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Posts from Ronw13, Oregon

Ronw13, OregonRonw13, Oregon
Ronw13, Oregon

As originally intended, our nation was founded upon freewill association, allowing for a greater degree of over-arching harmony among the first and second nations. Strangers who inter this land must be brought to understand there are those At Liberty and walk free, being Non-conformist to the current orthodoxy of socialism by force. 

Ronw13, Oregon

E Archer, NYC, your finger is on the pulse, there was a Pharisee separated out from among the conformist religious secs, with a message of peace. This non-conformist still rocks the world today with the message of Liberty and Freedom from oppression. If one can comprehend the cyclical nature of knowledge, then you come to understand the day, night cycle. We are in the night, till the day dawns. "Children of light shine bright in the night" says the watchman in the night. I believe my poem is archived somewhere here at Liberty Tree. 

Ronw13, Oregon

oops, "When the non-conformist speaks the conformist is for war."

Ronw13, Oregon

Non conformist truth is rarely disseminated, the current orthodoxy of church and state suppresses whole truth. "let there be no separation" among believers, brings peace. Therefore when we speak they are for war, says the conformist. It was a very full moon last night. " The sun to rule by day: for his mercy endureth forever: The moon and stars to rule by night: for his mercy endureth forever." When people are allowed to "see" with their eyes and "hear" with their ears that which is suppressed, they become enlightened and well informed !                  

Ronw13, Oregon

Walking At Liberty in a sea of slaves, takes quite a bit of commonsense and faith. Fear destroys many opportunities for the individual. 

Ronw13, Oregon

There is a gulf between Aristotle and Plato, I suspect his doubts of Plato's "forms" gave more rise to secular humanism than anything else. Common sense, "the knack for seeing things as they really are" is not very common. Hanson's spin on European money neglects the understanding of applied "usury" and the 13 attributes to govern lending to a Freed people, and/or the individual sovereign Set at ancient economic Liberty. Usury today in the form of tariffs upon strangers is a tool to protect outside favor or influence of a nations children. Which is the proper use. There is no level playing field, while corruption rules the house. 

Ronw13, Oregon

Coleridge falls short on many of his "formed opinions" not based in fact but rather fancy. He was addicted to opium his entire life. He was a cherry picker theologian. 

Ronw13, Oregon

"Suffrage" the right to vote, was a monumental task for women to gain. Seeing the fear in men's eyes as the streets burned in England. The jig was up, and the power of suppression through religious dogma was revealed. Yet the power to control, influence base desires of men was unleashed in the halls of government. The most manipulative force on planet earth, the ability to arouse base desires of the carnal mind and body. 

Ronw13, Oregon

Perhaps, Industrious individualist tend to stay out of politics, unless politicians put their hands in the wrong pocket ! The high country was/is a refuge from the "civilized world" of corruption and greed. 

Ronw13, Oregon

Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, El Cid, Al Sayyid beat the overwhelming odds. It can be done. 

Ronw13, Oregon

This sentiment echos throughout time, as do many of Pythagoras's philosophical, musical and numerical understandings. Still in practice today.
There is a high probability that Pythagoras was taught by Zoroaster and the Hebrews, seeing Pythagoras, was called to become " a steward " Oikonomos manager, overseer of the household ( usually slaves or freedmen ) of the mysteries. 

Ronw13, Oregon

Mr Clemens, one of my favorite authors, had great wit and insight to the nature of man. From his humble beginnings, to the times on the big Muddy and in the boom towns of the gold fields. Dare say men would have a hard time walking in his shoes today. The opportunity to experience reality up close makes for a rich life. Knowing that which is "right" with deep convictions based upon fact, such as the nature, origin and sound doctrines of our types of liberty and freedom, to stand strong in adversity when the odds are stacked against you, is the cause of loyal patriotism for our Constitutional Republican form of government. 

Ronw13, Oregon

What a knee jerk reaction from Waffler, burned on both sides. Ludwig von Mises as always, right over target, taking the most flack. The quote is crystal clear. WWG1WGA to MAGA to KAG

Ronw13, Oregon

Collectivist always seek to extinguish the brush fires of independence that reside in the industrious individual. 

