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Posts from Mike, NORWALK

Mike, Norwalk

I’m not quite sure how to rate this. I tend to want to rate it negatively. Terms with limitations need to be strictly defined. By example: “a crime in us” would indicate that it is for us to obey the treachery of carnal god’s legislation; with an indifference thereto being even worse than that. Judith above gives a different spin on the quote which is probably closer to the intended meaning? Betraying the commonwealth by deserting it under the current state of circumstances may be a good and noble thing to do. Fear, rather than indifference, of reprisal for any acts supporting actual individual sovereignty, inalienable right or liberty at nature’s law is a powerful deterrent to many.

Mike, Norwalk

Crimes that are committed against liberty and law are as I stated above: i.e., lawful acts that are punished under the auspices of compelled compliance, victimless crimes, government licenses, larceny with impunity (2nd plank of the communist manifesto, police state confiscations, funny money, etc.) and NONrecognition of personal sovereignty, inalienable rights and "LIBERTY" at nature's law. “O liberty! O liberty! What crimes are committed in thy name!"

Mike, Norwalk

     A crime is; “an offense against the state that is punishable.” (Collins Dictionary of Law) “A crime is an offense against a public law.” (Bouvier’s Law Dictionary) Crimes (criminal activity) are unique to corporeal interpretation and application of carnal man’s ideologies and philosophies; by example: crimes exist within “maritime jurisdictions”, “legal positivism”, legal realism, etc. while, all such is/are completely aloof / outside the absolute of nature’s law. “Crime” does not relate in any way to the breaking of a law (murder, theft, destruction of property, etc.) but rather, a breach of carnal man’s philosophical edicts; i.e., fleshly god’s mandates. By definition, crime is the breach of an oligarchal (1 to ⋯) totalitarian’s communal dictate, consuming all herd cogs within its realm of influence.

     “an offense against the state” - is NOT a breach of law or an offense - one individual against another individual and/or property. “an offense against public law” - public here references the communal herd, NOT a sovereign’s breach of law. At Constitutional law / nature’s law, the public can NOT create law (especially to eliminate or limit the inalienable rights of the noble sovereign).

     At times, man's applied philosophical edicts image law breaking 'BUT' ! ! !, being a facsimile (crime) is NOT the same as the real thing (law). One is man's control, the other is nature’s defined expression (law). Crimes, such as: non-observance of/to compelled compliance, negating any genuflecting to victimless crimes, acting without government license {commerce, marriage, certain property ownership are all crimes, only allowed without prosecution if a government license is obtained} and non-collaboration with larceny {2nd plank of the communist manifesto, funny money, etc.} do NOT constitute the breaking of nature's laws.

Mike, Norwalk

Welcome to the occupying statist theocracy infesting this land. The fact that despots take recourse to violent oppression (compelled compliance, victimless crimes, government licenses, larceny with impunity {2nd plank of the communist manifesto, police state confiscations, funny money, etc.}) are in their subconscious convinced of the untenability of their own doctrines.

Mike, Norwalk

I'm not quite sure how to rate this. 5 stars for accuracy or, a thumbs down because it is so accurate.The current occupying statist theocracy is a perfect blend of church and state. The Book of Revelations at 17:5 calls the world political condition: “The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth. Through socialist and other totalitarian enslavement methodologies, the Great Whore grows its continuous surveillance, files and personal information to enslave the noble race.

Mike, Norwalk

Not shooting the messenger here, Wilson would know. The quote on its face, is extremely accurate. Wilson, in any comparative list of worst U.S. Presidents (those doing the most to destroy the Founder’s original intent, individual sovereignty, inalienable rights and liberty at nature’s law) understood well his traitorous effects. The occupying statist theocracy that Wilson was a member in good standing with, helped to establish and expand complete controls and domination over a once free people.

Mike, Norwalk

Sillik, your religious perspective here (though seeming aristocratic / god like on its face) is ANTI-human nobility. The direction of progress is to promote individual sovereignty, inalienable rights and liberty at nature's law;  then, and only then  will the human race throughout the whole world be able to fully feed, clothe, house and educate themselves. America is a concept of freedom who's only responsibility is to live by example (not to dictate or mother). Charity is an individual choice  all else is slavery by totalitarianism.

Mike, Norwalk

Sillik, nobility is a faculty of birth. Even if one chooses to be a mentally ill / religionist (socialist) or other form of malefactor, the being remains noble  it is/are the action(s) that display other than nobility.

Mike, Norwalk

We hold this truth to be self evident ! ! !

Mike, Norwalk

Socialism, a religious dogma / mental illness is a primary foundation of pain, poverty, anger, war, depravation and all else that is destructive to the noble being  man.

