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Posts from jim k, Austin Tx

jim k, Austin Txjim k, Austin Tx
jim k, austin tx

Asset forfeiture is another horrible product of the War on Drugs. Cops can take private property without charging anyone with a crime.
Check out "Law Enforcement Against Prohibition".

jim k, austin tx

Bruce, better to be quiet and be thought an idiot than speak and remove all doubt.

jim k, austin tx

It's hard to argue with this one.

jim k, austin tx

I suggest and hope that a lot of people remembered the past 6 years on election day.

jim k, austin tx

I also agree with Logan.

jim k, austin tx

"Every election is sort of an advanced auction of stolen goods", H.L. Mencken.

jim k, austin tx

Don't vote, it just encourages the bastards.

jim k, austin tx

Someone once said,"Don't vote, it just encourages the bastards."

jim k, austin tx

Thank goodness for the Electoral College.

jim k, austin tx

There should be a period after the word "Law" in the above.

jim k, austin tx

Sounds like the Tea Party to me.

jim k, austin tx

To speak ill of,say, Hitler , Stalin , Harry Reid or Hillary is in no way praising ourselves.

jim k, austin tx

The press now keeps Obama afloat.

jim k, austin tx

Everyone is equal but some are more equal than others.

jim k, austin tx

Another quote from the Buddha. "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."

jim k, austin tx

Shelby, Ohio, if we lived according to the "Good Book" we would all be in jail. Have you ever read the Old Testament ?? If your child sassed you would you have them stoned ??

jim k, austin tx

Ron13 do you ever write anything in plain English ?? This is a rhetorical question.

jim k, austin tx

In wars, the victors write the history. How true.

jim k, austin tx

Gobbledygook, are you referring to Ronw13's comments ??

jim k, austin tx

Anonymous,a typical nonsense comment. You never disappoint.

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