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Posts from Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

Elizabeth, Astoria, NYElizabeth, Astoria, NY
Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

I think it is just right. There is nothing wrong with being rich. When opportunities arise to become rich, the poor will go for it, too.

Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

Perfect representation of Trade and outstanding writing skills.

Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

The Bill of Rights was definitely the cornerstone of the Constitution of the United States. Only someone with very wide horizons would have an insight so reverberating. I still believe that in this great nation there are many insightful minds capable of restoring TJ's and the other Founding Fathers' principles.

Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

Genius! Any creation (the government) must be humble before the Creator (the People).

Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

Virtuous men, like the Founding Fathers, do not attempt to take more power in their hands than that they have been granted.

Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

No doubt about it. And saving our own soul may involve saving others', but moved by free will - what makes us good indeed, and depending upon affordability - what prevents us from sinking along.

Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

God gave us the free will and the Founding Fathers respected that.

Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

That's a valuable insight.

Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

...a Founding Father making sure that his Children (Americans) would be as vigilant as to preserve the basic principles of the nation they built.

Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

History shows humanity that Jefferson was right. Not all people can see, or, spoiled as they are, turn a blind eye to the PURSUIT of happiness and take the spoils of poverty instead.

Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

I am not wealthy and I shall rate this quote with 5 stars. Opportunities are what count, and compassion is only possible when those who do not need it are working.

Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

I like this one very much, too.

Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

Not only complex quotations convey the truth. This is a simple one, but it does portrait human nature and reality.

Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

True, philosophic and poetic, all in one.

Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

The writer is absolutely right, in my opinion. And her words convey her inner beauty, as they show that she believes not only in liberty, but also in the natural human pursue of ways to settle down their differences and/or of their best interest; things that have have this country great!

Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

Straight to the point: I remember soon after the 9/11 attacks former President Bill Clinton being under sever attack by opponents saying that the terrorists had entered the U.S.A. under his administration policies, which were actually "no policies or measures in place to prevent them to enter the U.S.A.". Although I do not really enjoy going through all those security measures at airports - after all, I like to bring all kinds of face cream, shampoos and perfume with me - when I travel by plane and subway measures, I wonder what kind of and how much criticism our current President would take if there weren't any security measures. I'd say that this is not a Liberty issue, but pure politics. I must confess that, as a linguist, though, I really enjoyed myself learning and noting down in my glossary new idioms used by the participants.

Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

I believe Reagan is talking about the government Welfare System. Extending the issue to Inheritance, even though both Welfare and Inheritance have in common that many times they grow spoiled brats, eliminating Inheritance would not have much of an impact in society. If I am correct, parents have other legal means to leave their assets to their children. Inheritance seems to be just to facilitate the procedures. Additionally, we don't want to get close to Communism and make ourselves all equal inand poor instead of making opportunities all equal and accessible to us, since we are all created equal. ... Yes, we are. With opportunities, even one who is born poor has the power to change his and his family economical status. I love Ronald Reagan. He was indeed for progress and opportunities. He was for the people, while his position was for the government.

Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

If I owned a home and wished to have a pool, I would need so much more money to maintain that pool after paying for the pool and any utilities that I would use! Why? Or if I needed one little extra room to put my books in and have a small quiet library for myself, I would have to pay so much more than just for what I would need to build it and more than just for utilities I would use. It does not matter if the owner bought the land and pays taxes for that land already? People in control don't seem to want you to own a house, for some reason...

Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

Agree. Local problems must be solved locally.

Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

Yep. Why change what works best?

Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

"The meaning of either exploited, vegetating, conformist or chatting people" should he say.

Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

"ALL AUTHORITY BELONGS TO THE PEOPLE", and that is what counts!

Elizabeth, Astoria, NY

The Master spoke! A simple quote that portrays a reality that is seen by very few today.

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