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Posts from Ken, Milford Pa.

Ken, Milford Pa.Ken, Milford Pa.
Ken, Milford Pa.

I used to say, wake up America, or you will die in your sleep. No it is necessary to say, Wake up America, you are almost dead in your sleep. The last breath draws near. WAKE UP AMERICA. ACT LIKE MEN.

Ken, Milford Pa.

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitles them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to separation. Well I declare that our elected officials, that are put in position to represent us have failed, over and over again. Men derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or abolish it, and institute new government. Well I think that you know the rest. We do have the right, it is not fascist, or treason. It is American. REAL AMERICAN. Not this sissy brand of so-called Americans that we have been reduced to. We get not that which we earn but what we deserve. We have become snivelling weaklings, so we are bullied by tyrants, who are weaklings themselves. Men who would not dare to look us in the eye, if out of their security or power, are our masters. Wallow in the beds that we have made for ourselves. We deserve it.

Ken, Milford Pa.

Eighty seven percent of the people who demanded that the whole bail out bill should be crushed never said that we just wanted to have the pot sweetened, we said do not pass it. So here we are, devastated and naked again. When you have nothing, you have nothing to loose. What will it take for the people to assert their rightful position as the owners of this once great nation. Remember this one: "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, so as to purchased at the price of chains and slavery, forbid it almighty God, I know not what other men may choose, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death." Have these words ever rung more true, or necessary?

Ken, Milford Pa.

Well I think that they just awakened a sleeping giant and filled his heart with resolve. Our memories are stimulated and come next election day we will not forget. Know how your state reps voted, then you will know how you should vote. If they are bold enough to ignore 87% of us, what else will they do?

Ken, Milford Pa.

This country started out belonging to the people. As long as the people kept their finger on the pulse and held elected officials feet to the fire, they knew that they were accountable. We have become intellectually lazy and surrendered our nation to a pack of wolves. We need to reassert ourselves and become the responsible owners that we should be. This does not mean that we don't know what we are talking about just because we do not agree with you. I refuse to stand back and whimper like a puppy, and allow a gang of thugs to run things, when they have proven over and over again that they can't do any better then the rest of us are able to do. Harry Truman said "everyone will stand erect, or be made to stand erect". All I am saying is that it is time for us to get off of our butts and stand erect like men again.

Ken, Milford Pa.

I have been so busy that I have not had the time to blog. After watching the film (freedom to fascism) I realize that my bigest fears have now been confermed. So what do we call someone who wants government involved in every aspect of your personal life, and what do we call that government. Watch the video and see for yourself. It is time for the people to act.

Ken, Milford Pa.

Yes i agree Waffer. I would add dozens, but I don't have the time, so how about all of the fluff news that is used to distract us from the real issues. Could it be that they don't want us to know what is really going on? A press that ignores the real issues, is worthless to those that want real news.

Ken, Milford Pa.

When ever you are ordered what to do, say, what not to say, think, or what ever, by peer pressure, mobs, corporations, religion, government or who ever, you have become by association, part of the machine. Spirituality is liberating. You realize that you are part of something great, and that you are something bigger than your flesh and blood body. You are no longer restricted to its limitations, or its weaknesses. You suddenly are able to love and respect yourself, as well as every being, and everything. Just imagine the Golden Age that we could usher in if this type of thing caught on.

Ken, Milford Pa.

Logan, please refer to Isaiah Berlin. I offered an answer to the question of liberty vs freedom.

Ken, Milford Pa.

See what I mean. This is why freedom is more important than liberty. When I was in the Marines, when we wanted to go off base, we were given liberty, a pass that allowed us to leave. It was understood that this was granted and could be revoked. Government grants liberty, ie, permission to drive a car, hunt, fish etc. This will continue to be a liberty as long as we allow it to be so. Freedom is granted by God. We are freemoral agents. We make our own decisions and reap the fruit, or suffer the consequences. Government cannot revoke that which they did not grant. We have, and need freedom, as aposed to liberty. It is important to understand the difference. Believe me, they do.

Ken, Milford Pa.

Very correct Jim. A judge will instruct the jury that they have no right to form an opinion of the law. They are told that the law is the law, that they are required to uphold the law based on the preponderance of the evidence. This is an outright lie. The jury is society's last stop-gap measure against stupid laws and tyranny. Just vote not guilty and there is nothing, and I mean nothing that they can do. They will either have to remove the stupid laws or be embarrassed time and time again by an informed and courageous jury. This is not saying to let real criminals go free, but when government over steps their bounds, the jury must always set them straight and show them who the real boss is.

Ken, Milford Pa.