Mike, Norwalk

A truly Marxist re-definition of capitalism. One must have tangible (gold / silver coin, barter, a specie of material wealth, etc.) "capital" and an excess of capital beyond living expenses to participate in a system of capital (capitalism) Capitalism does not operate in a system of debt. Your confusion comes from your religious dogma (with creative cause & effect) and forms / interpretations of crony capitalism (a deceptive term that exists on ledger forms and other accounting philosophies in a state of debt).

Mike, Norwalk

Demonically driven socialists (fascists, communists, the woke, left, right, etc. - and all others that hate individual sovereignty, inalienable rights, and liberty at nature’s law) have lied through their facades and otherwise deceptive masks to influence a dumbed down reality. A government's law of nature jurisprudence has been replaced by a religiously based application of legal positivism, maritime jurisdictions on the land and otherwise despotic malefactor operations, - all through church seminaries (government schools), missionary efforts (MSM), high priests in black robes (judges — and their trained dupes, attorneys), carnal gods (law makers), executors / enforcement ministers that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter, etc. An appearances of bread and circus is much more broad than just with the influence of fascists.

Mike, Norwalk

Sillik, "Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for supper. Freedom is a well armed lamb contesting the vote." (attributed to Benjamin Franklin) A democracy is NOT a government of law but rather, a carnal god aristocracy that interprets the majority's lust over the minority (freedom by definition, can not be expressed in a democracy)

Please give me the address of your referenced "progress" and "survival" so that I may subpoena them or at least, question their substance so as to identify your interpretation of what mentally healthy is.

Mike, Norwalk

Accurate enough in the seeming box Mr. Spence has planted the concept. The internet, a long with all the good that it provides (and it is substantial), in larger part, is a demonic facilitator that serves to dummy down its participants (making them numb to truth, liberty and nature's law).

Mike, Norwalk

Mick, your perception is extremely shallow. Your rantings only reflect a superfluous "do" as is averse to a continuing truth "be". The "law of nature and of nature's God" (Declaration of Independence) is a static / unchanging definition of a material subject matter (biology, chemistry, physics / science, fiscal / economics, gravity, math, magnetics, life, liberty, rights, etc.). Change is inevitable as it conforms to law (a tree grows, falls, etc.; people experience growth {positive to negative = lawful to other than} and change). The theocratic despotism in today's world increasingly changes according to anti-nature's law religionists and otherwise partisans.

Mike, Norwalk

The quote is a good observation of happenstance. Those that persevere in that which is outside nature's law or is purely emotional, or evil, as a rule, generally includes violence (by example: theocratic socialism, clerical regimes or improper / undue pursuits).

Mike, Norwalk

I have to smile; and, I’m not quite sure how to rate this. Sort of an observation in the obvious. BUT !, what auxiliary precautions are experienced extraneous to people?

Mike, Norwalk

The fair mentally healthy attitude is to organize an economic system where everyone in the environment acts as individual sovereigns, holding sacrosanct individual / inalienable rights and liberty at nature's law. To organize an economic system where resources are shared and distributed in an equitable manner is an oxymoron, a mentally ill thought that is contrary to the noble being's choice and is contrary to inalienable rights, liberty, prosperity and all that would uplift the specie.

Mike, Norwalk

(-; I like it a lot ;-)  A corollary, Loving your enemy does not mean you have to love his actions.

Mike, Norwalk

I like it. As Carlton has here stated, freedom is a law of nature issue; thus, it can NOT completely die. Freedom is inherent in the being man.

Mike, Norwalk

Ken, absolutely ! ! !

Mike, Norwalk

Another of theocratic socialism's conversion technique(s).

Mike, Norwalk

Examples of shut minds and closed mouths with all of humanity in harm’s peril (psychological, spiritual, physical and in all ways) is the academics, propaganda and enforcement of compelled compliance, victimless crimes, government licenses, larceny with impunity (2nd plank of the communist manifesto, police state confiscations, funny money, social security, etc.), denial of perfected allodium (absolute ownership) and NON-recognition of inalienable rights and liberty at nature’s law.

Mike, Norwalk

Sillik, do you have any suggestions as concerning "other sources?" The current debt system is a close kin to theocratic socialism;  diametrically opposed to biblical principles and nature's law fiscal applications.

Mike, Norwalk

Kinda sorta almost accurate. The occupying statist theocracy now infesting this land has breeched the barrier between church and state. Those Biblical principles that extended from nature's law have all but been extinguished with carnal logic, reasoning and philosophies. Those that forget history are doomed to experience ANTI-prosperity.

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