that's why...Like he isn't the most evil bastard since Hitler...but of course your bigotry blinds you basic truths....pathetic.

J Carlton, Calgary

I think you can have reason and faith. But I don't subscribe to organized religion any more than I subscribe to the machinations of a psychotic government bureaucracy. It is my observation that both are designed to manipulate and control.

J Carlton, Calgary

That is exactly right. She went on to say that she regretted having obeyed the "no guns in the restaurant rule"...and had kept her gun with her. Instead she got to watch her parents being murdered.

J Carlton, Calgary

Considering the government is generally comprised of power hungry morons...I don't think so!

J Carlton, Calgary

Apparently she feels that having the right to vote gives you the right to be made defenseless. How twisted is that?

J Carlton, Calgary

The term "educated idiots" comes to mind.

J Carlton, Calgary

It's most certainly conceivable once you understand that the governments of the day are bought and paid for and no longer represent "you".

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