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Posts from gunnycee, durham

gunnycee, durhamgunnycee, durham
GunnyCee, Durham

The noodle-heads who think that the world is made up of sunshine and lollipops need to extract their craniums from ther rectums. These are the same people who think that 9/11 was a criminal act of a few nuts jobs; not an act of war, planned and executed by warriors of a Muslim warlord. GDub presided over a government whose Congress was predominately liberal Marxist sympathizers, whose unelected career government workers headed by a communist-inspired labor union, and a mostly under-educated electorate. These things alone would have toppled any president, yet, he perservered and succeeded under impossible conditions. I think that history will mark him as an extraordinary president who was able to deal with extreme adversity while reming calm and resolute.

GunnyCee, Durham

To a certain extent, Mike is correct. But we are a country of rules not men, so we have to wait for the election cycle. What would other countries have done? They would have demanded that this present regime be declared incompetent and dangerous. It stands for everything that our Constitution was designed to prevent -- a take-over of our Congress and ruling by fear. They have shoved spending bills down our throats under a weak and willing Congress until we voted most of the skunks out of the House of Representives. By following our own Constitution, we have allowed Obama plenty of rope. Actually, Obama's fear tactics are starting to look foolish and the American people via the Tea Party have gotten some spine and are beginning to stand up to this petty tyrant. We will act as a Union and will vote against tyranny next year...if we can last as a united America for that long.

GunnyCee, Durham

Reston must be deluded. He's half-right about the RINO's in the past who kept the whole government-can-fix-your-problems attitude, but the Dems have that attitude with a strong dose of steroids. They aren't going to "fix" anything, if fact what they are doing is making it much worse. All you deluded libs out there, what you saw happen in New York with this last special election is the precursor for what is about to happen in the whole country in 2012! What conservatives call liberty, libs call it cold-heartedness. What conservatives call freedom, libs call ut anarchy. Clearly libs are deluded.

GunnyCee, Durham

Anyone with a modicum of common sense knows you cannot monetize your debt by printing more money and paying it off with useless IOUs. And who are the geniuses who thought that if a trillion dollar bail out didn't work, another trillion would work? How many times do you Obamanistas have to slam your head against the wall before you say enough is enough?

GunnyCee, Durham

GBS was a strange duck to be sure, but he is right in saying that all censorship is all about preventing anyone from challenging the present administration and the current union thugs in charge of our government educational system. The trend toward globalized socialism must be stopped right here in the good ole U. S. of A., becuase if it succeeds here, there is no stopping it worldwide. The gloves are going to be coming off very soon as election time nears. Be ready for some truley bizzare things from the lefties in the comming months.

GunnyCee, Durham

That is evident today when we see the left losing their minds with their irrational claims that the conservatives want Grandma and Grandpa to die without health care, and that the Tea Party people are hateful, cold-hearted, and would just as soon see all poor people starve to death. What are the liberals afraid of when the conservatives take over the whole of Congress and the White House? Are their fears based on rational facts? No. Are their fears based on past experience with conservatives? No. Then what is it specifically they are afraid of other than having the gravy train derailed and their free ride ending?

GunnyCee, Durham

Unfortunately, what Ann Haight says is all too true. Today, liberals are constantly trying to censor the Tea Party because their opinions are not very popular with the leftist. The Tea Party members have been called everything from thugs to terrorists in an attempt to discredit and belittle them. It ain't working :-)

GunnyCee, Durham

The so-called "intellectual liberati" should read Ayn Rand's philosophy on selfishness. Selfishness isn't evil, it's a means of self-preservation. Anyone who has a family knows the importance of preserving that entity. Liberals today have no "family." They do not understand the concept of husband, wife, and children as family. They only understand, me, children, and the government as their family. There is no question in their minds that the government is good. However for those who are involved in working their butts off with no breaks in taxes or hours worked, their minds are always on the fact that those who depend on the governemnt for their survival are taking away from me and my family. No matter how hard I work, the governemnt takes more away from me and my family to support these worthless slugs.

GunnyCee, Durham

What? Do you really mean that the government doesn't really know what's in our best interest? I'll bet that there are millions of liberal-raised and brain-washed people from the 80's until now who don't even understand the concept of "own interest." They have been brainwashed into believing that "self-interest" is evil. They believe that everything you think about should be for the "greater good." Sounds a lot like the CYBORGS on Star Trek doesn't it?

GunnyCee, Durham

Spirew Agne and Richard Nixon were, thank God, the last of a breed of Republicans that gave the GOP a bad name. Nixon was really a RINO anyway. He tried to enlarge the size of the federal government to even a higher extent that Obama is doing. He actually imposed gas prices by telling gas station owners what price they could charge regarlesss of how much they had to pay for their supply. That failed miserably. He was however, able to impose a 55 mile speed limit over the entire country. That was as liberal as it gets. Spirew was a crook who had no respect for the American peole. Another trait of the liberals. So, in my opinion, both of them were liberal jerks who ran on the GOP ticket because the GOP was week and infiltrated with Marxist/communists. Today, it's entirely different. Today, you see the GOP as the people's party who are sick and tired of government as usual --- tax, tax, tax --- spend, spend, spend. IF Dorthy were to wake up today and meet men with no brains, no courage, and no hearts, she wouldn't be in OZ, she'd be in DC.

GunnyCee, Durham

I have yet to see any evidence that America is set on conquering and imposing her rule over other countries or the world for that matter. We are a freedom loving people and if we intend to remain free, then we have to supress those who would take it away from us. If that means going into another country and freeing them from evil, monstrous dictators then so be it. We cannot afford to let the world become a free-for-all for terrorists and those who eat, dream, and brush their teeth with our destruction in mind. We live in an extremely dangerous world and as soon as the millions of liberals throughout the world realize this, the better off we'll all be. We are moving out of Iraq just as we promised we would after they showed some ability to fend for themselves. Thanks to the liberals in this world, we are leaving too early. This will neccessitate going back in again, and if not, we'll just have to learn to live with terrorists ruling half the world. Personally, I think that is insane.

