Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [26-45] of 45Posts from Joel, Rochester, MIJoel, Rochester, MI Previous 25 1 Reply Joel, Rochester, MI 4/15/05 re: Thomas Jefferson quote We must awaken every US citizen to what our "rulers" are doing to us. We must all act to stop it, such as implementing term limits on our representatives, and eliminating the IRS and income taxes. Hold our representatives accountable (loss of office, perhaps fines or prison) for NOT upholding the oath they swore ... to defend the Constitution. 3 Reply Joel, Rochester, MI 4/7/05 re: Justice David Davis quote The Patriot Act suspends our rights. It is an act of desparation by our government, who rule by intimidation. Reply Joel, Rochester, MI 4/7/05 re: Justice John Marshall quote Yet our legislators continue to enact "not law". Reply Joel, Rochester, MI 4/4/05 re: Alexander Hamilton quote Most of today's representatives believe they are better than the people. Congress writes legislation forbidden by the Constitution. The Supreme Court ignores the Constitution, and doesn't strike down the unconstitutional legislation. And the President continues to wage war on whomever he chooses. This is the arrogant tyranny that leads to events like 9/11. 2 Reply Joel, Rochester, MI 3/29/05 re: Thomas Jefferson quote GOVERNMENT takes more and more ... gradually lowering a corporation’s ability to give and give, making it look like it takes and takes. Our country is supposed to be a Constitutionally Limited Federal Republic, not a Democracy, but it is now a Congressional Tyranny. Congress IGNORES the Constitution. Corporations try to minimize government regulation by buying influence. Congress sells its influence to the highest bidder, who still gets screwed. Government and the media want you to believe they are helping, and we should all be against corporations (the employers who give you a job). In reality, it is the people and employers versus the government and media. Read "Why Government Doesn't Work" by Harry Browne. 4 Reply Joel, Rochester, MI 3/23/05 re: Roger Bacon quote Currently in the U.S. the weak and unworthy authority is Congress. They thrive on the frenzied emotion of the ignorant crowd. They ignore longstanding custom, and hide behind their own ignorance. Take the 2nd Amendment ... custom dictates people be armed to protect themselves. The emotion of a few stir Congress to create laws, like the Brady bill, that infringe on our right to keep and bear arms. Truth - Criminals are motivated by opportunity, and don't care about laws. Wisdom - I carry a concealed weapon to de-motivate any criminal who thinks I am his opportunity. Am I ignorant? Yes, but not on my 2nd Amendment rights. 3 Reply Joel, Rochester, MI 3/16/05 re: Patricia Sampson quote "I swear by my life, and love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine." Ayn Rand. I believe Silly Lee has missed the point. Live for yourself, not from the welfare of others. 2 Reply Joel, Rochester, MI 3/11/05 re: James Madison quote Congress should pay attention to the Constitution. Congress is worse than socialists, they are a tyranny. 1 Reply Joel, Rochester, MI 3/9/05 re: Ammon Hennacy quote Our government representatives don't think they need to be policed, but people do. And when anyone breaks a new law, that they create to save us from ourselves, they will prove themselves right. Once they run out of lawbreakers to jail, they will come for you. Fight back by becoming a Libertarian, and vote Libertarian. Reply Joel, Rochester, MI 2/24/05 re: Helen Keller quote Perhaps you don't sweat the small stuff, but EVERYTHING is small stuff. Reply Joel, Rochester, MI 2/21/05 re: Will Rogers quote If the government gets our guns, they won't be persuaded to give back our freedoms, let alone our guns. Reply Joel, Rochester, MI 2/21/05 re: Alexis de Tocqueville quote So accurate. Our government (politicians) apparently find the public too stupid to have independence of mind. Only "they" [sarcasm] know what's best for us ... ignoring that people WILL do what's best, or at least easiest, for themselves. Reply Joel, Rochester, MI 2/18/05 re: John Scharr quote Spread the word. Let the people break the foundation of government tyranny. 1 Reply Joel, Rochester, MI 2/16/05 re: Sergei Hoff quote Beautiful. If we are not too timid, we must now make a plan to take back our government, and put the plan into action. Spread the word ... we are NOT so terrified. 6 Reply Joel, Rochester, MI 2/14/05 re: Benjamin Franklin quote Our representatives vote themselves money...our money. We are no longer a republic, but a socialist tyranny. Not a tyranny of one person, but of more than 535 in Washington. 3 Reply Joel, Rochester, MI 2/4/05 re: Norman Thomas quote This is important to read again. We have gone from a Republic, past democracy to a Tyranny. Our own government has usurped power from the people. When they begin confiscating our weapons, we must fight or be their slaves. 21Reply Joel, Rochester, MI 2/4/05 re: Justice Stephen J. Field quote Americans wouldn't know tyranny if it came to them in a knock-knock joke. I don't recall who said this. 1 Reply Joel, Rochester, MI 2/2/05 re: Walter E. Williams quote Very true. The people of the U.S. don't seem to be paying attention to our politicians. 2 Reply Joel, Rochester, MI 1/31/05 re: Walter E. Williams quote Without government agencies, the 535+ representatives in Washington D.C. could not control the people. Reply Joel, Rochester, MI 1/31/05 re: Theodore Roosevelt quote Our federal government is corrupt, and have convinced themselves they are not. Their greatest problem is they can't convince the people they are not. Previous 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print