Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-21] of 21Posts from H Rearden, Burr Ridge ILH Rearden, Burr Ridge IL 5 Reply H Rearden, Burr Ridge IL 8/7/17 re: Calvin Coolidge quote Succinct and clear. Those comments that don't get the beauty and clarity of Silent Cal's remark expose what the Left has done to confuse and obfuscate common sense in the schools, graduating a populace that by design does not think sensibly.Terrifying. 1 Reply H Rearden, Burr Ridge IL 1/26/17 re: Tony Snow quote How did this remain hidden during the 2016 election!?! Hillary in a nutshell. Reply H Rearden, Burr Ridge IL 10/1/15 re: James Madison quote This quote brings to mind every protest movement in the United States other than the Civil Rights protests of the 1960's. Being a libertarian, the gay movement seemed righteous and gay marriage a fair idea. Now they have exposed themselves as scheming charletans - this was not about love, this was about establishing the right to sue businesses and have sexuality trump someone elses's religion. Why would anyone want to pressure a reluctant or non compliant florist or baker into participating in a wedding? Get somebody who needs the business more and is happy for you and stay out of the courts!The most egregious example of this is probably the protesters in Ferguson and Baltimore. The excuse to loot and destroy businesses and get on TV was evidently like an addictive drug to these surly minions of Al Sharpton; the truth about the guilt of the police officers involved or the lives disrupted was never an important issue. Yet these were the true victims - the working people - police officers and business owners - who have not the leisure time nor inclination to troll the streets and cause trouble. They suffer in silence (or seclusion for safety's sake) And all we hear about is Michael Brown and Freddy Gray, hardly upstanding citizens. 11Reply H Rearden, Burr Ridge IL 10/1/15 re: John Adams quote This is what has happened to our nation in the last 30 years. Prior to that time, the immigrants that came here, came primarily for opportunity. We did not have the womb to the tomb welfare state that we now have; so there was no reason to come for that. For many decades we had very little immigration. Prior to 1965 (and perhaps for a time after that) an immigrant needed a sponsor to insure that he/she would not become a burden on our society. If the immigrant became a deadbeat, the sponsor was responsible for the welfare of the person that he had guaranteed would become a contributing member of our society.The sponsor honored the commitment made to other citizens not to tax them on behalf of his immigrant associate. Ours was a virtuous and generous society. Now we have Anchor Babies and chain migration and our corrupt dishonorable leaders refuse to stop it in order to create a Welfarian Sector, enslaved to entitlements, voting for its very existence with the power to take from others, like a cancer feeding on a body.At the rates that we are and will be taxed to fund our burgeoning Welfarian Sector to the point where we will no longer be able to give much from our own free will as God intended and Jesus spoke about - there just won't be enough disposable income left.These foreign invaders will never appreciate America for the miracle that it is - they had to do nothing to belong to our society or have been reared by taker parents who cannot impart to them our values. Add to that the revisionist history and socialism being pushed by the NEA in our schools and you have a recipe for a deadly toxin injected into our nation. Will an antidote (inspirational leader - halt to immigration - reform in our educational system) be found?Certainly it is not the current occupant of the White House. He is typical of the problem. I do not profess to know where he was born - but that is not the problem. The problem is where he grew up (and where he is now). He grew up in other countries, raised in another religion that until 20 or 30 years ago was completely unknown in the U.S. and when he did come to America it was to Hawaii, which is about as close to a third world country as you are going to find in America. And actually, Islam is a political system masquerading as a religion. And one of its tenets is that a muslim is allowed to lie cheat steal or kill to further its spread. This entire administration is a masquerade. Check out how any muslims are in it and how many converts thee now are in it. Valerie Jarrett for example, was raised in Iran. Now do you understand why our national security was given away? Huma Abedin, who was 'tasked' with intercepting all of Hillary Clinton's emails while Secretary of State, could not receive even the most rudimentary security clearance due to her associations, not the least of which are her brother and late father being high up in the Muslim Brotherhood. Do you think the Secretary of State was read in on Ambassador Chris Stevens' plans and whereabouts regarding Ben Ghazi? He was begging Hillary for more security etc so Huma surely had eyes on those emails.And it would be good to know if Hillary was in the loop on the activities of Seal Team Six. Bigmouth Biden outed that they had been the ones to dispatch Osama bin Laden to his room in hell; a month later 22 of them plus 8 others were lured to an ambush in Afghanistan. A man of goodness, honor and virtue offered himself for the presidency in 2012 - apparently he should have offered freebies for the Welfarian Sector. That is what won the day, not the upstanding statesman. Reply H Rearden, Burr Ridge IL 7/30/15 re: Alexis de Tocqueville quote Yes this perfectly describes the situation our nation is in. Parents and children (students) are encouraged to take on massive debt - with no concern that they will never accumulate any wealth to leave their children that the next generation might have a better life, easier time, etc. No, the nanny state will take care of whatever they a point. A roof over the head? Section 8 housing. Food? EBT card/Food Stamps. Lose your job? Unemployment Compensation. Got a sore back? Workman Compensation. