Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [201-225] of 342Posts from jim k, austin txjim k, austin tx Previous 25 Next 25 Reply jim k, austin tx 5/28/14 re: John Templeton quote I suspect that they are all wrong. Reply jim k, austin tx 5/28/14 re: George Orwell quote Two Orwell quotes. "Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind"."In our age there is no such thing as keeping out of politics. All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies,evasions, folly,hatred,and schizophrenia". Reply jim k, austin tx 5/27/14 re: Johann von Schiller quote I repeat, what the heck are you talking about. Reply jim k, austin tx 5/27/14 re: Voltaire quote " No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session." Reply jim k, austin tx 5/27/14 re: Niccolo Machiavelli quote Joe, Rochester, I agree. And also laws are passed to buy votes and please lobbyists. Reply jim k, austin tx 5/27/14 re: Johann von Schiller quote Ron, w13, what on earth are you talking about. Reply jim k, austin tx 5/26/14 re: Ronald Reagan quote Waffler is saddened that Ken may not have voted. That's a load of BS. So what if he may or may not have voted. I once saw a quote that said, "Don't vote, it just encourages the bastards." A lot of truth there. Reply jim k, austin tx 5/26/14 re: Milton Friedman quote Eric,Wichita is right. After the ATF and DEA about a dozen other bureaus should go including the DOE, HUD, OSHA, and the EPA. Reply jim k, austin tx 5/23/14 re: Judge Learned Hand quote The above quote is credited to Mark Twain , but it was probably first said by Gideon J Tucker. 3 Reply jim k, austin tx 5/23/14 re: Judge Learned Hand quote "No man's life , liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session." 1 Reply jim k, austin tx 5/23/14 re: Hubert H. Humphrey quote Prison guards have a union and are all in favor of putting lots of folk in jail. It's job security. Reply jim k, austin tx 5/22/14 re: Dwight D. Eisenhower quote Bigbear, you are truly crazy . David L., your response makes no sense to the truth in this quote. Reply jim k, austin tx 5/22/14 re: Marcus Tullius Cicero quote Wm,Az, good. 1 Reply jim k, austin tx 5/21/14 re: Will Rogers quote ...and lawyers run the country. Reply jim k, austin tx 5/21/14 re: Sir Winston Churchill quote And Reid, Pelosi and the gang are busy passing more laws, and how about a jillion executive orders from the White House. Reply jim k, austin tx 5/21/14 re: Dr. Thomas Fuller quote 5 stars for Mike and thumbs down for Cynthia. Reply jim k, austin tx 5/20/14 re: John Milton quote For once I agree with Reston. Reply jim k, austin tx 5/20/14 re: Jessica Mitford quote Even Commies can speak the truth. 1 Reply jim k, austin tx 5/20/14 re: Bertrand Russell quote Here's an example. The Miami Dolphin player tweeted that the kiss from the Missouri player on his partner after being drafted "grossed him out". He is being fined and sent to some sort of sensitivity education by the owners of the team. I suspect he spoke for a lot of people and whatever happened to "Freedom of Speech". He didn't yell fire in a crowded theater but merely expressed an opinion. Reply jim k, austin tx 5/19/14 re: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow quote Good comments all. 1 Reply jim k, austin tx 5/19/14 re: John Stuart Mill quote Live and let live is the point. Reply jim k, austin tx 5/15/14 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Remember the Soviet Unions' famous "5 Year Plans" directed from the top down. They had to change it about every other year with a new 5 year plan , always better than the last one. 1Reply jim k, austin tx 5/14/14 re: F. J. Lucas quote Iran gave the world Persian rugs and a multitude of problems, including Islam. Reply jim k, austin tx 5/12/14 re: W. Somerset Maugham quote Or if you expect the worst, you will also very often get it. 1 Reply jim k, austin tx 5/12/14 re: Marcus Aurelius quote "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers". Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print