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Posts from Ben, Orem, UT

Ben, Orem, UTBen, Orem, UT
Ben, Orem, UT

So true. Voting for liberty will do nothing if we do not live free. Live by just laws and society will be the better for it.

Ben, Orem, UT

Right! And I am Santa Claus!

Ben, Orem, UT

Dick, why is the state more altruistic than free enterprise? What evidence do you have that government is any more immune to greed and corruption than "laissez faire"? Your statement is so full of ignorance I am surprised you don't feel out of place here. This is LIBERTY quotes.

Ben, Orem, UT

Interesting....but I think this may be a false dichotomy. I certainly see his point, but the showdown isn't between government and no government. It is between liberty and slavery. Government just happens to be on the side of slavery in so many cases.

Ben, Orem, UT

No, Waffler. Again, you miss the point, because society allows the individual to choose, regardless of what everyone else chooses. Democracy does not allow the individual to choose. Rather, it is the collective making a decision without regard for the will of the individual. In society, I can still buy a product or service, even if the majority doesn't. The state monopolizes everything leaving no choice to those who would choose differently. The god of democracy has failed you. Turn away from it.

Ben, Orem, UT

Individualism is not indifference. He has is all wrong. On the other hand, what he says about the snob and so forth may be true. Interesting perspective, but ultimately misguided.

Ben, Orem, UT

Not perfect, but certainly adequate for a freedom-loving people. Its just too bad this doesn't say "We the States" instead of people.

Ben, Orem, UT

Jefferson is the man!

Ben, Orem, UT

Freedom is the spirit of morality. Freedom gives life to all virtue. There is no virtue without freedom.

Ben, Orem, UT

An irony that exposes the futility and ridiculousness of our immigration policy today.

Ben, Orem, UT

Socialism is the exact opposite of Christianity. Christianity is about freedom. Socialism is about coercion. Unfortunately, this strategy has been very successful.

Ben, Orem, UT

Hehe...it is so true. And a shout-out to all you statists on this forum: Get educated in what liberty is, and then return and have a meaningful conversation!

Ben, Orem, UT

Waffler, you know nothing of property rights. Your talk of caves makes no sense. If people are evil, government is evil, for the government derives its powers from the people. Not all people are evil, but not all government is good. Government according to law is superior to government according to majority vote.

Ben, Orem, UT

Wow....so Waffler just said government is to apply the law "evenly and efficiently to all"....There goes your idea of democracy Waffler. You just defeated your own argument.

Ben, Orem, UT

A very insightful man.

Ben, Orem, UT

Yeah...with pig fat

Ben, Orem, UT

I am not sure there is such as thing as "abuse" of a right...especially free speech, but the principle is true that law should not be preventive. Law should punish guilt, not preempt action.

Ben, Orem, UT

Interesting....Jefferson had an amazing sense for liberty. I believe him to have been a great man, and I don't care for the accusations against him or his morality.

Ben, Orem, UT

This site is filling up with statists. Dick writes:--"democracy, universal education, the arts, health, and everything that good government provides."-- Dick, these are not things that "good" government provides. These are things that a corrupt and socialistic government provides that has overstepped the bounds of the Constitution to take upon itself the authority to coerce morality and immorality alike. Government doesn't "provide" anything that it doesn't first take from the people. It is fallacy to assume that government somehow knows better than the individual how to run his life. Your philosophy has nothing to do with real freedom. It is diametrically opposed to it.

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