Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [251-275] of 290Posts from Justin, ElklandJustin, Elkland Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Justin, Elkland 9/11/09 re: Aesop quote This reminds me of another great quote describing Mr. Obama and Mr. McCain: "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." Reply Justin, Elkland 9/10/09 re: Davy Crockett quote The mantra of a pioneer is a stark contrast from the mantra of politicians: Check to where the wind doth blow and then in that direction go. 21Reply Justin, Elkland 9/4/09 re: Samuel Adams quote Is it really necessary for the progressives (short for professional regressives) to drag the rest of us down with them? We tried to leave this sinking ship once, and they pulled us back in. Reply Justin, Elkland 9/4/09 re: Franklin Pierce quote Waffler, you are confusing society with government again. Society is a charitable endeavor. Our As Thomas Paine said: "Like fire, (government) is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." Our forefathers did not build this country through government but through private endeavor. Reply Justin, Elkland 9/2/09 re: Adam Smith quote Why provide for yourself that which you can take from another? Reply Justin, Elkland 9/2/09 re: Franklin Pierce quote If he had been a little wiser and a little more latina he would have found the authority in there somewhere. 3 Reply Justin, Elkland 9/2/09 re: Grover Cleveland quote Hasn't that document been dead since 1861? 2 Reply Justin, Elkland 8/26/09 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Lincoln denied the freedom of self-government to the Confederate States. He made grand speeches about freedom while destroying liberty. Reply Justin, Elkland 8/24/09 re: William J. Small quote Did Hitler supress the press in the 1930's or did it supress itself? Reply Justin, Elkland 8/21/09 re: Richard Thompson quote Totalitarianism in all its forms is contrary to our Constitution. 1 Reply Justin, Elkland 8/21/09 re: Adolf Hitler quote Five stars for the honesty. Zero stars to Roosevelt for hearing statements like this and not doing anything about it. Of course, Roosevelt was too busy pushing through his own socialist agenda to confront Hitler's socialist agenda. 4 Reply Justin, Elkland 8/20/09 re: Max Victor Belz quote True learning can only be accomplished through self-direction. The state indoctrinates; it does not educate. Reply Justin, Elkland 8/7/09 re: H. L. Mencken quote Too true. Government is just another way for a group of individuals to control another group, and has generally let to institutionalized slavery of one kind or another. Its sad that most liberals fall into the slave category and not the master category and don't even realize it. 1 Reply Justin, Elkland 6/17/09 re: Frederic Bastiat quote Those who yearn for the safety and security of slavery will have their chance soon enough. The nanny state is a slave state forcing men to repeat old mistakes. Reply Justin, Elkland 6/16/09 re: Walter Lippmann quote Only 5-10 more years before the wheels fall off the welfare system in these states. “Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more; Or close the wall up with our [American Patriot] dead!” 11Reply Justin, Elkland 6/15/09 re: John V. Lindsay quote Not true. Sometimes suppressors of freedom do it in the name of "fairness" and sometimes in the name of financial security. RBESRQ - War most certaily does not create more war. War amongst different societies is an inevitablility. A society may try to chose when and where battles will occur or forstall them as long as possible if it choses. Irreconcilable conflict will always arise between people with conflicting worldviews. Our war against Naziism didn't result in endless war but rather the near eradication of that doctorine from western civilization. Reply Justin, Elkland 6/11/09 re: Eric Schaub quote ...if you're a butterfly or in a biplane. This is a poor analogy for political thought. The implocation is that a common goal cannot be reached without liberals and conservatives, two diametrically opposed forces, working together. If you want to force this analogy to work make Conservativism is one wing and God's Law the other. