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Posts from Warren, olathe

Warren, olatheWarren, olathe
warren, olathe

Very true. Quote sure sound like one Ayn Rand would have come up with.

warren, olathe

George is talking about what in his time seemed the inevitability of the socialist take over of the entire world. I am not sure that we aren’t still in as much peril since we now think that communism is dead. Letting our guard down may be more devastating that if the Soviet Union had continued. Look around. We accept outright communist/socialist teaching in our schools all the way down to kindergarten. We have communists writing our textbooks. We have socialists as a majority of our journalists. We almost never hear a personal opinion from some celebrity that is not socialist in nature. They spew their ignorance unchallenged and believe it to be wisdom. Most of them have no idea what will happen if their philosophy becomes the ruling thought process. They just continue to be politically correct with no brain engaged. Where ignorance flourishes Democrats happen.

warren, olathe

WAKE UP! This man was a devout hater of Communism. He was an intelligent man that had been a communist but came to see the error of his thinking. He foretold of a future in which socialism ruled all nations in his book 1984. He is describing accurately the way of the Left and how it will control thought and action. One will not be convinced of the right or wrong of a thing with reason, rather it will be by coercion.

warren, olathe

True communist/leftist/socialist/Democrat thought process.

warren, olathe

Bet he really was as disappointed as Alistair Crowley that he didn't get to really be the anti Christ.

warren, olathe

How could any one ever have listened to this buffoon?

warren, olathe

Another way of saying that people want freedom if they don't have any. Stupid.

warren, olathe

Fred never experienced reality.

warren, olathe

He believed that with out morals we would become supermen. Man was scum.

warren, olathe

Knowing the man I know that the intent behind the quote is despicable.

warren, olathe

This man was the great inspiration along with Darwin that created the extermination camps of Hitler. This is simply the thoughts of evil. Take one part Darwin, one part Nietzsche, and one part Marks and you have an Adolph Hitler or a Joseph Stalin..

warren, olathe

Sounds like Greek to me Logan but it still sounds quite plausible. It helps make sense out of an otherwise confused sounding quote.

warren, olathe

Dead on. As I have been saying myself but not as well put as Reagan. We need another. Quick.

warren, olathe

If you are allowed to begin with the children you have already attained the objective in your country. Peace in the world is only attainable by bringing freedom to it. All war is the result of the presence of tyrants.

warren, olathe

Run by Democrats through bureaucrats.

warren, olathe

Quote is very accurate. Most people can not cope with liberty and will readily trade it for security and comfort when given a choice. Freedom is increasingly being confused with handouts. People are being told that they deserve something for nothing and they bite the bait not caring about the loss of liberty that comes with it. This is the worst form of corruption our society is exposed to. The devaluation of ones self worth will eventually bring about acceptance for totalitarian socialism incrementally. The old trite frog in the pot fits here. The absence of self worth combined with the general acceptance of moral relativity is being used to destroy the foundation of our society. Once the cycle is completed nothing will stop the tyrant wanabe.

warren, olathe

He is right. The above comments are a perfect example.

warren, olathe

The quote did not say that the country's fate depended on propaganda. To be educated means that you have learned something, it does not mean that you have been programmed. Our schools are dealing less and less with education. Our county's fate depends on this trend being reversed. The quote could not be more to the point.

warren, olathe

Wonder what he would think of today’s University. That quote couldn't be more accurate.

warren, olathe

When arbitrary morality and conscience is imposed as it is today then there will be no academic freedom. Our universities are the breeding grounds of tomorrow’s tyrants.

warren, olathe

The killing of the freedom of speech and thought on the college campus is abominable.

warren, olathe

I wonder if he knew just how bad his school was becoming. It didn't retain any of those philosophies.

warren, olathe

Robert I was not being sarcastic. I do believe I was absolutely correct in everything I wrote. Being an artist does not automatically relieve you of moral responsibility

warren, olathe

Sounds like a big criticism for today’s educational system doesn’t it.

warren, olathe

Quote is very good. The problem he has is he believes that truth is arbitrary. So why would he believe that you would have to search for it? May be that he is just trying to fool us into thinking he is a visionary just looking out for our best interest with no agenda of his own. Quote is an example of how good things can sound coming from the silvery tongue of a snake.

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