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Posts from jim k, Austin, Tx

jim k, Austin, Txjim k, Austin, Tx
jim k, Austin, Tx

Waffler is truly nuts. We are living in a police state right now. Our jails are full of people who have done nothing wrong except to be caught with the wrong vegetable matter in their pocket. And they have had their property stolen by "law enforcement". We have drones watching Americans and the government is now buying up millions of dollars of bullets for some reason ?? This all sounds a little ominus to me but not to the Wafflers and Restons.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Reston, be sure and get back to the rest home in time for bed check. And if I were you, I'd cancel those shock treatments as they don't seem to be helping.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Look at it today. Obama is predicting the end of the world if they cut any government spending. However, it's time to face some facts, no matter who gets elected , the government gets bigger and more oppressive with each administration. Watch a video, "The truth about voting" by Stefan Molyneaux.

jim k, Austin, Tx

The problem is simple, namely that the state(government) has always sought to enslave the people. Every government since Washington has gotten bigger and more centralized. "Honest Abe" had a war to centralize power in D.C. This H.L.Mencken quote sums it up nicely." The most dangerous man to any government is the man able to think things out. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable".

jim k, Austin, Tx

Nice try Waff. In my Oxford dictionary I looked up "lucent: and the editor seemed to have missed that one. It ain't in there

jim k, Austin, Tx

L.Hanson, it seems that those shock treatments you are getting just aren't working. In your case I afraid it's hopeless.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Change the words federal to state and vice versa in the quote and you have the situation in the U.S. today.

jim k, Austin, Tx

He must have been talking about speaking against the policies of The Right Reverend Obama. Now that could get you in trouble.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Hanson, don't worry your little liberal mind, the Socialist media in the U.S. is in firm control. I wasn't aware that Canada had a right wing press but thanks for making my day with that information. However, you may consider anything one degree right of Karl Marx to be right wing.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Public servents: persons chosen by the people to distribute the graft. Mark Twain. Jack, if you don't see the necessity of term limits then I doubt that explaining it to you would do any good.But don't worry your little Liberal brain, Congress will never allow it. They love the gravy train they are on way to much to derail it.

jim k, Austin, Tx

L. Hanson, I have great hopes for Canada and then I read tripe that you write. I'm not a big Fox fan but they are a lot closer to fair reporting than CNN, The new York Times, Public Radio, and nearly all of the rest of the liberal controlled media. Actually, Canada's Prime Minister is a far better leader than the Muslim currently sitting in our Oval Office.

jim k, Austin, Tx

At least 90% of the media is run by liberals and can be viewed as sold out to Obama , the democratic party, and labour unions.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Waffler is either putting us all on are he is truly nuts. How on earth can people get rich by stealing from the poor ? If you are planning on stealing I think you'd steal from someone who had something worth stealing. Bill Gates didn't get to be wealthy by stealing from any poor person but he has created thousands of jobs so that people won't be poor. Komrad Waffler is truly insane .

jim k, Austin, Tx

" Government , even in it's best state, is but a necessary evil, in it's worst state an intorable one". Thomas Paine

jim k, Austin, Tx

I'm not sure that the average voter in this country is smart enough to be classified as half witted. Witness the last two elections.

jim k, Austin, Tx

As to the American public, "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers."

jim k, Austin, Tx

J Carlton is right on this.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Okay Mike, let's just say that Jesus made the Roman Rulers nervous and that's what got him executed.

jim k, Austin, Tx

And not to say anything slightly negative toward the state or you are in for a lot of trouble. An example is Jesus. His teachings made the Roman rulers a little nervous so he was executed.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Herta, Sarasota,I agree with most of what you wrote, however, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, and Thomas paine were not Christians, they were Deists. Jefferson thought that the idea of the Trinity was ludicrous as did Thomas Paine. For Jefferson's view of religion, read "The Essense Of Jefferson" by Martin Larson.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Change the word information to misinformation and you have what all the major news media's are peddling today.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Just because a throng of people are cheering doesn't mean it's right. People cheering Obama for one example.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Most newspaper readers would probablynot be able to accept facts about government. If they could, they wouldn't reelect the slime balls that infest our government.

jim k, Austin, Tx

If there is some news that is negative about Obama or one of his henchmen, they just leave it out or put it on the back page. If it's a conservative, it makes the headlines.

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