Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [51-75] of 108Posts from J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CTJ. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT Previous 25 Next 25 Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 12/9/10 re: Nelson Shields quote The individual with a firearm is a citizen. Without access to and ownership of firearms, the individual is a slave. Thomas Jefferson knew, understood, and spoke about this. The Swiss pretty much require their citizens to have weapons and know how to use them. In fact, weapons are supplied and training is mandatory. When a government fails to abide by the wishes of its citizens, the citizens retain the right to change it or overthrow it as necessary. Never forget that we have that RIGHT. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. The first two are crisp and clear while the last one is the right to chase a dream. Making a dream a reality has been the great engine of American success. Don't ever even consider changing that. 4 Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 11/10/10 re: National Socialist Party of Germany (NAZI) quote This so enticing as you read it, until you recognize the source and the havoc that ensued. I wonder how many Americans would sign up for this if the source were hidden? As a friend was always delighted to remind me, "Never forget that you can fool all of the people some of the time." Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 10/20/10 re: Lord Acton quote This is mostly a truism without true consideration of all of the ramifications. While the thought when first uttered is brilliant, the repitition is tedious and the speaker's motives must be carefully examined and understood. Recently, I have been slogging through "The Creature From Jekyll Island." Some of it is informative, some down right scary, and some questionable. I'm reserving judgement until I finish it. I mention it simply because it exposes a situation that is as troubling as Acton's quote if not more so. Is anybody else out there reading it, and, if so, what are your takes? 1 Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 10/7/10 re: Thomas Paine quote A simple and powerful explanation of the rights of individuals that few understand. Sara's question is also a good one. How do you teach this? While youngsters in grammar school, maybe even high school, can learn or memorize the words, the understanding is another thing. Once you start paying taxes, having licenses, etc. it does become meaningful. Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 10/5/10 re: General Douglas MacArthur quote General MacArthur and "Boss" Kettering both speak from the seat of command and experience. Their insight is right on! Santayana is a philosopher, so his take is significantly different. We need both points of view to guide and sustain our civilization. The forever problem is deciding who to listen to and when to do that. Philosophers live in ivory towers only because somebody built the towers for them. The builders had to have had some success in life in order to have the wherewithall to undertake the construction. Somebody has to "make" the money. That is a complex task that few understand. That they are often well rewarded is offensive to some. If you take offense, what have you done? We also need our generals to lead our armed forces in defense and protection of our land and freedom. If you don't like war, you are never alone. Just about nobody likes war, but at some point the threshhold of our existence must be defended against those who would take it away. Thank God and the grief stricken parents for the souls who have done this for us. We need philosophers too, but they are a luxury we can not always afford or abide. Finally, it is the curious blend of these three forces that must have long term harmony along with some real brutality at times in order to keep us going. The great experiment that is America has done well over the 234 years it has been working on the balance and the blend. Praise God and pray that He will ever be the place of our ultimate trust. 9 Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 9/27/10 re: Calvin Coolidge quote Certainly one of our greatest Presidents. I've visited his grave, in its place along a row of Coolidges. No vast plaza or huge statue or eternal flame. Just a common slab like all the others, except his has the Presidential Seal and a small flag. Oh how we need his common sense and simplicity! 2 Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 9/23/10 re: Walter Trohan quote The slippery slope to socialism. The belief that one can get something for nothing drives entirely too many otherwise good folks to believe in pie in the sky. We have allowed this to continue for far too long and our very existence is now imperiled. How? The money is no good! Nothing backs it up. The full faith and credit of the USA is a printing press. "NO!" you say, "It's the taxpayer." The money still has nothing behind it. The taxpayer is paid with worthless paper. It's like musical chairs where the chairs keep going away and the music never stops. If China decides to cash in the trillions of dollars of our debt they hold, what will we give them and what will they accept? We don't have enough gold to cover our debt. Gold, the barbarous relic, except that it is acceptable universally. So, they will buy American companies on the open market with our worthless money and will soon control our economy. Our stage play is to demand that they adjust their currency exchange rate. I expect the face to face interactions are all about buying time and seeking accomodation. The Kool-Aid franchise may be the only sure winner. Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 9/22/10 re: Barack Hussein Obama quote Spare us please! I didn't expect this source to be in the Kool-Aid business. 3 Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 9/17/10 re: James Madison quote We have certainly ignored the wisdom of James Madison contained in this quote. Ever since withholding tax took a small amount to cover taxes or Social Security, the grasping hand of government has taken more and more and more. Of course it's "easier" to do it this way than to suddenly have to come up with thousands of dollars on April 15th. In fact too many of us look forward to a refund with delight. We miss the fact that we are only getting our very own money back. Not only that, the government didn't pay any interest for the use of it. If we are short or make an error in our filing, penalties and interest are there immediately. Enjoy the Kool-Aid. We brought it on ourselves. 2 Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 9/13/10 re: Bruce Ackerman quote I timely warning to be sure. The people must be vigilant or all can be lost. We forget at our peril that the USA is an experiment. Lincoln reminded us in The Gettysburg Address. The internet is a medium for informing the public and enabling individuals to join the ranks with like minded folks of whatever persuastion. The danger remains that being allowed to vote via the internet will be advanced as a boon to freedom and liberty. It will be the means to an end for our country. Just check out how Napoleon came to power and you will shudder. 2 Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 9/3/10 re: Jacob G. Hornberger quote WOW!!! as Mike put it. We have lost track and control of our gov't and it has put us into bondage and we don't even notice it all that much. We are upset by its failures and we keep electing another batch of vampires thinking they have new blood when all they have is the same old thirst. 21Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 8/12/10 re: Lester Frank Ward quote This is one scary quote! I believe our current experience tells us that private schools do the better job of educating, but Ward's thrust is elevate the desires of the state , in the name of society, above the wishes of the individuals who make up that society. The end result will be indoctrination which can easily and probably lead to a dictatorship in a very short time. Few will even see it coming. 6 Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 8/11/10 re: Booker T. Washington quote Not many people have the guts to say this today. That a black man said it a century ago is telling and sad. We are all losers when victim-hood replaces the American Dream. 1 Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 8/9/10 re: Lord Acton quote Shades of J. C. Calhoun. The protection regarding majorities is the issue of the moment. When more people are on the gov't's expense side than are on the input side paying taxes, this quote lights up the hall. It could get nasty. 4 Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 7/26/10 re: Michael Badnarik quote Mike, A man after my own heart. I to go back to the Declaration often. I do my best to re-read it at least once a year and advise all to do likewise. You supply the quote which speak precisely to the issue. Thoreau's "quiet desperation" explains as well. We want to be free and left alone. Too many prey upon that bit of human nature as a route to power and/or dominance. Boiling frogs in a pot. Bring up the heat slowly and they won't mind or notice. Our only potential earthly salvation is that they will over reach as is now the case. March on! 1 Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 7/23/10 re: Richard Armey quote The former Senator is right on! Too many Americans have no idea what is going on financially. Even more so during the current 'recession.' The inflation I have witnessed in my lifetime is incredible. Housing is only one example. After WWII, returning GI's were starting families and needed housing. A decent two bedroom house was around $12,000.00 here in CT. Not Fairfield county to be sure. That same house is now selling for $175,000. Inflation is the sneaky method the government uses to pay off its debt. The current problem is the unfunded liabilities like Social Security, Medicare, etc. Our own situation as a country is very close to what is causing the financial problems in Europe, and Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain. (PIGS) Wake up or drink the Kool-aid. Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 6/24/10 re: Isidor Issac Rabi quote I liked the quote. I've had that same reaction to things once they were explained, examined, and understood. I did not expect the "Inconvenient Truth Brigade" to hijack the forum. WOW! Yes, I remember a time when I always wanted to look at the river that flowed through my town to see what color it was. All of the smokestack industry in the area dumped into it. Somedays it was yellow, others green, and once in awhile, blue. It has been reclaimed and people fish in it now. The industries are just about all gone and the very few left have a clean operation. I tend to believe that the natural environment is much smarter than we poor humans. I believe that it will eventually do away with us and become a green planet once again. It may have even done this before. We're talking billions of years of process here. It could be. I am also a believer in God. I will trust Him over Gore any day! Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 6/21/10 re: Bertrand Russell quote Russell has to be one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th Century. He was controversial. How could he not be? We who take our importance so seriously, despite all evidence to the contrary, can not begin to appreciate his impact. He may well be our Socrates and we esteemed him not. We are the lesser for it. The writings of today's experts would take 1000 pages to express the obvious truth in this quote. What a man! Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 6/10/10 re: Leslie Stephen quote WOW! It's a bit wordy to be sure, but what a lot of truth and clarity it provides. We have all grown up on tales like "The Emperor's New Clothes," but refrain from challenging the would-be emperors. We will put our peers to task with ease and delight. Out right ridicule if it will play to the crowd. Congress is sadly exempt from challenge. We do get testy from time to time, but we never throw all the bums out. The mess in the Gulf of Mexico proves the author's point. Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 5/31/10 re: Sydney J. Harris quote Why does the current POTUS immediately come to mind? 1 Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 5/28/10 re: Robert F. Kennedy quote What I will always remember about RFK was his practice of asking the questions that no one wants to address. I am a Republican, capitalist, and conservative. I was looking forward to voting for this man for President. He was too dangerous and we all know what happens to them here. Our question remains, "Why doesn't it ever happen in North Korea, Venezuela, etc.?" This is not to equate RFK to the crazy leaders of those places. It is to mourn the loss of so many "dangerous" people here. JFK, RFK, MLK, and even John Lennon. Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 3/26/10 re: John Locke quote Our debate on this timeless theme is so sad. No elegance, clarity, or depth. This is what a sound bite/byte should be. 1 Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 3/11/10 re: William Ellery Channing quote I am always amazed at the thought process that created entitlements. It is fatally flawed. We all belong to many different communities: religious, ethnic regional, political, tribal and family to name a few. Each of these will band together and help its members who are having hard times. It is the small "c" communism, the community. The Pilgrims, among others, reminded all players of the Biblical admonition, "If any would not work, neither shall he eat." This has worked across the ages as well. The only entitlements are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness. That last one is not happiness, it's the right to pursue it. Subtle, is it not? Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 1/20/10 re: H. L. Mencken quote First off, Ken in WA you got that right. As to the quote, Mencken is too often harsh. Great and good leaders are rare, but they do occur. I call the late Pope John Paul II, the first Pope in my lifetime who was a believer, in my opinion. "Judge not lest ye be judged." tends to get your attention. Reply J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT 1/20/10 re: Ronald Reagan quote I said the same thing in Kindergarten, a long time ago - I'm 67. I still believe it. I also predicted Harry Truman would beat Tom Dewey. Sadly, neither of these opinions ever grew into anything that would make me a millionaire. I remain content. Ron Reagan will always be ranked as one of our greatest Presidents. JFK made is Ich been ein Berliner speech after the wall went up - Bravo! Ron said, "Tear down the wall!" and it was done. Pick your hero. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print