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Posts from cal, lewisville, tx

cal, lewisville, txcal, lewisville, tx
cal, lewisville, tx

He did this when he stood up to Harry Truman on giving away Korea when we had it won.

cal, lewisville, tx

I cannot argue with this!!!!

cal, Lewisville, TX

Bob, Pittsburgh, women did not vote anywhere but in the state of Wyoming until 1920. Slavery had nothing to do with the Civil War. Better read Lincoln's writings. Out going president James Buchanan said it best when he spoke of how the federal government lacked any constitutional authority to force the southern states back into the union. And remember, northerners insisted that slaves were only 3/5ths of a man.

cal, Lewisville, TX

Waffler, the title is United States-not the Federal Democratic Republic of Amerika.

cal, Lewisville, TX

Daniel Webster said the nation is made of people and not states in his argument with David Hayne. He hardly recognized the states.

cal, Lewisville, Tx

Evil triumphs when good men do what? ??

cal, Lewisville, Tx

Can't remember what the farmers rebellion was about?

cal, Lewisville, Tx

Does this mean the US is the dumpster for all the unwanted in the world to come here and collect welfare, foodstamps, and Medicaid. When they do work they will pay no income taxes for seven years. Get this off of the Statue of Liberty.

cal, Lewisville, Tx

One must discover himself in his own way.

cal, Lewisville, Tx

So many freedoms we lost in the twentieth century and still losing today.

cal, Lewisville, Tx

Many, many people are afraid of the truth-the whole truth.

cal, Lewisville, Tx

Our fruit in amerika is starting to rot.

cal, Lewisville, Tx

Practice makes perfect.

cal, Lewisville, Tx

Extermination of one thing can lead to the extermination of another.

cal, Lewisville, Tx

Thinking of Catholic pope Thinking the world was flat and the earth in the center of our solar system.

cal, Lewisville, Tx

Mesa, AZ. Nails it on the head.

cal, Lewisville, Tx

As far as opinion, I would rather know it by word or print than to find out by action later. Especially if it is violent.

cal, Lewisville, Tx

Yes, those people who worry about the habits of others.

cal, Lewisville, Tx

I don't drink it, but don't mind those that do.

cal, Lewisville, Tx

Drug use would be a person's own personal business if we get rid of federal Medicaid. No one's personal habits should ever cost someone else.

cal, Lewisville, Tx

Congress and the courts decide our freedoms today, saving the most for themselves. They exempt themselves from the burdens they put on our shoulders.

cal, Lewisville, Tx

I voted for him every time. He loves liberty.

cal, Lewisville, Tx

There can be too much of a good thing-such as centralized government.

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