Society has the right to enact laws to protect it self. It dose not have the right to restrict the freedoms of its members. These laws must be written in such a way that the population will see the error of disobedience, and the wisdom of compliance. If this is not evidend, the people will exercize their right to choose, and they will choose to disobey. Write good and wise laws and only criminals will be criminals. Write unclear, confusing, intrusive and foolish laws, and you create a society where everyone will be criminals.

Ken, Milford Pa.

Liberty is something that is granted to you, and as such it can be revoked, or limited. This is why I always speak about freedom and not liberty. Freedom is like death. You are either dead or not. You cannot be a little dead, nor can you be a little free. You are either free or you are not. We have to show the responsibility of exercising those freedoms without infringing on the freedoms of others. If we all learn how to balance this, then all will be fine.

Ken, Milford Pa.

If I am visiting another country and thugs take me hostage for ransom, I can be as up-beat and positive as I wish to be. I can tell myself that I am free because they allow me to use the toilet and feed me, however it will never change the reality, that I am a prisoner. Our freedoms require that we exercise constant vigilance, because from the school yard bully, to the highest office in society, there is always someone, somewhere who wants to dominate you.Theodore Roosevelt said " you cannot placate a tyrant, he will never understand compassion or mercy. The only thing he will understand is courage, and force", This happens to be the sad truth. Be strong and live brave and free, or be weak and die cowardly. I believe that this is Mr Ibsen's point. The second that you relax and believe that the struggle is over, It is over, you lost it all.

Ken, Milford Pa.

In N.J. a woman was arrested because her dog killed a bear cub, and a young boy was like wise arrested because he swung a wiffleball bat at, and hit a seagull. They were arrested by the animal police and face very heavy fines and prison time. Now I love animals and would never do anything to willfully harm any living being of any kind. However this is a pure indication of a government that is out of control. It is imperative that we regain control of our government before we become total slaves. The abuse of power started in little steps and is now coming in waves. They are showing total contempt and disregard for their masters, (the people). It is time to act. It is easier to put out a match, then it is to put out a forest fire.

Ken, Milford Pa.

This, flat out, is not true. There are millions of really great, honest, and nobel man, and women out there.

Ken, Milford Pa.

I know a story about a man who worked with his best friend at an auto repair shop. One guy's shirt had a small fire on it when his cigarette ash lit some grease. The other guy grabbed what he thought was a bucket of water and threw it on him. Turned out to be gasoline. All Thoreau is saying is that the best intention doesn't always secure the best results. Now add the zeal of someone deciding that they know better, but not exercizing caution, and look out.

Ken, Milford Pa.

The greatest cause of death, is life. The most important goal is life to its fullest. Lifelessness is a sin. Balance caution with courage, and live every second, like it is your last.

Ken, Milford Pa.

Industry produces money, and pays for itself. Government is a leach that drains the public funds. Big difference.

Ken, Milford Pa.

I think that Thomas Jefferson had a pretty good grip on what the founding fathers intended, after all he was one of the major founding fathers.

Ken, Milford Pa.

I only said that we have the right of freedom granted to us by God. We are free moral agents. This was stated by and believed by our founding fathers, and I believe it too. I dread the thought of some one saying that he is appointed by God to rule over us, or that he knows what God wants for us to do better then we know ourselves. Our founding fathers feared and dreaded that and so do I. I believe that my words are clear, I do not need them clarified, changed, misquoted or misrepresented. I'm a bad enough speller all on my own.

Ken, Milford Pa.

Mike I am so sorry to hear about your experience. I too have a horror story but time will not allow for full disclosure here. However my family was threatened, then held at gun point, and physically abused. The cops refused to press charges against the criminal. I had to file a complaint against the cops, and a Constable. The DA actually tried to weaken the case by refusing to allow the fact that the criminal phoned us first and made the threat that he later carried out. The DA split the charges so that the jury would not know of motive and opportunity. This backfired on them all, as I did not have the DA represent me on the other case. I had my own lawyers and we won hands down. A federal attorney reviewed the case and told us that we had a slam dunk case against the Cops, Constable, DA and the criminals defense attorneys, for judicial misconduct, not to mention the thug himself. My family was not protected or served and I know that there are worse stories then this.

Ken, Milford Pa.

Wow, there are some really strong feelings here. My point is that it is the lawyers that want us to believe that we are a nation of laws. If laws rule us, then lawyers are lofted to the highest positions in society. Last time I looked I saw that we are a nation of, for and by the PEOPLE, and not a nation of the lawyers, for the polititions, by the cops. Jesus said that the law does not liberate, it condemns. If you need a law to make you do the right thing, then you are condemned by that need and law. We need to do the right thing because it is the right thing to do, and not because a law orders us to do it. It is only necessary for man that he respect all things and all beings. Beyond this there is no law. Live by that creed and no law will ever condem you. PEACE PROFOUND

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