Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [651-675] of 1306Posts from cal, Lewisville, TXcal, Lewisville, TX Previous 25 Next 25 4 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 9/9/11 re: Ron Paul quote The enemy scores a victory anytime we surrender any of our rights. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 9/7/11 re: Eric Schaub quote Use them or lose them! 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 9/5/11 re: Charles T. Sprading quote I choose Libertarian over the Authoritarian rule of LBJ in the 60's. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 9/2/11 re: Salman Rushdie quote And boy, did the radical muslims ever go after him for this. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 9/2/11 re: Robert Baird quote Strange how we have about 1000 different denominations coming from the same King James bible. Like our constitution, few will read it for what it actually says. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 9/2/11 re: Neal Boortz quote When JFK started the Dept. of Education it spurred even more federal interferrence into state and local affairs. Our education system has become POLITICAL. No more needs to be said for the fall of it. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/26/11 re: Laurence J. Peter quote I've always had doubts about state controlled education systems. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/26/11 re: Krzysztof Kieslowski quote The Soviet Union only needed to fool their own. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/22/11 re: Charles T. Sprading quote Freedom is not having liberal government forcing their ways upon us. Congress and the Federal courts seem to have passed many laws and interrupted our original Constitution to HELL. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/16/11 re: Michael Badnarik quote If elected Ron Paul will have America's first successful foreign policy. There just won't be one! 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/11/11 re: Grover Cleveland quote What? We have found a Good Democrat. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/8/11 re: David Dudley Field, II quote Amen. 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/8/11 re: Charles T. Sprading quote There is always the question of ethical with any law. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/5/11 re: William Comer quote You nailed it on the head Jim K. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/5/11 re: Oscar Wilde quote Perhaps he is upset about his own punishment of going to prison for being homosexual. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/5/11 re: Lady Marguerite Blessington quote So Reston, who purchased Obama and Bite-me(Biden)???? They are both rich now and help to create more poor folks. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/27/11 re: Jean de la Bruyere quote Yes, what changes he would have seen in such a long life time. 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/27/11 re: B. Bruce-Briggs quote Would they want to rid society of everything that kills folks-kitchen knives, cars, etc.. 2 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/26/11 re: Sheldon Richman quote I myself was all for the heavy bombing, but let's keep our ground troops and nation rebuilding here at home. 2 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/26/11 re: Robert E. Lee quote Can not anyone see the truth. The Unioin victory was the beginning of DC gaining all power from the states and the growing of big-brother centralized federal power over us all. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/26/11 re: New York Times quote I like Mark Levine's naming them The New York Slimes. Even New Yorkers must not care that much for them giving their financial fall these last few years. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/25/11 re: Sun Tzu quote Traci, that is a question well asked. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/25/11 re: Chicago Evening American quote They owned 81% of J P Morgan Bank in ole JP's day. Anybody know if they still do or not? Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/19/11 re: Yvonne M. Conde quote And our liberal press called him "The Robin Hood of Cuba." He is the one who would save his people. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/19/11 re: Justice Hugo L. Black quote I feel fairly certain the folks in Alabama should not be so proud of their native son just as J Allen above says. His liberal standing showed no southern roots at all. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print