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Posts from rbesrq


Carlton, can't you see that the flag you worship and your allegiance are all to the benefit of the Globalists - you should think more highly of yourself.


Reston, yes, but also the quote confuses two big issues - I believe in limiting government. Unfortunately this quote is mixing topics.


The quote deserves thumbs down not because of what is said but because he mixes issues and that is not acceptable in an intelligent argument.


He doesn't know what he is talking about - not even worth commenting - and belongs behind the closed doors of the Cato Institute.


Stupid quote - thanks Reston and Popeye


Thought I agree, we the people are just as much to blame as we have more debt than the government.


Our Military has the check book and they are meant to be our servants. The government is just a mask for what is really happening in America.


What a stupid and banal statement - I'm always amazed how those who are wealthy make the same statements time and time again. There seems to be no understanding of the actual philosophy behind compassion - I truly believe the US is heading for a revolution because the people can only take so much of this $%&#@*+? before they see how they are being raped and pillaged by the privileged class. American Imperialism is so well propagandized that the people believe they live in a free and democratic nation.


Archer please reread Milton's agenda, they are the same...."The problem of social organization is how to set up an arrangement under which greed will do the least harm, capitalism is that kind of a system." And that has to be the joke of all time.... Look, Milton makes some good sense when it comes to taxes, drugs, and inflation but that is where it ends.


Archer, how sad it is that you have no compassion for your fellow human beings. All is black and white to you...


It's interesting to see the same four musketeers playing their tune.


Once again we here the tied rhetoric of the misinformed and there only form of jubilance, EGO. It's amazing that all they can do is shove tied and abusive slurs that make them feel as though they have a place in the world without realizing they are just pawns who follow the corporate mantra. We have given these people the time of day and now it;s time to stop this madness and allow them to crawl back into the caves to play with the shadows on the walls.


Milton Friedman I'm afraid is one of the reasons why we are in this economic and social disaster - he is definitely in the top ten of those responsible for the decline of the American.


Dr. Tom. Please keep on commenting your observations are excellent. He didn't do a very good job of advising Reagan and that was for starters (trickle-down - give me a break). The free-market system stinks and he knows it. He (the puppet) promoted this idea under the influence of his wealthy and corporate masters. Just look at his background and you will start to understand how absurd his ideas really are. Capitalists love a free-market as they can them rape and pillage while they get rich. A free-market can only work in a highly regulated system which includes tariffs.


Editor, that's a little to obvious, but excellent...


Thank goodness there are a few on this blog that see the lunacy of this quote.


What's illusory is the justice that should put these criminals in prison. Bernanke is just doing what Greenspan and cohorts tell him.


Yes, Mr Greenspan; well, that certainly didn't work.... That man should be in prison.... He is now creating a commodity buBble that is only harming the poor - AS USUAL............


Mike you absolutely amaze me - you truly speak with a fork tongue. On one hand you agree with a secular sate and then on the other you insist that openly religious prey in public schools, etc. etc. is OK. OF COURSE IT'S NOT AND THE REASON ARE VERY OBVIOUS. Mike, you are a nice chap and I agree with a lot of what you say but on this issue you are way out of line.


Government is a believer therefore they cannot be atheist. Who is compelling government to care for the poor? surly you must know it is us and not the government. Government shares the wealth with the wealthy not the poor. What humanist ethical philosophies are they enforcing - I thought if they are enforcing it would be theocratic. The sooner we have religion out of government the better - you already have free exercise of religion - you have put God into everything, money, schools, meetings, gatherings, the pledge, and the list goes on. What more do you want - where is your freedom of religion being attacked? I didn't quite get your last sentence; are you agreeing that a secular government would be better than a government that mixes politics with religion? Isn't natural law and a secular government on the same team?


He has a point if you read "History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Volume 1" you would understand the thread of this quote.


Reston does have a point. Your rhetoric does seem to follow the same pattern regardless of subject. Its not so much that you use the statist theocracy our of place its that you use it nearly every time you comment. As John Mill said "...with small men no great thing can really be accomplished." and the goal of statist theocracy is to make small men. Curiosity can be the kernel of many things and forbidden fruit can be what ever you desire. We need a secular state without God. The followers of God are the cause of our current state.


Give me a break! It's as basic as 123

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