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Posts from Waffler, smith

Waffler, smithWaffler, smith
Waffler, Smith

Banking and international banking is great. I travel freely have access to my funds, every thing is done electronically and with ease. What all of the complaining about banking is I really don't know.

Waffler, Smith

Mike always sets the idea of WE THE PEOPLE on itshead or mean upside down
When he disagrees with a majority view he claims he speaks for the people and by infe yr enference the people do not and are not capable of speakking ffor themselves. It is a dangerous line that Mike pursues

Waffler, Smith

Probably not a good idea but I do love public property. From parks to forests wilderness to even semi public property like that open to public accomodation. It really be a boring world if all property were private.
a good idea

Waffler, Smith

This has certainly been true in Christies NJ!

Waffler, Smith

Every time you purchase something etc you are giving up what you have for something different. One values the money more and one values the good or service more. What the heck is here point.

Waffler, Smith

There can be truth in science. In every thing else, culture, religion, sentiments, feelings, etcetera consensus is what amounts to "truth" in any given society.

Waffler, smith

I think Archer and I have said the same thing, strange. Of. By. for the public, or people matter, I guess where we would differ is in how much respect we give to the people versus to the self

Waffler, smith

ah' thank God for the free press, Thomas Paine and all of that crowd. That truly was the Amer revolution. Boortz is in that same boring crowd that thinks that a republic is not a democracy, It may not be a fully developed demo but one thing is sure a republic is not a monarchy, Re-public literally means "return to the people", I can think of no better definition of democracy than republic.

Waffler, Smith

The quotes today miss at least one very important fact. All society, social organization, limits freedom. Societies by their very nature transform the individual to be like them, to fit in. Is it any wonder that the people in Muslim lands are Muslim, or that Orientals are Buddhist etc. The U.S. has to some extent changed that, where we are free to be whatever, with respect for others. Some may argue that a society that demands or exerts moral suasion for others to be respectful of differences is acting with compulsion. The only way to have the freedom these guys talk about is to live alone in the jungle.

Waffler, Smith

You guys are so shallow, hell you don't even know that you are using free speech right now.

Waffler, Smith

No man is an island unto himself. It is fascinating that. Archer recognizes the collectivist concept of family. I wonder if family includes cousins several times removes. I am sure he cannot grasp the idea of human family.

Waffler, Smith

There are lots of guys in the woods alone. If you would see with the eye of God you would know that there is one over their 5 miles away and there a mile and their just a couple thousand feet etc. It has been said that one can be lonely or alone in a crowd. Being a self possessed individual is a state of mind.

Waffler, Smith

A great anti social statement. As long as David and we are just as desperate and odd as the next guy. It is great to be in the woods alone but let's not forget that others may in the woods alone also.

Waffler, Smith

Except at Lexington and Concord, of course that was a crises. The guys who posted above cannot see a crises because they care nor respect anyone or anything but themselves.

Waffler, Smith

Some early American colonial Christian groups thought and taught that guns and violence was immoral. They had one security person escort them to church to protect them apparently from wild Indians. It is a mixed bag. To be secure in your person, property and rights is a wonderful thing. Guns may help provide this secutity or they can be a threat to this security. It certainly is true that violence breeds violence and the more guns one side has the more the other will need. The cost of this "arms race" is a drag on the quality of life of all humanity.

Waffler, Smith

Good provocative quotes today. It is sad in this day that there needs to be "Black Sportsmen Association" however. Some could argue that someone needing an overbearing number and quality of guns and ammunition is a child. There is some evidence that doing so is antisocial behaviour.

Waffler, Smith

This is a mixed quote. 1. is true and desirable; compare the quality of life in a well regulated upscale suburban neighborhood and an inner city neighborhood with lax police presence. 2. Opposition to government is in the minds of the gun owner only, he has no real, physical means of opposing government. Real opposition is in the VOTE and through the COURTS. 3. I wish this guy could give some real life examples to back up this crap. 4. I have driven by Sul Ross State University in Alpine, Texas, I guess they do not teach spelling, "lesson" really, I think the sociologist meant "lessen". 5. Good we absolutely do not need those who are a physical threat to government, government rightly constituted is nothing more than "THE PEOPLE". Hey, that is you and I.

Waffler, Smith

These are all great quotes today. Yes life takes some circumspection and some give and take to another persons views (lies) and positions. The human organism is full of feelings, thoughts and interpretaions that have little to do with science, facts or truth. Like all organisms it (the human one) is primarily out for personal survival or selfishness. But the higher calling (divine nature if you will) comes to the realization that we are all in life together, thus democracy.

Waffler, Smith

He could have been more brief. How about simply saying "politics is the art of the possible"!

Waffler, Smith

Ah! if we could but have more science and less madness in our current politics and campaigning.Science and FACTS will rule the day eventually.

Waffler, Smith

Their is nothing wrong with voter ID. But those pushing it right before a major election have stated that their intent is to reduce voting in areas and by populations they do not like or who are against their point of view of, thiot democracy and especially it does not show the respect for each other that democracy should entail. If a candidate wins by fraud and theft of the vote we will have a rotten government.

Waffler, Smith

Yep! and goes to support Joe Biden's remark about Republicans desiring to put us back into chains. What do we think of people that go to great extent to suppress peoples ability to cast a vote. In many conutries that we may consider inferior to ours they hold elections on Sunday while every one is off and they have an opportunity and easy time of going to the polls. It is and should be a festive time of celebrating our freedom and democracy not a time of recrimination and hatred like the Republican Parties of Florida and Ohio and Pennsylvania wish to make it. With those folk we are headed for oligarchy and it is time for us to rise up and renew our revolution for the individual and the precious freedom to vote.

Waffler, Smith

Money is printed and coins are minted by The Department of The Treasury. The Federal Reserve is a system of banking established by Congress. Central banks nationally and world wide take in deposits from commercial banks and lend money to commercial banks. By adjusting its reserve requirements it can increase or decrease the amount of "money" in circulation. IT DOES NOT PRINT MONEY. The US economy produces 30 trillion dollars worth of goods and services a year. That does not mean that their needs to be 30 trillion dollars of green backs to floating around to pay for them. There are brochures available from the Fed explaining all of this stuff. Most kids by the 7th grade have already been exposed to this information. What the heck happened to so many of you guys that comment on this blog?

Waffler, Smith

at least you would think Carlton could come up with a different epithet rather than use my nut case one. It is true that the Governmnet banks at the Federal Reserve. When you pay your taxes (have you ever paid taxes Carlton) they go into the Governments account at the Federal Reserve. Now trust me Carlton my taxes to the government do not come out of thin air. But from the sweat of my brow.

Waffler, Smith

Again Ron Paul shows his A$$. The IRS has no theory. The IRS is an agency of the The Department of The Treasury which does the bidding of Congress and the law. An institution that Ron Paul was a long time member. But Mr. Paul is very smart in one way, he knows that voters will vote for someone who is the enemy of their enemy, thus running against the IRS is good politics. Hitler knew this game best when he ran against Jews. But alas in both cases these guys are and were gutter politicians. But the comments above show that gutter politics still draws in the feeble minded.

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