Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [226-250] of 1302Posts from Warren, OlatheWarren, Olathe Previous 25 Next 25 Reply warren, olathe 1/20/10 re: Henry David Thoreau quote Since you totally agree with the quote why only 2 stars Waffler? Unfortunately the government will do nothing to reduce the need for it. That is why government programs are engineered to increase the dependency on government and not to foster self reliance. That is why government run education is no longer teaching self reliance. That is why programs to "help" the less fortunate punish people in the program for getting married or doing any other thing that may increase the chance of raising self reliant children. Reply warren, olathe 1/20/10 re: Ronald Reagan quote The spending bills signed by Carter set the budget to be 2.6 trillion in 1985. Reagan’s efforts kept it to half that. We may yearn for a truly fiscal responsible government but as long as most of our population remains ignorant slowing down inevitable disaster may be the best we can do. Our current President gives us some hope however. He could get even the ignorant so enraged that they may come to their senses long enough that some of this may be reversed. Unfortunately even if we get the Obama team and the corrupt scum in congress out of office, the public attention span will limit the replacements to about 15 minutes to fix anything. Reply warren, olathe 1/20/10 re: Ronald Reagan quote As always Waffler playing the fool . The projected growth in size of government that was set in place by Carter and his Congress would have been 2 times as large in 1985 as it turned out to be. The so called "cuts" under Reagan were reductions in the rate of growth. Considering the inevitable vilification of anyone attempting fiscal responsibility, it was a miracle that Reagan accomplished what he did with the jackass party in control of the house. Reply warren, olathe 1/4/10 re: John Seabrook quote Great quote. Need to have more of the "Obama" types talk. They can not help but put thier foot in it. Reply warren, olathe 12/30/09 re: Proverb quote You can be old and not observed but the young have had little time to observe. Most can not observe because of the inability to remove preconceived notions and prejudice from the equation. It takes maturity to start to sort it all out. Wisdom is very seldom found in the young. Reply warren, olathe 12/30/09 re: Vique's Law quote A quote that does not mean a thing and can be interpreted to mean anything you like. Reply warren, olathe 12/30/09 re: Bertrand Russell quote Waffler quit the crap. You only convince people of your ignorance. 2 Reply warren, olathe 12/10/09 re: Miller v. U.S. quote Since when? The constitution clearly only has worth when the courts believe in it and are willing to follow it even when it may be inconvenient. Reply warren, olathe 12/8/09 re: Whitney Moore, Jr. quote Waffler do not call Gore and his scam "science" there never was any science in it. Do you not know what science is? Science has at its center investigation and constant testing and attempting to disprove a theory. Your bozos hide any data they get in order to not have to answer for the very unscientific methods they used to come up with the crap. They only use the data that supports the theory that is keeping them employed and discard the rest. They refuse to debate it now because they have lost the argument and have nothing to defend their position. It is now a political football and has nothing to do with science. It is sad to see such idiocy in here. It is sad that people like George Bush supported this crap. But now that it is all out in the open and those that have the ability to reason have been vindicated, it is disgusting to see people still trying to peddle this crap. I realize that this is hard for some because it challenges their religion but man made global warming is nothing but a money grabbing scam. Gore has made hundreds of millions off of this scam. Not bad when all he invested was lies. It is hard to think of him as brilliant but he IS making a ton of money. I have to assume it was just luck. He is so convincingly stupid in everything he does and says that I wonder if he may actually believe what he peddles, but if that were true he would not hesitate to defend it with debate. This quote describes your beloved icons to a tee. Reply warren, olathe 12/8/09 re: Ronald Firbank quote Waffler you are made of drivel. This is an exellent quote with a great sense of humor. Reply warren, olathe 12/8/09 re: Paul Hollander quote I have often said "only an intellectual could come up with something that stupid". Man made global warming is a prime example. Reply warren, olathe 12/8/09 re: Mignon McLaughlin quote Cute Reply warren, olathe 12/2/09 re: John Haynes Holmes quote Cal you do not understand the social security system. A surplus is literally impossible to have. No one ever was intended to live off of the money they had put into it. That was seen to within 6 months of the beginning of social security by congress. They could not tolerate a fund growing that they were not allowed to spend. They invented a thing called "pay as you go". Since then all money received by the government goes into