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Posts from Jim K, Austin

Jim K, AustinJim K, Austin
jim k, Austin

L. Neal Smith said," Government is a disease masquerading as it's own cure". And, we keep reelecting the same people that caused this mess. Shame on us.

jim k, Austin

This is the truth and is probably understated.

jim k, Austin

J Carlton, I love your comment on voting.

jim k, Austin

Excellent quote describing our government today.

jim k, Austin

A great quote even if Jefferson didn't say it.

jim k, Austin

Probably so, but never bring a pen to a knife fight.

jim k, Austin

In this PC world, you can say anything unless it disagrees with some liberal idea. This is especially true on college campuses where conservatives are routinely shouted down.

jim k, Austin

Reston, are you insane, oh, I forgot, you are insane. The middle ground describes the democrats, surely you jest. Pelosi , Harry and the bunch are so far left that they would probably be kicked out of the communist party.

jim k, Austin

cal, Your comment makes a lot of sense. I like it.

jim k, Austin

Can't argue with this quote.

jim k, Austin

The lack of money is the root of a lot of evil.

jim k, Austin

I'd sure vote for him for president as well as Thomas Sowell.

jim k, Austin

This quote sums it up.

jim k, Austin

JoeCrazytown your name says it all and Anonymous Mass you need help from living in a state that constantly elects Kennedys and other assorted crackpots. This quote is right on target.

jim k, Austin

After Bill we now have to put up with Hillary, one of the truly evil people on this planet.

jim k, Austin

Too bad that Hitler and Stalin didn't kill each other off. Two of the most evil men in history. Mao and Castro are right in there with them.

jim k, Austin

After 9-11 Bush made one of the stupidest comments ever, namely, that Islam is a religion of peace. Enough said.

jim k, Austin

Even more so today.

jim k, Austin

Lincoln only wanted to centralize all power in Washington. He didn't give a hoot about slavery.

jim k, Austin

The "Civil War"should be more accurately titled, The War of Northern Aggression, or Lincoln's war Against the South.

jim k, Austin

As pertaining to government, just put a period after the word "distrusted".

jim k, Austin

Or like having an alcoholic guarding a liquor store.

Jim k, Austin

Faith being belief without evidence, Dawkins is right.

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