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Posts from ABBY


Wouldn't this negate the climb up the ladder of the motivated? Stifle the notions of the innovator? Wouldn't this cause a lapse in competition between companies or people to make better products? And finally, wouldn't the greater number of people in the end of a democracy, oppress the lesser number in all situations? Equality of opportunity: Yes! A democracy? NO!
A Republic: YES


After listening to Yuri Bezmenov (late) it is difficult to believe anyone who has been brainwashed to believe one thing will suddenly become 'civilized' and turn out fine. It has taken years tod reach this point of divide...and conquer may be closer than we know.


Maybe this is true when individual states (the US Constitution did not declare education a federal responsibility leaving it to the 10th Amendment) are in charge. Then we have competition, motivation, innovation...however when the State is the federal government, the education becomes a form of indoctrination to be used by the administration in office or whatever power is in charge.


We all, outside the privileged class of some politicians, live in a petri dish. Our every move and word is recorded. Often with permission...even our 4th Amendment is under attack.


As he, Bush Sr, fully embraced the UNs Agenda 21 and a New World Order. Great...no Constitution, no representative government, no states rights, hell no rights. Take a look at a world which looks like North Korea. The wealthy few will dictate everything you do, wear, eat, places you go, IF you can go, please learn what you can before you LIVE it.


Big Brother is here and happy. The people are conforming as they are blind to their freedoms being decreased. Our youth believe liberty is when one gets free 'stuff'. Youth have not learned what freedom is. We are on the cusp of demise because the people are unlearned.
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:... Hosea 4:6 (in part). "Ignorance is bliss" can lead to death of a nation.


In the simplest form these are various types of government:
It helps many who have some idea that the USA is a democracy. However, Ben Franklin is alleged to have stated the USA was 'given a republic if they can keep it.' Right now, the UN is working diligently with all nations (including many in the US Congress) to bring all 194 nations under the flag of a new world fascist order called the UNs Agenda 21 (look up International Reporters Roundtable 8-21-23 on NTD...there is a bit about this which is understandable by most). Recall who runs the UN today. Not the USA.
If it is liberty we want, people must understand what it is and what is being removed...for this UN agenda 21 will make the US Constitution null and void.
Thanks, Lincoln, for forward thinking and understanding what could destroy the nation.


Good, tho more accurate if she would have said: everyone loses. However, she obvious did not want to 'generalize'...


... hoping for equal justice here, not some justice here and no justice there...


Restore the Founder's vision of a free people...


Self responsibility, self reliability, self sufficiency, ...
Remember when your 3 year old told you  'I can do it myself?' That is the little libertarian speaking. How long does it take to destroy that trait? It starts today with PRE school...and doesn't end EVER for after education media takes over. Love the quote.


So perfectly expressed in just a few words. The man was really quite brilliant.


Its a 4 cuz there are other factors to consider: a big one: Owing money


Being lost can result in a great adventure I have found...however, that was being lost on a road. One isn't really lost if they backtrack and head in the direction they wish to be on. Love this one.


This is what makes America wonderful...individual liberty to be oneself as long as not oppressing or harming another.


...and why the USA is a republic...a nation based upon law...even tho a great number call it a democracy, which the Founders declared would soon commit suicide ~ it appears that is currently in full swing since so many who know not the gift they were given ~ most want free stuff (and oppression...you know how there is no free gift, eh?) more than liberty, per personal observation...


I, Mr Sillik, have no criminal past. I, Mr Sillik, am not mastered by anyone. I can only speak for myself. As you might wish to do in the future. Now enough of this pettiness. Please do not address me personally again.


Your negativity is beyond normal scope of today's life. America and those who live here as a whole and moral body continue to attempt to improve lives. Today, we have people who want to rule lives and we must change that. Therefore, we must RESTORE the Constitution and I will pray for you and the USA. Perhaps your work should be to free the enslaved kids both in America and around the world. They are everywhere and need help. Worry less about those things you feel were injustices then when there are injustices now which you can do something about. In the meantime, read history the Constitution was written for all people. Even you. It is a wonderful gift from the Founders and God.  I am sorry you feel so victimized. Do something to make life better for others. It will lift you up. Don't waste precious time attacking an old lady who loves America.


We need to RESTORE...not continue making more mistakes.


Ben Franklin said this about safety: "Those who give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  And so after the twin towers were attacked, in order to make the people 'safe' they were given NDAA. See how safety works for us. And soon we will all be given a 1 fee health care system so we are all safe from harm...if we can see a dr and we aren't awfully expensive. And so on and so on...there is no liberty when the government is too big for its britches.


The Declaration was the hope for a new Nation unattached to the one the Founders believed took unfair advantage of, and the outline for the resulting Constitution. The Constitution was the result of much study and those of us who are lay people look upon it as something which should remind each of us what those in government cannot do which could violate our individual liberty. This is short but the point is made...


No doubt about it. No one with a sane mind could be so wrong as we see all around us today. They must be strong to to survive this:


And people comply to this voluntarily...


WHAT BULLPUCKY Mr Sillik, You appear to express communist leanings. America was built on can-do...and what one man can-do can aid in another man to be able-to...and thus it goes on, privately via free exchange. We are headed to where our Founders hoped we would not go. Constant surveillance and the inability to do anything without permission from the 'leaders', who will certainly no longer be by, for, and of, 'the people'. In fact, America's sovereignty could be gone by the time anyone else reads this...and the UN could be in charge...

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