the same account and is spent well before it even gets there. It matters not what excuse the money was taken for. It is all the same always has been. Every generation has foot the social security bill for the older generation since it started. This statement would be an obvious truth if it did not have the word expense in it. It is all too often that preserving our society is to the betterment of the younger generation in spite of their ignorance and opposition. As always Waffler you make a fool of your self. Reply warren, olathe 12/2/09 re: Krishnamurti quote Waffler, your hero Obama is a statist. Which is the same as fascist which is a form of socialism to which you have obviously adjusted well it would seem. Reply warren, olathe 12/1/09 re: Garrison Keillor quote The reason he has no sense of right or wrong is because he is a liberal/progressive. Nice has nothing to do with it. It is not nice to let someone live in ignorance. Whether the victim of that ignorance thinks it nice or not. It is not nice to "help" the less fortunate by entrapping them into a permanent dependence in order to get the ignorant vote. Ignorance is necessary to perpetuate the leftist machine so we are educated in the public schools to "help" us remain properly ignorant and incapable of reason based on knowledge. 2 stars for the humor found in the truth of the quote. Reply warren, olathe 12/1/09 re: Kenneth D. Wells quote Waffler it is obvious that our "victory" over communism only sets us up for ultimate defeat. We are now under attack from within and ignore it because we think we are now safe. We elect the very people that we used to fight as the enemy. Now we praise the ones we used to fear. This quote was visionary. 3 Reply warren, olathe 12/1/09 re: Benito Mussolini quote got that right E Archer. Think it even applies better to us now with Obama. Reply warren, olathe 12/1/09 re: Reuben Blades quote Al Gore? If that is what you think is educated you are not just misinformed. That is the stupidest thing any one has ever said in here. 1 Reply warren, olathe 11/25/09 re: George Bernard Shaw quote Yes Waffler you say pure nonsense. Reply warren, olathe 11/25/09 re: John Steinbeck quote Mike Laub, Communism is a religion. If you accept that you will begin to understand the left much better. It can not be discredited no matter how much evidence piles up against it. No matter how much socialism/liberalism/progressivism fails it can not be wrong. The reason communism failed is because it is a false religion. Liberals always fail to achieve any of the utopian dreams they have while typically making the situation worse. They can not stop doing what they do because it is their religion they would be abandoning. 1 Reply warren, olathe 11/25/09 re: James Madison quote Waffler the go slow process is what was intended by our constitution. It is intended to help against bad legislation. Your group needs to go fast because that is how bad legislation is enacted. They know that if it is exposed to investigation and enough time goes by that the American people will find a way to put a stop to it. The main thing that stands in the way of a Dem is the constitution. That is why Obama has decided that it is outdated and needs to be ignored. That is why any one that defends the constitution is labeled a right wing fanatic. 2 Reply warren, olathe 11/25/09 re: Marcus Aurelius quote Waffler if Medicare and Medicaid are killing us the Americade would only accelerate the destruction. Why would you attack the systems your preferred, can't do wrong, leaders enacted? If any one tried to improve or change those systems you and your ilk would be up in arms. You will soon be telling us that this will reduce costs when the bureaucracy takes over at 10 times the cost of the insurance providers. Inefficiency will no longer be a concern. Obama said that he did not yet have enough people to put one in each doctor’s office to insure that each doctor was doing the right thing in each situation. How efficient is that going to be? At what age will the cut of any type of surgery take place? THAT WILL BE THE WAY COSTS ARE CONTROLED. All the while the most important thing will be that abortion is covered by the tax payer. The rest of health services will be rationed. Only the richest Americans will be able to get decent health care. Any doctor that is any good will either retire or find some way of getting out of the government controlled plans. There is not one thing that you or anyone can come up with that is remotely positive about this disaster of a bill. How could anyone think that any idea that this Democrat controlled congress puts forth could be anything but a sham? This is the most corrupt group of politicians ever assembled with the President leading as the First Perp. How you love dictators and fascists. Reply warren, olathe 11/25/09 re: Erich Fromm quote Pretty much the same thing. Fortunately the programing isn't working on everybody. Reply warren, olathe 11/25/09 re: Friedrich Nietzsche quote Yea rbesrq Obama leads the list Reply warren, olathe 11/25/09 re: Friedrich Nietzsche quote You get it right J. Except the Constitution stuff. It is being ignored. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print