Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-25] of 63Posts from robkenrobken Next 25 3 Reply Robken 9/23/11 re: Madame Jeanne-Marie Roland quote Alas, even today, those shouting the same rhetoric are being persecuted and killed, as we have created a world where those freedom-fighters and those wanting their liberty are called terrorists. 1 Reply Robken 9/23/11 re: David Rockefeller quote What fools we are - we are the terrorists, warring to perpetuate a world run by the Rockefeller's and his gang of 12. DR is severely sick and needs help and love. His pals are determined to have a NWO even in Europe today they are trying to create a United States of Europe by creating political division and economic fear (if you don't allow the bail-out of Greece and possibly Italy and Spain Europe will have financial crisis which will cause a total social breakdown... fear, fear, fear.. It's an old age practice which all tyrants use. Create the problem, reaction, then come up with a solution. WE ARE SO BLIND - GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT BUBBLE AND START TO SHUT THIS DOWN - We must raise people awareness - we must bring HUMILITY back into our lives.... 1 Reply Robken 9/22/11 re: Elmer Davis quote The Republic was created by the enlightened elite unfortunately they also had their interest at heart. 2 Reply Robken 9/22/11 re: Auberon Herbert quote How prophetic! 4 Reply Robken 9/21/11 re: Charles Eliot Norton quote Yes, the true patriots are the voices of dissent, they are the true heroes who risk their jobs and friendships. 1 Reply Robken 9/20/11 re: Frederick Douglass quote Perfect! and the tipping point is coming soon! People are blinded by their ignorance (philosophical and political), by their apathy, their greed, and by their cowardice to become active and critical of their government. They think its patriotic to wave the flag, go to church on Sundays, hang out at the water cooler, watch Faux news and ESPN, and endlessly cheer on illegal war after illegal war. The real patriots are those who are critical of authority, and question anything their government tells them. Now I hear that the military will back the tea Party members - my god what the hell is happening to America. You you don't act now and get off your butts and fight the present system it will be to late - there are many sites that will inform you how you can fight the system - start doing your home work. Start gathering your friends around you and make plans for the hard times ahead - cells of independent thinking groups will survive the coming economic and social breakdown. Reply Robken 9/19/11 re: George W. Bush quote No comment!!!!! Reply Robken 9/19/11 re: Amy Tan quote We are all fearful of something - no one has immunity. The key to happiness is the disengagement of all fear and suffering. Alas, only a very small number of people reach that state. Detachment of desire is a path but few have the discipline. Reply Robken 9/19/11 re: John Adams quote How wrong he is......... If only he could have seen the average American today he would most definitely rewrite this quote. Reply Robken 9/13/11 re: George W. Bush quote How stupid, they are one of the same..... But, that's Bush for you....... Reply Robken 9/13/11 re: George Orwell quote P.s Al Gore was a smoke screen and you all fell for it... 1 Reply Robken 9/13/11 re: George Orwell quote An act we get criminalized - America wake up before your country totally becomes a no-fly zone. Wake up to the atrocities being carried out in your name. Wake up to the 9/11 lies. Wake up to the corrupt fiat economy. Wake up to politicians who are no more than whores for corporate interests. Wake up to a killing machine that is out of control. Wake up to your true nature, your true being, and put a stop to this madness - you can, you know, you just have to do It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, take your head out of the sand, and your butt off the sofa and shout "I'm not going to take it anymore" America is counting on you...... 1 Reply Robken 9/12/11 re: Rocco Galati quote When will you lot get the facts straight 9/11 was an inside job - tell me after seeing building seven fall that it wasn't a controlled demolition. Over a thousand engineers have said this can only have happened with help from explosives etc. I suppose we will have to wait until 100 years before we no the truth... 1 Reply Robken 9/12/11 re: Rocco Galati quote The American way will remain the same from genociding the indigenous population of North America to the killing of over 3 million since 9/11 Yes - we are indeed a brave nation, dropping bombs, sending in drones, firing from helicopters, on innocent people. When will Americans get the guts to change this pitiful heritage.... Reply Robken 9/12/11 re: Laurence Tribe quote The worlds greatest wall street/military coup 9/11 - Welcome to the new America .... Reply Robken 6/15/11 re: Frank Herbert quote Yes, Yes, Yes..... You make a law then you produce 10 volumes that explains it and as none of us want to read 10 volumes we end up breaking the law - We should mandate that no law can be more than 100 words and there can be no addition legal wording re explanation. Reply Robken 6/14/11 re: Dr. Mary J. Ruwart quote Then why is the quality of health care in the USA number 37 and under most western countries. Once your ins runs out you are kicked out of what ever facility you happen to be in. I have known cancer patients who are remove from hospital when they have reached their respective maximums . Yet the cost of care in America is far more than any other country. The medical establishments milk the system to the last penny also providing procedures that are unnecessary. Physicians ask patients to return to their office if the need more than one procedure as they are only reimbursed for one office visits - the whole thing stinks - this is the reason we have such high premiums. There are many other reason for this disastrous system we call health care. 1 Reply Robken 6/14/11 re: Charlie Reese quote Until this is stopped by the people we will continue to slide into oblivion as the chariots race towards the abyss. Reply robken 6/9/11 re: Ayn Rand quote Archer, that must be one of the biggest projectionist's to date - The Free Masons and the Federal Reserve are all under the auspices of the Rothschild. Really, Archer, you have this thing about transposing reality. Look under Global and you will see the article. Laissez-Faire; a freemarket, NAFTA; Capitalism; WTO; Glass/Stagall act; are just a few example of our demise. And the Bilderberg gang run it all. Reply Robken 6/8/11 re: Ayn Rand quote I suppose the Rothschilds and wonderful human beings because of their love of wealth and power - with wealth comes power, with power comes corruption, with corruption you start down the slippery slope of Armageddon. So, yes, money (wealth) can be evil, but it can also do good things you just have to know what side your bread is buttered. Reply Robken 6/8/11 re: Ayn Rand quote I could use the NRA quote "It's not Guns that kill people it's people" - then it's not money that kills people it's greed. It's a silly quote as there are to many if and buts. Though the point is well made... Reply Robken 6/6/11 re: Robert Reich quote He forgot the CFR - our President's NEVER decide anything anymore... 1 Reply Robken 6/6/11 re: Paul Volcker quote The quote needs little or no comment... Reply Robken 6/5/11 re: Alexander Hamilton quote Good Mike, let's start a two man crusade - but let's also, in the process, check our brakes. Reply Robken 6/3/11 re: Alexander Hamilton quote It seems that America can... why are the Christian's and other religions so quiet over the war mongering of a nation gone crazy. They sit quiet in their pews, at home watching the telly, shopping at WalMart; yet not a peep from them - no mass demonstration - I thought Christian's and religions generally are against killing, against lies, against theft, against abuse of women and children? Where is the outrage from the American people, where are there ethics, their morals, hvae they been lost and never to be found. Are they so apathetic that they have washed their hands of their nations dirty deeds. Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print