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Posts from J Carlton, calgary

J Carlton, calgaryJ Carlton, calgary
J Carlton, Calgary

Hobart...Read up on the Treaty of Versailles and the economic effect it had on Germany that lead to all the right conditions for Hitler to gain power. And yes, the basis for war is always economic. More power, more resources = more money.

J Carlton, Calgary

Naw...you mean the Military Commisssions Act, The Patriot Act and now this latest Obamination declaring America a battle ground aren't just for our own good? I'm stunned! An excellent quote with an obvious truth.

J Carlton, Calgary

"Oceania is at war, Oceania has always been at war." Orwell, 1984...

J Carlton, Calgary

Butler said it well. And Paul from Tallahassee above makes and excellent observation.

J Carlton, Calgary

Our government threw us all overboard a long time ago in pursuit of their own interests. And now they themselves are the greatest threat to our way of life.

J Carlton, Calgary

From a former administrator for the DoD in response to the link I provided above...Wonderful! Carl Levin is my senator and is responsible for bringing huge DoD contracts to this area. TACOM has always been here in Warren, MI, and United Defense in a neighboring burb. But TACOM has really grown since I was there. They have absorbed TROSCOM, AMCCOM, ARDEC and many arsenals and depots. There are buildings going up around here like crazy. If we are not at war, what are we going to do with all of this hardware and human resources? Doesn't it gall you to hear people referred to as human resources? Soylent Green here we come. ~ M

J Carlton, Calgary

Unconstitutional Bill declares US a battlefield for the military... http://www.conservativeactionalerts.com/2011/11/unconstitutional-bill-declares-us-a-battlefield-for-the-military/...there's some "Change You can believe In"

J Carlton, Calgary

Good point Archer. I think sub conciously I must know this. Because I, like many I know, are ready for whatever comes next.

J Carlton, Calgary

The original Constitution has not neen observed since the inception of United States Inc. which is a business, not a government. It has its own Constitution and many departments that work for the corporation, not the people. There are a couple of sites here that explain it fairly well: http://www.google.ca/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=0h&oq=United+States+Inc&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4ADRA_enCA432CA432&q=united+states+incorporated

J Carlton, Calgary

Ironic, that such a quote should come from one of the original American traitors. Hamilton was "the" original proponent of central banking and a Rothchild pawn. Read "Hamilton's Curse".

J Carlton, Calgary

"Who is the fascist, when the proposal is made to make it easier for the FBI to investigate and infiltrate any political organization or association because the government views it as a potential terrorist danger?"....Washington DC is not only the Fascist, but the manufacturer of the Terrorist Threat. And they view any threat to their control and ponzi schemes as a threat. They view the Constitution for the United States as a threat. Time to clean house folks...Restore the Republic.

J Carlton, Calgary

Nowadays we can see that the latest "enemy" is supposedly Islam. Yet we're told to practice tolerance and tune in to "All American Muslim" for a better view of our Muslim brothers...so which is it? We live in a Police State because of the Muslim threat (?) or they are the Religion of Peace and we're supposed to put up with being molested at Airports and have our phones and finances tracked...because of the War on...the Religion of Peace? Terrorism? What a bunch of absolutely convoluted Bull!

J Carlton, Calgary

Byron, Obama is the CEO of United States Inc. He will not be providing any proof of his eligibilty nor will he hang his head in shame. He's doing the job he was put in place to do. 5 stars for the wisdom of the quote.

J Carlton, Calgary

Shakti...you obviously don't "get" what America was supposed to be. And it isn't a leviathan all controlling, central planning, rights ignoring, crime cartel in some far off city making rules for us that they themselves are too good to observe. That's China, not America.

J Carlton, Calgary

Mike, since you mentioned the camps, I'm reminded of an ad you might find relevant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fUPDSpCcdg&feature=youtu.be

J Carlton, Calgary

Byron we no longer have a Government of the people...we have an organized crime cartel. Tyranny abounds. Now...what would Washington have done? Hmmm...

J Carlton, Calgary

Perfect! 50 Stars! (or is it 57? lol)

J Carlton, Calgary

And that's why they wrote a Constitution of founding principles that was meant to limit Government powers. Now we have an imposter/usurper from Kenya undermining every principle that "was" America. Throw the bum out and Restore the Republic.

J Carlton, Calgary

This is the kind of thinking that only self interested dictators could advocate...well, them and collectivist sheep. Clearly, this is what we gave so many lives in so many wars to keep out of America...to keep America "free".

J Carlton, Calgary

No Waffler, you miss the point as always. Human Beings are sovereign with unalienable rights who should never be "forced" by the plans of others. If you and your Nazi friends want to plan a goose stepping fest...feel free! :)

J Carlton, Calgary

The direction taken by the United States Inc. and its satellites, the CFR, the Federal Reserve, the IRS, the CIA, the Dept. of Education, the FDA....and on and on...is one of communist control. And we have so many rules and regulations that "everything is illegal" and "everyone is guilty" of something at all times. 5 stars for truth.

J Carlton, Calgary

Hanson...what is the US "AND" A? And the use of the term "you guys" is a little broad don't you think? Are you suggesting that every single American has advocated all the evils perpetrated by a few people who have abused their position? Kind of like saying "all" Canadians do is play Hockey and live in Igloo's, "eh"? Maybe try using some discretion and not deal in stereotypes.

J Carlton, Calgary

The system we now suffer was initially fomented by the criminal banking cartels founded by none other than the Rothschilds and their cohorts. 5 stars for truth, thumbs down to "Central Planning". End the Fed.

J Carlton, Calgary

I'm with Mike in that I am unable to settle myself on the message here. What our society is lacking is morality...thanks to the Dept. of Education and its handlers. The sheep want security but haven't the spine to stand up for themselves.

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