Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [501-525] of 1155Posts from Ken, Allyn, WAKen, Allyn, WA Previous 25 Next 25 2 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 7/4/08 re: Thomas Jefferson quote It is your duty as a citizen to stand for justice. If you see an injustice being perpetrated by the government (the legislative, the judiciary, or the executive), as a juror you cannot ignore it. It is your role to be the last hope of justice, the last circuit breaker. Voting to steal someone's property is not justice. When Alfred the Great was asked what justice was, he answered that he knew it when he saw it. Everyone else of good character ought to as well. 4 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 7/4/08 re: Thomas Jefferson quote This is what judges never want you to know and will usually tell you the exact opposite in the jury instructions. When I'm selected for jury duty, I print out this quote and leave copies with the stack of magazines in the jury room. 6 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 7/4/08 re: Thomas Jefferson quote A republican form of government should only use its taxing authority to stop real, direct injury to its citizens. The hallmark of empires is that they spend tax revenue on bread and circuses. So, you know what kind of government you have next time it starts spending money on palatial sports arenas and food stamps. Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 7/4/08 re: Thomas Jefferson quote If you rebel, you'd better be sure you succeed. If you don't, the chains will become much heavier and harder to break next time you try. Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 7/2/08 re: Benjamin Franklin quote I'm feeling rather lonely right now and something getting tighter around my neck... Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 7/2/08 re: Benjamin Franklin quote I say the gubmint should send out a million dollar rebate check to everyone. Then we'll all be rich and never have to work again, or better yet, we can all be politicians and vote ourselves a raise. 2 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 7/2/08 re: Benjamin Franklin quote Yes, inflation EXCLUDING food and energy have been quite tame since we have been buying our goods from third world rat-hole countries. That will soon come to an end as they climb out of the rat-hole and their people demand a better living standard. Real inflation has been running over 10% this year. The fed has cooked the books and everybody that eats and buys fuel knows it. Not everyone, however, is willing to tell the truth about it. 6 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 6/23/08 re: Late 16th Century Proverb quote It used to be common for people to say, "I think" something is right or wrong. Now it is more common to hear people say that they "feel" something is right or wrong., and it irritates me to no end. They use emotion rather than reason to determine what they believe to be true. These are the same people who believe that intentions are more important than outcome. They repeat failed attempt after failed attempt, hoping for change that will never come; hoping to make things better for humanity. Their failed policies only lead to misery in the end because they deny reality and rational thought. 1 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 6/20/08 re: Mencius quote "From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh." The great man speaks and does what is right because he is a great man. Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 6/20/08 re: Herman Melville quote "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" So goes the saying. When you want to succeed, do what the successful have done. 1Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 6/19/08 re: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin quote Practically, this sounds like very poor advice. Would you want your teenage child following this advice when they're driving? Learn to know your abilities and stay within them. At the same time you can work to expand your abilities so you can achieve more when you have the skills to do so. Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 6/19/08 re: Oscar Wilde quote Was the art of Michaelangelo individualism? After all, his Medici patrons commissioned and paid for his work. When they didn't like what they saw, he changed it. I would still call anything that Michaelangelo produced art, however. Individualism does not necessarily cause disintegration or disturbance. Rebellion does. Rebellion is sometimes necessary, but should be avoided when possible. As for evolution, Ken, I hope you understand that the vast majority of 'individualistic' mutations lead to death, not evolution. Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 6/19/08 re: Jeanne Knutson quote They may in fact work well with others with diverse viewpoints in a play school kind of way but accomplish nothing of consequence because they have no principles. They are carried by the wind with no point or purpose and are as easily persuaded to do the wrong thing as the right. I tend not to pay much attention to anyone who use words like 'selfactualize'. Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 6/18/08 re: Lou Erickson quote I've thought the same thing for a long time F.M. Maybe the number of votes one has should be based on the amount of tax paid; let's say one vote for every 10,000 dollars. 1 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 6/18/08 re: Lysander Spooner quote Actually, all you are electing every four years is a new front man for the same master. Your master is the man who holds your debt. Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 6/17/08 re: Bertrand Russell quote Waffler, I have been a professional scientist for more than twenty years. I have degrees in chemistry and geology and I know how data ought to be treated. I also know how data can be and are manipulated to "prove" any hypothesis one wants simply by cherry picking. Data that has been used to support anthropogenic global warming has been tortuously manipulated to fit the theory, while data that is contrary has been suppressed. Those are apparent to anyone willing to actually read the data and treat it with objectivity as any honest scientist should. 1 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 6/17/08 re: George Washington quote Political correctness and hate speech laws preclude men from offering their sentiments on matters of great consequence and are therefore unreasonable. Either you agree with some government commission on human rights or you are dragged in front of a tribunal for trial and inevitable punishment. Canada is far down this dark path and America is not far behind. 1 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 6/17/08 re: George W. Bush quote Bush Derangement Syndrome - a mental disorder affecting primarily, but not exclusively, people who are of a leftist or totalitarian Islamist bent. These people exhibit extreme paranoia and tend to blame all the world's ills on a single man, who, according to them does not have the intelligence to tie his own shoes. Consequently, it makes one wonder if in fact this man is so unintelligent, how has he out maneuvered all of these brilliant people for so many years. 3 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 6/16/08 re: Dorothy Thompson quote Exercise liberty without being a libertine, and liberty will survive. Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 6/16/08 re: C. Wright Mills quote Going along to get along always leads to depravity. Robert, as for myself, I am more concerned about government greed since government has the power of force on its side. Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 6/16/08 re: Bertrand Russell quote By this definition it would seem that Al "the science is settled" Gore is not a liberal nor are any of the global warmingistas. They are all about dogma. Like Archer said, this is a good definition of CLASSICAL liberalism, not what passes for liberalism today. Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 6/12/08 re: Dr. Samuel Johnson quote Dying is just your final act of living, so it's all one and the same thing. Live well and die well and you'll live on in people's memories. 6 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 6/12/08 re: Dr. Laura Schlessinger quote The least you get is a better nights sleep with a clear conscience, and that's at the small price of a little integrity. 2 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 6/12/08 re: Alexander Chase quote Would that be felony convictions? Seriously, though, it depends upon the conviction. To believe in something is not a horrible thing. The greatest tolerance can be found in those who truly believe in free will. Persuasion should be the only tool used by those who have convictions. 2 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 6/11/08 re: Don Galer quote Let your yeas be yea, and your nays be nay. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print