Ronw13, Oregon

Bingo, it is the socialist model, crumbling before their eyes, The effort to counter the effect, currently underway is causing the awakening of a good education well informed vs the dumb down of a sheepal mentality and its indoctrination. 
WWG1WGA to KAG Trump 2020

Ronw13, Oregon

The system is rigged, dividing the doctor patient relationship, dividing the family units, creating strife where there should be none, all for the sake of profits and social engineering. Secular humanist care little for the well being of children, even less for the elderly. It is not hard to see the "writing on the wall ", regress of the wholesome family unit. 

Ronw13, Oregon

After the beheading of a dear relative, not far removed, who of note, sided with the 13 colonies, seeking to end the oppression of surfs, the lowering of taxes, property and person. King Louis XVI wrongfully, unjustly, murdered by the church and state of France. It is no wonder why America did not ally with the French revolution. And it is no wonder we sought refuge in the Americas that our children might live Free and at liberty. 

Ronw13, Oregon

Who is to say, they, the Neanderthals do not walk among us today. There propensities serve them well, considering independence is a responsibility of mind and body in action. Their forward leaning for taking risk when needed. Most if any have no idea what so ever. 

Ronw13, Oregon

True, without individual sovereignty, there is only State/and or Nation sovereignty, not excluding Monarchs. Yes today many speak of sovereignty of nations, well enough, but it is the individual sovereign lifted up from oppression, Set at economic, physical and spiritual liberty which provides the sacred cause of Liberty with Freedom to defend said liberties. Notice how the world stage avoids at all cost, even the mention of "individual sovereignty." it is appalling in America when elites sit in ivory towers carved from the backs, the labor of the once Free. From the local to state and federal governments, all must pay tribute or else, exaction by force.  

Ronw13, Oregon

The statement is very true, Authades, self-pleasing, arrogant: self-willed. Authades means self-pleasing and denotes one who, dominated by self-interest , and inconsiderate of others, arrogantly asserts his own will. He asserts his own rights, regardless of the rights of others. With no motive at all he is quick to act contrary to the feelings of others. It is required of the pious man to be "not self-willed, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, nor given to filthy lucre; But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate;." Titus 1:7,8. kjb. this the world lacks greatly. 

Ronw13, Oregon

Zealous of the mosaic law, sets the groundwork for socialism's forced "welfare box", keen to capitalism through gift, talent and usury, being self-willed, denies their brothers Liberty granted by the mosaic law. Therefore through this disobedience, being cast down, they become jealous of that which is lifted up through liberty. " I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles for to provoke them to jealousy." Romans 11:11. The greatest change to take place in 2000 years. 11 is the number of change. 

Ronw13, Oregon

Interestingly enough, Chalotais in opposition to the Roman Catholic church, their Jesuit school of indoctrination, had proposed a scientific method of study for the purpose of education as apposed to indoctrination of socialism. This just prior to the French revolution. Now it is easy to see the state of affairs in public indoctrination of socialism, taking place all across America. The convulsions of disdain for the welfare state bias and its harsh taskmasters fuel the turmoil felt today. MAGA to KAG

Ronw13, Oregon

"The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetuated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of the individual, and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public Liberty."

With that being said, Monocrat despots within government, residing in seats of power for personal enrichment, have brought about that which George Washington feared. Having now been exposed through the current administration under President Trump's leadership the Fraud and treason come to light for the nation to see and choose what is that right and noble cause of liberty and Freedom from oppression for the individual. MAGA to KAG 

Ronw13, Oregon

To the extent that secular humanism has ripped the fabric of the nation apart. For such a religion who waged inquisitions for blood and excommunication has instilled within the minds of youth the reprobate mindset to subvert the pillars our nation that it was founded upon. 

Ronw13, Oregon

The Nadiyb liberal revolution promoting a Qadesh reprobate mindset.
"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who would labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and cherish them. A volume could not trace all the connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked: Where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts off justice? And let us with caution indulge this supposition that morality can be maintained without religion." 

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