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or Tinnitus? Disability is great and damn near permanent. Health Issues? Medicaid, Medicare, Obamacare.....A clue to the future is provided by the Canadian single payer system...Where do most of the best heart surgeons in America live? On the northern border of our nation. Under the Canadian system, participants age out of having heart surgery at age 57, which is terrific for the plan, because 99% of heart issues occur after that time. Cardiac surgeons locate themselves conveniently just over the border for our unlucky neighbors to the north. And yes, Waffler, they are well compensated for their services. Try to bear in mind that they have had 4 years of university, 4 years of medical school and then 4 years to become a surgeon, a specialist. They are 30+ when they enter the workforce - imagine the debt that they have had to accumulate just to follow their calling, the years unemployed while being trained. Then, once they begin their practice, the wonderful malpractice premiums kick in. So i guess you could say the wealth of a doctor begins the redistributive process the moment they start producing. and keeps on getting redistributed, because the lion's share of malpractice suits are instituted by poorer patients who want money and many doctors choose not to fight. As the great Mark Levin would say - Ameritopia has been achieved, in so many ways and on so many levels. 3 Reply H Rearden, Burr Ridge IL 7/11/15 re: Michael Badnarik quote Yes, Warrdoc, perfect example. When did the rights of the gay populace trump the religious rights of others? I thought that businesses could legally refuse service to any one they wanted, as long as they did not have federal government contracts. I was all for gay marriage at one time until I realized that it is just another pretext for litigation. Like we don't have enough frivolous lawsuits in our nation... have you ever been the target of a frivolous suit? Our business has been, and although we won and won the subsequent appeal, our legal fees were $95,000. Just to keep things status quo. So did we really win? Reply H Rearden, Burr Ridge IL 5/22/15 re: Grover Cleveland quote There are about a hundred quotes that should be taught to every kid in every school in America and this is one of them. 2 Reply H Rearden, Burr Ridge IL 5/10/15 re: Auberon Herbert quote Awesome Archer strikes again! Take THAT, you economic ignoramuses!! You history class dunces! You wastrel Welfarians! 1 Reply H Rearden, Burr Ridge IL 3/31/15 re: Wyoming Declaration of Rights Art. I, Sec. 7 quote This quote reminds me of the capriciousness of the jive turkey currently living in the White House and all his minions, arbitrarily imposing their will - not our laws -on the citizens of our nation. Lois Lerner, Eric Holder, John Kerry, Valerie Jarrett ( why does she rate 6 Secret Service Agents?) and Hillary Clinton all come to mind. 1 Reply H Rearden, Burr Ridge IL 10/22/14 re: James Monroe quote The terms intelligence and education are not interchangeable.We have at this point a population of economic ignoramuses who have very little appreciation for the history of our nation - because they have been fed a plethora of politically correct claptrap - they have been tricked into voting away their future wealth, without understanding that 37% or more will be transferred to the Welfarian class,( and that does not include their federal taxes) Our educational system brings in the ACLU to talk to high schoolers, but where are the business owners or CPAs? Our youth need a dose of reality so the can make informed decisions, not fall for every socialist sound bite that gets repeated in media until the lie becomes accepted. Reply H Rearden, Burr Ridge IL 10/22/14 re: John Adams quote Yes, Cal is so right. John Adams never conceived that 200 years later the socialists would have so permeated and dominated our educational system from Kindergarten - College that our populace has been perverted from self preservation and patriotic pride into self loathing for our nation and obsession with the personal self - what can they squeeze from their neighbor under the guise of benevolent socialism?The current residents of the White House are perfect examples of this - no expense was spared to educate the foreigner who impregnated his mother and to what purpose did he put that education? He abandoned his responsibilities here (wife, child) and went back to Kenya to accomplish - what ? Sire more children with other women? No education is required for that. No expense was spared as near as we can tell since we don't have all Obama's scholastic records, but he is an America-hater at the least and the Manchurian candidate - uh president - at the worst. Michelle also is educated to the hilt. Do either of them practice law? What have they produced ? Who have they employed? I mean, who have they employed that they were providing the paycheck? Other than producing 2 lovely daughters, they have produced nothing good. They are destroyers - destroyers of hope, wealth, spirit, international good will - just about everything they touch. I am always relieved when they depart for vacation because they do dedicate themselves to their own pleasure and less destruction occurs when they are absent from Washington. Any way, Abraham Lincoln was educated in a one room log cabin and he was wise as well as witty. His moral compass never failed him. Formal education, other than in the sciences, is vastly overrated. In China, prior to the communist era, the Confucians lauded and honored education - farmers and merchants (producers) were considered socially the bottom of the barrel and every family tried to get at least one son educated enough to work in government, which became the highest social class...any of this sound familiar? Reply H Rearden, Burr Ridge IL 10/8/14 re: James Madison quote I am referring of course to his refusal to protect our populace from Ebola; his stewardess-like monotonous speech that" in the unlikely event "that it will reach our shores... his CDC director insisting that it is a "very difficult disease to contract" "requires bodily fluid exchange" " not airborne"....just wait. Reply H Rearden, Burr Ridge IL 10/8/14 re: James Madison quote And we