Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [151-175] of 1398Posts from Waffler, Smith, ArkansasWaffler, Smith, Arkansas Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/15/08 re: Latin Proverb quote This quote I truly believe to be patently untrue. There are many books written by Southerners about the Civil War, Germans and Japaneese about the First and Second World Wars. Sycophants who only read history written by winners are the problem. Losers can and do write books also. People who read only one side of an argument or one side of an issue or war are losers also. I would bet there are some on this site. 3Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/15/08 re: Bill Clinton quote AJ knows real truth when he sees it. The analysis of the word "is" was Bills finest moment. Republicans are masters at deficts and being wasteful. Thw frivolous Whitewarter investigations which wasted millinons and led to nothing except an innocent blow job had absolutely nothing to do with government. As usual RBESRQ is extemely erudite and candid in his memarks. Thank God Bill will again be thrust into the lime light as the husband of our Secretary of State. I look forward to the Camelot that Prez O is bringing forth including the colleagues associated with Bill Clinton especially Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, Bill Richarson, Tom Daschle etcetera. Thank God also that the liars like Bush and Cheney are leaving town. 11Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/11/08 re: Mark Twain quote Archer always tells the truth (as he sees it that is). Several quotes ago he spoke of and predicted the complete demise of the American economic system and of the Fed and the government etc stating that "it is not going to be pretty". Mark my words and let us see where Archers prediction is a year or two from now. I have ultimate faith in America, its people and in their ability to govern themselves. Hell "we" just arrested a Governor the other day so "we" must be doing a good job at self-government. Let us see which side of his mouth Archer is talking out of in the future. Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/11/08 re: Harry S. Truman quote I just read on MSN Money Blog that UAW workers get $55 dollars an hour. Their basic take home is $40 bucks. The rest is benefits. The blog says that UAW gets $10 more an hour than Honda and Toyota. So there is the truth, do you think it is hell or not? Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/11/08 re: Harry S. Truman quote Most people tell as much truth as will advance their own subjective cause, wealth, fame etc. Truman was a man of the people, a common man with a common touch. I don't think he would ever be a Republican and I think Lincoln would denounce the current party and the party for the last 50 years. As far as Detroit goes it is being put out of business by the Koreans and their cohorts the Alabamians and Georgians with their subsidized factories in Montgomery, Al and Columbus, Ga. The Gov of Ga. braggs about driving a Kia. Oh yeah! the South will rise again even if they have to be traitors to the nation to do it! Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/11/08 re: Groucho Marx quote A lady on Wheel of Fortune the other day claimed that Groucho bumped into her on the street near Central Park, NY. He said characteristically, "Why don't you watch wher I am going." Pat Sajack the MC asked the lady, "Did he ask you for a date" and she replied "No". "It must not have been the real Groucho then" Sajack rejoindered. Y'a gotto love Gourcho. Some contributors hereto think they have me sized up and pigeon holed on what my opinions and principles are and then I apparently surprize them with some new ones or nuanced ones. Keep your options open is what Groucho is saying here, don't be so dogmatic and locked stepped. We have independent minds thank God and should use them. 13Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/11/08 re: Henry David Thoreau quote To learn truth is an exciting event. With truth we have awareness. Nothing quite like being Aware. Mike you really got me with the "religious context". I mean of course there is some sublime truth somewhere in religion but it seems so fleeting for most. If there is absolute truth in religion why are there so many different religions and therefore different truths. Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/10/08 re: Rabindrnath Tagore quote Truth comes from being open minded and then weaning out or sifting out the false. The truth just like the cream comes to the top. Closed minded or ridge or radicalized personalities, that grasp tightly at a straw, politcal view, or mantra lose their abiltiy to see truth. 1Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/9/08 re: Miguel Deunamuno Y Jugo quote "He asserts and thinks he has found" sounds like Mike and Archer to me. And how about those guys who assert and think they have found that "America is a republic not a democracy". 3Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/9/08 re: Edmond Cahn quote I am surprised that some of the above have not attacked the title of this book "Democratic Man" since several I believe do not believe in democracy. Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/9/08 re: Charles Peguy quote You are as usual Archer acting like a childish idiot. None other than Camus (you I am sure never heard of him) said that Galileo was correct to recant the truth so that he and his family could have a decent life in the times in which he lived. It is simply an example of what others have said here (re Mike and Warren) about a time and place for everything. Some people and I especially think of you are never prepared for TRUTH so you act like an idiot and call people names. Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/9/08 re: Charles Peguy quote Copernicus and Galileo belted out the truth so where did it get them. Galileo recanted so that he could have a decent life. A time and place for everything and sometimes subjectivity must at least temporarily trump objectivity. Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/8/08 re: Thomas Paine quote Some people try to offend, and when you take offense they get upset! 1Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/5/08 re: Mike Culbert quote Cullbert is just another guy who found out things that he never new before and called it a "secret". When I start school and as I continued I learned many "secrets". At some point some of us never are any longer amazed that we are able to learn new secrets everyday. Others like Steve Martin in the movie The Jerk are still amazed every day. 12Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/5/08 re: Gary Allen quote More bull crap. When we set a policy or take a course of action we try to put our best foot forward. When we have a first date we dress up and put on smelly stuff etcetera. Our we not alweays artfully creating landscapes and hiding our realselves. Give us a break, really! I don't fault those who try to put their best foot forward and yes it is also okay to try to find out the real person, or the real policy. Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/5/08 re: Charles Austin Beard quote Prove it Mr. Beard, prove it you weasel! Talk is so cheap but one shred of evidentiary proof is worth its' weight. Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/5/08 re: Ramsey Clark quote Partly true. We are a democracy (one man one vote) in which money can have a say. It is up to the electorate to be "untouchable". Our democracy will have as much integrity as does its' individual members. 38Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/5/08 re: Oscar Callaway quote Any crap whatsoever can be inserted into the Congressional Record and this quote proves it. This guy was apparently an early McCarthyite. They still exist, just check out liberty-tree. 1Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/5/08 re: Mike Culbert quote Bull Shit but half true. True in the sense that there are always forces outside of our knowledge. Who in the hell do we think we are that we might be all knowing. The outside force I worry most about is that secret guy who is hitting on my girlfriend. As Mumbai recently found there is some secret guys brooding in Waziristan also. Otherwise Culbert is full of shit. 52Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/3/08 re: Harry S. Truman quote Or by writing a book. Ben can you defed or explain calling Truman a crook. I am unfamiliar with that part of his history. Truman was generally seen as a straight shooter, honest, and forthright guy. 2Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/3/08 re: Daniel K. Inouye quote A secret or shadowy thing is just something YOU don't know about. Inouye is a little bombastic here talking about Reagans secret and illegal acts. While there is truth for the moment in which he was speaking the words do not apply to the universe of our government or military. He should have said, "There are some shadowy goings on here at this place and at this time." I am glad to see most of y'all got it. Mike however will take this quote to some illogical and untrue extreme. Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/3/08 re: Walter Goodman quote He could have been less narrow by adding: New York, Paris, and Rome! It is not Washington that it is corrupt, it is man, universally and internationally. 2Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/3/08 re: Noam Chomsky quote Again Mike comes on here says what ever he wants to say in total freedom and then complains and calls this land the USS Amerika. His complaint about the lack of freedom while he is at the same time exercisng his is nothing but an act of moronism. If others choose not to exercise their freedom in the same way that Mike does does not mean that they don't have it, it just means they just think Mike is a moron. Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/2/08 re: Salvador de Madariaga quote I am thinking about the stories of Johnny Reb and Damn Yank yelling stories and jokes back and forth while on night watch and then shooting at each other the next day. Once the lies are all neutralized maybe we can all be friends. 2Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 12/2/08 re: Noam Chomsky quote Mike comes on this site and says anything he wishes and then claims that he is stifled, shut up, or limited in his spectrum of acceptable opinion, and appears to claim that he is kept "passive and obedient". It is absolutely amazing to me that he can engage in such oxymoronism. Blaming the meda and the people of opposite views from your own, for their lack of acceptance, may not be their fault it is that your views suck. In a nation as free as ours with the net and the blogs etcetera y'all are just being spoilt brats looking for someone to blame for your own lack of a functioning brain. While this statement is absolutely philosophicaly and logically true there is no evidence that it is impirically true especially in the United States. Mike and Jim's jumping to conclusions that Prof Chomsky is at all talking about the US is naiviety to the nth degree. 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