Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [276-300] of 1306Posts from Cal, lewisville, txCal, lewisville, tx Previous 25 Next 25 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/7/14 re: Justice William O. Douglas quote He should know. He was of the far left. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/7/14 re: John W. Whitehead quote We should never have entitlements of government or non private handouts. 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/7/14 re: George Washington quote waffle, even the courts have abused their power giving orders and rulings that are not even in our constitution. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 7/4/14 re: Justice William O. Douglas quote What real worth is it today when the accused is guilty until he proves himself innocent. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 6/27/14 re: Jimmy Hoffa quote Not true. Prisons supply 3 hot meals and a cot. Throw in the free medical and dental along with free college education and calculate what it is worth. Federal law says each prisoner must have 65 square feet of bunk personal space. I was only allotted 40 when I was in the military. Why do so many return to prison? Because it is not horrible enough to keep them out. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 6/27/14 re: Dan Baum quote I agree with Mike. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 6/26/14 re: Carlton Turner quote Is he trying to tell a joke? Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 6/26/14 re: Alderman Rodney Barket quote Jim k, that is why they have this war on drugs. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 6/25/14 re: Bishop Desmond Tutu quote I dropped this so called preacher way back when he said, "The United States can go to hell." Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 6/24/14 re: Mark Twain quote For this to be true we must get rid of federal Medicaid. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 6/23/14 re: Thomas Jefferson quote True Mike. Now we elect presidents for whom they will put on the Supreme court. 1 Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 6/23/14 re: Lillian Hellman quote Due process of law must be preserved. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 6/23/14 re: Justice William J. Brennan quote If only he would have also said that the press must give the whole story to the public and not edit it to give their own opinion. Mike, you are correct about this justice who served with Earl Warren and helped him rewrite the constitution for their own satisfaction. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 6/20/14 re: Jean Harris quote What power over others can do to some folks. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 6/20/14 re: George Bernard Shaw quote Guilty until proven innocent. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 6/20/14 re: David A. Nichols quote Beware of the government use of the word "intent." Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 6/19/14 re: Joel Miller quote We seem to be puppets on a string and i'm not happy with who's holding those strings. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 6/19/14 re: Abigail Van Buren quote I don't use drugs or alcohol, but I never condemn anyone who does. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 6/18/14 re: John Jay Chapman quote When one allows the government to get started in this-there is no end. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 6/18/14 re: Clarence S. Darrow quote But the government reserves all special privileges for itself only. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 6/18/14 re: Robert N. Proctor quote Our president's is following this same road worrying about what school children eat. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 6/11/14 re: Walter E. Williams quote Why Ted Cruz is the first time I ever wanted to see a lawyer in congress. He and Mike Lee are about the only 2 senators not playing politics. 2 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 6/5/14 re: John Taylor quote The earl Warren and Warren Burger courts certainly didn't go by any written constitution. 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 6/4/14 re: Charles Warren quote A bill came up before Grover Cleveland to monetarily aid the farmers in the west when rains failed to come. He made a wonderful speech while vetoing it about using the People's money(hum, he didn't say the governments money) for such a cause. If a state wants personal and/or corporate welfare it has that right-the federal government does not. 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 6/4/14 re: Arthur Young quote I have seen nice homes turn into disasters by those who rent them. They could really care less about the yard and surroundings. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print