now know that Obama has chosen #3 for America - with a 62% fatality rate, he is sure to eliminate the elderly and infirm and the many of the young, but the last category is not a problem since he is busily welcoming the "future of America" his words, not mine , in from the southern border. Reply H Rearden, Burr Ridge IL 9/29/14 re: Joseph Sobran quote It is interesting that we as a society have been propagandized to the point that the Welfarian sector is only ever considered as having endless and expanding needs; the Producer sector is regarded as having no needs - only greed.God only asks for 10% of our wealth and loves a cheerful giver; American socialism currently confiscates about 37% from the working set - 30%is silently kicked in by the employer so the liberals can delude the economically ignorant populace as to the true cost. Add the Welfarians and the ignorant together and you have endless Democrat electoral victories. Reply H Rearden, Burr Ridge IL 4/3/14 re: Eleanor Holmes Norton quote Yes, for her constituents to live "free" at the expense of others. The large population of Welfarians that she represents know that she believes they do not have to conform to the old school social norms of having a job, providing for yourself and any offspring that you produce. Let the producers who finance the lifestyles of the "Disabilitied", the "Workman Comped" the "Unemployment Compensated"in short the Welfarian class that now comprises a huge voting bloc - let the producers not pay their taxes and you'll find out quick enough that this woman is one of the more egregious hypocrites strutting around the planet. 2 Reply H Rearden, Burr Ridge IL 3/31/14 re: Ayn Rand quote The exchange between Rosenthal/Mike/Archer was most interesting - this not being my favorite Rand quote either. But as a true libertarian this discussion has rekindled the fire under my posterior to continue educating the economic ignoramuses that comprise about 80% of the populace of our great nation. Rosenthal, you are expending your life in shame no matter how you have rationalized it. You thieve from the producers who will leave the world a better place and who can be proud and appreciate all that they have - because they earned it - while being forced to donate a piece of their wealth to you. 2 Reply H Rearden, Burr Ridge IL 4/26/13 re: W. H. Chamberlin quote Waffler I bet you think the unemployment compensation, disability, workman comp premiums and social security percentages I pay on my employees belongs to the state as well. It costs me over $130.00 to pay them when they have earned $100.00 in wages. Of course they pay 1/2 of their own "social security" - that would be 7.65% and them the Fed Income tax comes out of the hundred as well. I am trying to educate you just in case you do not work for the IRS or the Franchise Tax Board of some state. I have been audited by the Franchise Tax Board of California . They found nothing , but it wasted 3500.00 in accounting fees and endless ours of my time, when I could have been doing something productive, like making more money for them to tax. 3 Reply H Rearden, Burr Ridge IL 2/13/12 re: Samuel Cooke quote This guy must be rolling in his grave. Jim K has it exactly right. We have filled our Congress with lawyers, who produce nothing, to regulate and tax the producers in the country... a sure prescription for societal suicide. 6 Reply H Rearden, Burr Ridge IL 2/6/12 re: Patrick Henry quote How very prescient of Parick Henry. He must be rolling over in his grave at what our nation has become. Reply H Rearden, Burr Ridge IL 1/18/12 re: Walter Olsen quote The revolution has happened. When businesses (and indivduals) are forced to insure themselves against some nitwit tripping on their property, the looters have triumphed. When businesses must by law, as a third party, insure clumsy or crooked employees for workman compensation, gaming the system has become a national pastime When the government buys Section 8 housing for the chosen victim class, it creates a false price floor in the rental real estate market, pushing up the prices for those who would pay their own way, pricing more and more of the lower class out of the ability or desire to be responsible for themselves. There are a thousand examples of this - for my part I will never be casting a vote ever again for any attorney seeking office..The truly frightening thing about all of this is that is so sneaky and insidious - making the employers write the checks for so much of this - innoculating Joe Sixpack against having to consider who actually fund the judgement his lawsuit produces, or who provides the largesse for his food stamps, disability payments, unemployment compensation, Social security Etc. We need to educate our somnolent population - particularly the youth - in Economics. The liberals, via the NEA and other teacher unions, has ensured that we now have an entire nation of economic illiterates. Until and unless that situation is corrected, the producer in our society is doomed to sacrifice his/her private property and that of any heirs, to the professional looters that permeate our nation on so many levels. . 2 Reply H Rearden, Burr Ridge IL 4/13/11 re: Francisco Ferrer quote Great minds do think alike. This reminds me of the Lincoln quote (paraphrasing) The philosophy in the classroom today is the philosophy of the government tomorrow. The obsession with the public schools to interest children in their self-esteem, libido,disrespect for our society and dishonor for our history has led to an economically ignorant populace that is exploited by the politicians, perhaps to the extinction of our nation. We need an army of business volunteers to go into the high schools and speak to the U.S. Govt classes for an hour each semester to explain what will become of their as yet unearned paychecks. Make them calculate over their lifetimes how much will be siphoned from their paycheck - their property- before they can even touch it. And don't forget the employer matching stuff - To pay our employees $100.00, it costs us $130.00. They take home under $80.00. They can do that math. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print