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Posts from W. Monroe-Jones, Anaheim

W. Monroe-Jones, AnaheimW. Monroe-Jones, Anaheim
W. Monroe-Jones, Anaheim

Summary of Facts and Query: Fact: Most of the Founding Fathers were most definitely not Deists. Even Jefferson in his last days changed his views concerning the nature of God. (Read his closing correspondences to John Adams) Fact: Aside from Thomas Paine, who was probably an atheist, the vast majority of the FF's believed in the personal nature of the Creator. This is indicated in their writings, speeches, diaries and devotions over and over again. One has to go far out of their way to not see that. It takes a concerted effort to leave those facts out of textbooks, commentaries, and teaching curriculums. Fact: Religions are not all equal. They can't all be true. Logic dictates that: If Jesus claimed he was "The Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man come to the father but by me", then he is either who he claimed to be, which gives him total superiority over all other religious forms, or he is not who he claimed, which means he was insane, or he was a liar. The vast majority of the Founding Fathers believed that Jesus was in fact who he claimed to be, and those facts impacted their actions. Query: What is the motivation for the antagonism to a quote such as this one attributed to Patrick Henry (whether he said it or not)? Query: What are the consequences for a Republic that has largely lost sight of these foundational truths and worldview that guided this great nation into liberty? Do those liberties begin to erode? Query: Whether the above quote was spoken by Henry or not, the point bears truth. Nobody can deny that the Christian worldview has served as the impetus for affording liberty to all people in our land, which extended eventually to freeing the slaves, and to eventually elevating the status of women, etc. Do these conditions exist in Islam or Hinduism? Why not? Why is our country a source of great aide in natural disasters around the world? Why is it that out of this nation comes forth Christian missionaries that go into the most desperate places of the world to help the hungry and destitute, to build hospitals and schools? Why is it that those activities do not largely occur in Islamic nations or even in Euopean nations? Final Query: Since the faith of the FF's has impacted our land in such a positive way, why do so many remain hostile to a message of love, liberty, decency, and accountability? Maybe the hostility stems from the last one: accountability. Some would rather not humble themselves as our FF's did and be held accountable to a Higher Authority... their Creator. Ironic, because that is where the basis for our liberty comes from.....according to the Constitution anyway....if you believe in that kind of thing.

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