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Posts from Justin, ELkland

Justin, ELklandJustin, ELkland
Justin, Elkland

Let us all remember our Scotch-Irish roots.

Justin, Elkland

Slaves on the plantation and serfs in the dark ages all got the same education too.

Justin, Elkland

Egalitarianism in all its glory. You are the same as that other slave.

Justin, Elkland

Best to slash the funding of both, just to be sure. http://www.downsizinggovernment.org/

Justin, Elkland

Serfdom is slavery, no doubt about it.

Justin, Elkland

"Typical... blame government for the abuse of society by the self centered and greedy..." -- Anonymous, Reston, VA, US Is government not the favorite ax ever to be wielded by the self centered and greedy?

Justin, Elkland

The only true government is one that exists solely to preserve the liberty of the governed. All others are more accurately termed criminal enterprises.

Justin, Elkland

Mises again leaves me wishing for six stars.

Justin, Elkland

Reston, I'm concerned that your fear of weapons and trucks and your use of the phrase "pee pee" may point to a serious case of intellectual retardation most likely brought about by a nasty case of neo-progressivism that you probably picked up at a young age. I recommend that you read Locke, Smith, and Jefferson until the condition clears up.

Justin, Elkland

I've found this to be generally true of men.

Justin, Elkland

Rent seeking has for too long been wrong when the other side did it and perfectly fine when ours did. Entitlements, corporatism, and the military represent the three socialist beasts that devoured our republic. We will have to deal with all three in order to build another.

Justin, Elkland

Vote your conscience, and teach others why they should do the same. Too often there is no lesser of two evils, only two heads on the same beast.

Justin, Elkland

It amazes me how many in the religious right get this one wrong.

Justin, Elkland

I hope in my lifetime that I will live in a republic. Socialist democracy be damned.

Justin, Elkland

Sherman is certainly one of the most honorable terrorists in the history of America.

Justin, Elkland

A return to gold-backed currency in the U.S. and Europe would do much to solve our credit ills.

Justin, Elkland

Waffler loves government like a moth loves fire.

Justin, Elkland

So instituting Social Security in the 30's doesn't give the fedgov the power to sieze and redistribute wealth today? Shocking.

Justin, Elkland

Marxists speak of wealth as if it has always existed and humanity only came along and discovered it. All wealth comes from the sweat of men. Mr. Donohue should be more concerned with the maldistribution of hard working people.

Justin, Elkland

What percentage of our elected officials have read The Wealth of Nations? I would wager the least presumptuous two percent or less have, and the rest have either never heard of it, or presume it is full of out-dated ideas.

Justin, Elkland

Marx's bufoonery made the 20th century a dark time in western history, perhaps only rivaled by the late middle ages. As to his quote, the opposition to his tyrannical ideas will only stop when the ideas are utterly disproven and laughed about by wiser men or when every human is destroyed. In the case of the latter I suppose he is correct.

Justin, Elkland

Power alone does not corrupt great statesmen.

Justin, Elkland

Did Washington remain president until his death? I have not heard that. Men of vision and integrity can relinquish power just as easily as they assume it.

Justin, Elkland

Sane men will surely be drawn by power and money to an enterprise. It is a natural thing for a man to want to be rich or powerful. In the case of government it is the mixing of the two that has been so destructive. The office of the president has always been one of great power. But the presidency was never so lucrative in the Age of Statesmen.

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