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Posts from Jim K, Austin

Jim K, AustinJim K, Austin
jim k, Austin

The worst of homeschooling cannot be less educating than what you get at most public schools.

jim k, Austin

Way too many laws now.

jim k, Austin

E Archer said it for me.

jim k, Austin

The main stream press ,with few exceptions, promote the left wing agenda. Anything that goes against their agenda, they simply ignore.

jim k, Austin

E Archer is very accurate. When I was young, many years ago, we didn't have all the prearranged games, no little league of that sort. We had no trouble playing pick- up games , choosing up sides without adult planning and supervision. Kids could be kids without every soccer mom worrying that some kid would be hurt. Nowadays , kids can't ride a bicycle down to the corner without adult supervision. And that's one reason we have snowflakes looking for "safe places" after the election.

jim k, Austin

Jury nullification, a truly wonderful thing.

jim k, Austin

We get the government that we, the people, deserve .

jim k, Austin

H L is usually right.

jim k, austin

Komrad Robert, you are wrong, as usual.

jim k, austin

Robert, there is no "free milk for children". Someone has to pay and, naturally, it's the taxpayers.

jim k, austin

I'm convinced that liberalism is a mental disease.

jim k, austin

2smartforlibs, your comment is right on target.

jim k, austin

In spite of the messenger, this quote is accurate.

jim k, austin

"Government is a disease masquerading as it's own cure". ~ L Neal Smith

jim k, austin

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." The Buddha. I'm no Buddhist but this quote is right on.

jim k, austin

Most politicians are into power. Hillary's life depended on power and now that she lost it her life is near over.

jim k, austin

Mike and E Archer summed it up very well.

jim k, austin

Politicians are champions of altruism when it's other peoples' money.

jim k, austin

Jefferson was right , as usual.

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