Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [176-200] of 692Posts from Patrick Henry, Red HillPatrick Henry, Red Hill Previous 25 Next 25 1 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 3/5/18 re: Tom Robbins quote In this day of the professional politician, a reflective of reality observation.When applied to the historical American Ideal of the citizen-statesman, a less than apposite observation. 2 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 3/5/18 re: Mark Twain quote The existence of Truth is discrete from, and not a function of, faculties of human apprehension.The Truth is Self Existent, Self Evident and immutable.Honesty is the quiddity of the aforementioned quote. 3 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 3/1/18 re: H. L. Mencken quote The corruptive potential of power is such that:" That government which governs least governs best."Henry David Thoreau" Civil Disobedience " 3 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 3/1/18 re: John Adams quote In the absence of Virtue, the attainment of true Republicanism is, at best, a chimera.As the American Colossus, Mr. Adams, expressed it in his letter to the Massachusetts Militia, Oct.11,1798:" Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." 3 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 3/1/18 re: John Ruskin quote Let us and our homes be reformed and we shall find little reform needed in our fewer prisons. 2 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 2/16/18 re: Walter Lippmann quote The delimited by ideology, pride and prejudice belief systems of the latter day Pharisees of the contempory American academy render them as viscerally averse to the contrast supplied by illumination as did those of their predecessors of old to the Illumination of the teachings of Jesus Christ.The most faithful measure of the frailty of their notions is the amplitude of their intolerance, paragons of tolerance whom they fancifully esteem themselves to be, to beliefs and opinions that diverge, even incidentally, from those prescribed by their ideological orthodoxy. 1 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 2/9/18 re: Sir Francis Bacon quote As it is written:" For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."~ Matthew 6:21 1 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 2/9/18 re: Philo of Alexandria quote In all things, Virtue and its concomitant, Morality, make the defining difference. 1 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 2/9/18 re: The Times of London quote A signal, solidly rooted in morality, aspect of the genius of the the founding of the Republic. Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 2/6/18 re: James Madison quote A signal, what ought to be universally understood, self evident Truth of the nation's founding. 1 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 2/6/18 re: John Kenneth Galbraith quote Mr. Galbraith was an intractable exponent of Keynesianism and of unconstrained Statism.By disposition, he was disdainful of Republican government, possessing, as he did, a mandarin's notion of governance.Underlying his quoted observation is a profound contempt for the Common Man. 3 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 2/1/18 re: Brian Maher quote With the acquiescence of the Supreme Court, the nation's monetary system was comprehensively commandeered by private bankers in excess of a century ago, who have rendered it a debt based, unconstitutional travesty. 1 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 2/1/18 re: Bertrand de Jouvenel quote States exist not to ennoble men but to level them, rendering them sheep. 1 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/29/18 re: Franklin D. Roosevelt quote Collectivism uber alles. 1 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/29/18 re: Sun Yat-sen quote There exists an inverse correlation between the "freedom" of the State and the freedom of the Individual.In the absence of the constraints of Virtue, in the absence of the constraints of the law, States are entirely "free" to licentiously exercise power, characteristically to the utmost detriment of the Individual. 3 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/29/18 re: Thomas Babington Macaulay quote Temporal hierarchies, legacies of the Fall that they are, in their essential lovelessness, in their essential inhumanity exist, primarily, to serve and sustain themselves.It is the solemn obligation of parents to lead by example, and by doing so to cultivate in their children spirits of free inquiry and Individual Sovereignty.As it is written:"Train up a child in the way that he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."~Proverbs 6:22 1 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/26/18 re: Walter Trohan quote In Mr. Trohan's day, this nation's Mainstream journalistic landscape had yet to become an utter wasteland. 2 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/25/18 re: Leonard E. Read quote A wholly reflective of reality assessment. 1 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/25/18 re: Paul Johnson quote Without regard to ideological pretense, barbarism is barbarism. 3 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/25/18 re: James A. C. Brown quote "By their fruits shall ye know them."In practical application, intellectual affectations/pretentions aside, Communism, fascism and nazism are indistinguishable from one another. 1 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/24/18 re: Phelps Adams quote That which is requisite is a lessened identification with ideology and heightened identification with Reality.Reality does not reside in ideology. 1 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/24/18 re: Dr. Bella Dodd quote Communism is Pharisaism, clad in shoddy, secular, garb. 4 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/24/18 re: Ralph Waldo Emerson quote As Thomas Paine expressed it:"Government, like dress, is the badge of lost innocence; the palaces of kings are built on the bowers of the ruins of paradise."Temporal governmental and corporate hierarchies are essentially loveless, thus parasitic, by their unnatural natures. 1 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/23/18 re: Norman Thomas quote Occasionally, even a deluded and self deluded socialist can be relied upon to render reality in its light. 2 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 1/23/18 re: Barbara Kay quote Under the yoke of ever evolving State control, over a span of in excess of a century, the American Academy has been comprehensively transformed from being a forum for the provision of wholesomely liberating education to being a Statist ideology suffused, intellectual subjugation and moral subversion bent, and reeducation camp. 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