GunnyCee, Durham

The problem with Detroit was not corporate greed, it was union greed. They demanded more and more pay for less and less work. The retirement packages for auto workers are better than the POTUS gets. Also, state and federal taxes were killing the car companies. It's no wonder they left such a poisonous environment. Unions have been the cause of most of this country's problems, especially the government unions and teacher's unions. Why is it that whenever you hear of workers getting high on their lunch breaks, it always involves union workers? Our president is in the pocket of the unions and has prostituted himself to them at the expense of our grandchildren's and greatgrandchildren's future to make a decent living for themselves without being a slave to some union. State capitalism does not create wealth, it creates make-work (pyramids) and dependency. Private capitalism creates jobs and economic independence.

GunnyCee, Durham

Socialism demeans mankind. There is nothing noble or dignified about it. Basically, it means that we are all entitled to be equally miserable.

GunnyCee, Durham

Obviously, Krista, you have no idea how evil the world really is. It must be nice living in your own world.

GunnyCee, Durham

Oscar Wilde, an avowed communist (I could care less that he was light in the heels) was a grouchy old dissident anarchist. I'm surprised that during his time in prison he wasn't thanking his lucky stars (think of a kid in a candy store with no one looking). I think it was Richard Prior who said, "I've been in prison...thank God for prisons." He saw and dealt with some of the worst in our society.

GunnyCee, Durham

One only has to look at the antics of our Hollywood stars to see the truth of this adage. It seems that they can get away with drug and sexual abuses--in fact--their stature sems to be enhanced by such behavior. However, government big-wigs, once exposed to the public for those vices are toast. They do, however, seem to get away with embezzlement, and the more they embezzle the higher their stature seems to rise.

GunnyCee, Durham

If that doesn't describe our sick society, then nothing does. The best part thouth is that those who don't demand of their government--the hard working people--are finally waking up to the fact that their government is nothing more or less than an organized crime gang.

GunnyCee, Durham

We probably have enough laws on the books to make every man, woman, and child a criminal. The trouble is that politicians are allowed to make laws and I believe they make them simply because they can make them.

GunnyCee, Durham

Well, we only have to look at the hapless Bernie Madoff who tried to duplicate the government ponzy scheme of Social Security. He patterned his scam after the government's own scam and ended up in prison for the rest of his life.

GunnyCee, Durham

A bitter woman who obviously has issues with authority. She was writing during the time of the "robber barons" in the period following the Civil War years when factories used children as laborers. This is when socialism began to raise it's ugly head in earnest. This is the era that spawned Woodrow Wilson and the Leage of Nations nonsense.

GunnyCee, Durham

Don't forget the food police. They are just getting a toehold into our lives. Soon, eating a Big Mac with fries and a coke will become a misdomeaner, then a felony if you are over a certain weight. Then you will go to a rehab camp to lose weight and get your head rewired. Go ahead and laugh. Once Obamacare goes into effect, the government can dictate to you when and how much to exercise and when, what, and how much you can eat all in the name of "for the good of society." Legalizing marijuana only makes common sense. All we do by imprisoning users and dealers is to make for better, more efficient criminals. It's like sending them to a trade school for free. Make it legal, tax it, and solve the debt problem all at the same time. We've spend billions trying to shovel sand against the sea. Hey, isn't that the definition of insanity?

GunnyCee, Durham

Well, the way I see it is we the citizens brought it all on ourselves. We stood by doing and saying nothing as thousands of people are rounded up and imprisoned for using recreational drugs. All we've done is made better criminals. We didn't say anything when the police actually bombed a "ghetto" in L. A. to get at a particular gang of thugs. As long as it wasn't any of "us" then it was okay for the police to go after the bad guys using "any means necessary." Now, they are coming after our guns (they've already made it almost impossible to buy any weapons that would fend off the ever-growing police state). Have all those millions of soldiers who have died over the years so that we can remain free...have they all died in vain? Believe me, big government is not your friend.

GunnyCee, Durham

How do you rate this as being a favorable 5 star statement when it is is such a damning evaluation of life in America today? It's sad, but it's true and it is, in many cases absolutely necessary in order to protect so many uncaring, uninvolved citizens. If they don't care or get involved, then the government must step in to fill in the vacuum. Today's American citizen is a sorry, unconscious mess who thinks only about what is best for their own selves and could care less about their neighbors,. There is no love of anyone but self and therefore, they have reaped what they have sown. Too bad, too sad.

GunnyCee, Durham

I think that if old Ezra would have made it clear that a government who imposes debt imposes slavery, then we would be more clear. Debt is how we do business in America. How else could you buy a house or car? How else could you send four children to college? Senseible debt is necessary for a healthy economy. It's when people start thinking of money as a "right" that we get into financial disaster.

GunnyCee, Durham

I've been around for 70 years and I've seen never known a period of peace from wars that lasted more than an average of ten years. History repeats itself and those who refuse to study history always think that the present war is the worst. I have always believed in the better nature of America and we have always used war as a way of change for the good. I mean, look at Japan, Germany,Korea, and China. We have been at war with all of these countries and none of these countries belong to America (so much for imperialism). and all of them are far better off economically now than before the wars. Gee, I wonder what liberals think of that information? Not to worry, they have been brainwashed and it doesn't matter what the facts are anyway. McCarther was right about evil empires going to war against undefended wealth, but why do liberals attribute those same goals to America when we go to war to defend our liberties?

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