Theodore Roosevelt, (1858-1919) 26th US President Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Comment on this quote Share via Email Print this Page Theodore Roosevelt Quote “No man who is corrupt, no man who condones corruption in others, can possibly do his duty by the community.”Theodore Roosevelt ~ Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) 26th US President Corruption , Deception , Duty , Honor , Integrity , Morals , President , Virtue Ratings and Comments Reply Ken Hamilton, Aurora 1/31/05 Reply Adam, Tecumseh 1/31/05 Sounds like my local court system in Lenawee County, Michigan. Reply Joel, Rochester, MI 1/31/05 Our federal government is corrupt, and have convinced themselves they are not. Their greatest problem is they can't convince the people they are not. Reply Anonymous 1/31/05 Reply Jim Moravec, Lombard 2/1/05 Reply Dr. Bissonnette, Dubai, UAE 2/1/05 Reply Raymond Reed Hardy, Green Bay, 2/7/05 3 Reply Mike, Norwalk 8/11/09 From Theodore, it sounds like it takes one to know one. Reply warren, olathe 8/11/09 2 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 8/11/09 Every President since Lincoln has been involved in the long term plan to remove your rights and empower the state. Willingly or not, they tow the line. Which is why its time for America to reinvent itself as a Republic of limited government. 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/11/09 True, but i feel ole Teddy has caused a great deal of corruption with his idea of the "Income Redistrubition Act"! We know it as the 16th ammendent. 3 Reply E Archer, NYC 8/11/09 Power corrupts. We should remember this when the Republicrats vote away our rights and responsibilities for privileges and dependencies. These guys are drunk with power and care nothing for the next generation. Reply RBESRQ 8/11/09 We are there today yet not a whisper from the gallery - our government and corporate America is riddle with corruption; Harry Truman come back all is forgiven. 2 Reply Stewart, Dallas 8/12/09 This is true and fits every politician in Washington, state level, and local levelss Remember the movie Mr. Smith goes to Washington. Nothing has gotten better, only worst. It would be nice to actually have an honest and really caring politician. But they are all me people. 1 Reply Ray, Graysville 8/12/09 Even great men make mistakes Theodore Roosevelt made them he quit when he should have run again and he backed Taft! Harry Truman was president when I was born and was a GREAT President but he let that damnedable UN be built in this country! Since then all the so-called presidents have done nothing but fill their greedy pockets! Reply J Carlton, Calgary 8/14/09 Excellent observation Ray. Reply Ronw13, Oregon 9/21/16 From a man who gave us the " Square deal " and the progressive era, to FDR and the " New deal." Business as usual under socialistic entrenchment of our Democratic Republic under siege ! 1 Reply cal, Lewisville, Texas 9/21/16 Honestly is not enough. Jimmy Carter came across as honest, but boy did he have nothing but stupid ideas. Reply jim k, Austin 9/21/16 Unable to load editor. See browser console for details. SaveOk2 SaveOk2 View CommentsClick to view or comment. Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print This Theodore Roosevelt quote is found in these categories: Corruption quotes Deception quotes Duty quotes Honor quotes Integrity quotes Morals quotes President quotes Virtue quotes About Theodore Roosevelt Bio of Theodore Roosevelt Quotations by Theodore Roosevelt Books by/about Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt videos Theodore Roosevelt on Wikipedia Astrological chart for Theodore Roosevelt