Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [101-115] of 115Posts from Ronw13, IDRonw13, ID Previous 25 Reply Ronw13, ID 3/25/21 re: Carl Friedrich Bahrdt quote Homologoumenos Reply Ronw13, ID E Archer, NYC (3/24/21) As it is also today Archer, reprobates not only fear their own conscience, but that of others. Conviction of turning against ones own personal Liberty leads to a miserable life. WWG1WGA Reply Ronw13, ID 3/24/21 re: A. L. Wirin quote There is always money to be made siding with the opposition of the Constitution. Seeing the quote speaks of a truth, does not expose Wirin's philosophy in representing such destructive causes. Reply Ronw13, ID 3/15/21 re: John Adams quote Considering the history of the federalist party, it does seem the siege came full circle with centralized power in 2021. The opposition Jefferson and Madison mounted to nullify such an overreach of centralized power fell very short after 1913. Yet today some states are considering and pondering the Resolutions in the face of such tyranny on display under the current Biden administration !! Corruption is on full display, is it not ? 1 Reply Ronw13, ID 3/11/21 re: John Adams quote An open ended quote, though, in support of the remedy please refer to the Declaration of Independence when reduced under absolute despotism !! Reply Ronw13, ID 3/5/21 re: Eric Hoffer quote Hoffer has a well manicured overview through adversity of life.Influence upon the weakness of childhood or lack of self worth in a people/individual should be to nurture hope and pride, through work and rewarded skill. I can see why Hoffer would be drawn to Montaigne's work. " The art or technique of sharing hope, pride and as a last resort, hatred with others." Eric Hoffer, Understanding the international nature of diplomacy and influence. Reply Ronw13, ID 2/24/21 re: Michel de Montaigne quote Michel de Montaigne, an extremely complex individual. His insights and broad overviews are still applicable and needed today with the world facing such external and internal conflicts of state and religious matters. "Neither my anecdotes nor my quotations are always employed simply as examples, for authority, or for ornament... They often carry, off the subject under discussion, the seed of a richer ad more daring matter, and they resonate obliquely with a more delicate tone." Michel de Montaigne. The seed planted, the word "mystical" from a stoic perspective perhaps leaning to Montaigne's understanding of "natural law" he of course the "courtier" between and during the "wars of religion" in France. Respected by both, Catholics and Protestants. A man groomed for a purpose, whose education was very well thought out. Volumes could be written upon this very subject, pertaining to the current state of affairs engulfing this world. Reply Ronw13, ID 2/18/21 re: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel quote Hegel is and can be found to be very polarizing. Many equate his influence to be of communism. As with Marxist trains of thought. I do not. But, Hegel ponders the greatest calling, is to state over the individual. 1 Reply Ronw13, ID 2/18/21 re: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel quote Hegel as a Protestant theologian understood well the abstract of the "will" being a gift from God allowing for freedom of choice. This in line with the teaching of the Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 7 and 8. kjb as also the opposing presence of the carnal and spiritual mind within the natal agent. Reply Ronw13, ID 2/11/21 re: Ambrose Bierce quote Such a quote rings true and shakes this nation to its foundational fabric. Show Trial and Kangaroo court. Total disregard for our Constitution and Oath to defend. If such behavior is allowed to continue all/if any confidence will be destroyed. Reply Ronw13, ID 2/11/21 re: Joseph Paul Goebbels quote Now the Show Trial, and Kangaroo Court. The CR, Constitutional Republic, is all but lost to the whims of tyranny and despotism. If there is a Backbone of commonsense, guts, resolve, loyalty to OATH, now is the time to Stand UP against corrupt politicians or All confidence will be lost. The patriot will ask, then What do we fight for any longer. Yes Mike, the CCP's and UN's puppet. 1 Reply Ronw13, ID 2/5/21 re: Lucius Annaeus Seneca quote Thank you Mike and Patrick always for taking the time to comment. The amazing doctrines of grace are rarely if ever explained. As also Archer brings to light the conscience of man."For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law. For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;" Romans 2:12,13,14. The message of grace was fully embraced by the founding of this nation, hence, the indoctrination of socialism through corrupt preaching of keeping a law that can not be kept. "Let their table become a snare before them: and that which should have been for their welfare, let it become a trap." Psalm 69:22. Reply Ronw13, ID 2/5/21 re: Sir Francis Bacon quote Indeed ! Reply Ronw13, ID 2/4/21 re: Max Stirner quote Vanity lies on both sides of the coin. " Art thou called being a servant? care not for it: but if thou mayest be made free, use it rather. For he that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord's freeman: likewise also he that is called, being free, is Christ's servant. Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men." I Corin 7:21 kjb. with that being said, "For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope." Rom 8:20 kjb. Reply Ronw13, ID 2/3/21 re: George D. Herron quote Strange words coming from a Christian Socialist who sided against capitalism. A short research on his guiding doctrines proves the point, and lends itself to understanding the trend among clergy in America leading back to Rome. Lay your goods at the churches/states feet that all might have in common ! Previous 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print