[426-450] of 1832

Posts from Jim K, Austin

Jim K, AustinJim K, Austin
jim k, Austin

"Government, in it's final analysis, is organized force". Woodrow Wilson.

jim k, Austin

Liberals don't seem to understand this notion that jobs are created not by government but by the private sector.

jim k, Austin

Sweden, Germany and other countries in Europe are in chaos due to a large influx of immigrants, mostly Muslims. And our closet Muslim president wants to bring large numbers of these people into the United States. Go figure.

jim k, Austin

Robert, you need to change your address to "Somewhere in lala land."

jim k, Austin

Matthew, you are correct.

jim k, Austin

Should there be any income tax at all. The answer is NO.

jim k, Austin

I Have changed my mind. I believe that the mess we are in started long before1913. This mess probably started with that good old republican, "Honest Abe". Read "The Real Lincoln" and "Lincoln Unmasked" available on Amazon.

jim k, Austin

Dick, you are an embarrassment to Fort Worth.

jim k, Austin

Good old Bernie doesn't quite see that there is no free lunch. He appeals to young no-nothings with this notion that they can have everything for free.

jim k, Austin

The last line in the quote sums it up.

jim k, Austin

The love of money may be the root of all evil, but the lack of money runs it a close second.

jim k, Austin

We own our home, no wait, we rent it from the county. It's called a property tax and if you don't pay guess who then owns it.

jim k, Austin

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

jim k, Austin

A.Jurgensen, I like what you wrote.

jim k, Austin

Public Servants: Persons chosen by the people to distribute the graft. Mark Twain

jim k, Austin

Right on E Archer and Wild Bill.

jim k, Austin

The Bernie supporters seem to think that there is a "free lunch". He yaks about this and that being free and the knot heads eat it up.

jim k, Austin

Call it a tax or anything else, robbery is robbery any way you slice it.

jim k, Austin

warren, olathe You give waffler too much credit.

jim k, Austin

If you do opposite of dick and Reston, you'll be right most of the time.

jim k, Austin

Waffler, I must be a "fool and an idiot" because this quote is exactly right to me.

jim k, Austin

Remember this quote on April 15th, every year.

jim k, Austin

Arrogant rulers describes perfectly those elected and unelected bureaucrats in Washington today.

jim k, Austin

Waffler, the IRS refers to us as inventory, not citizens.

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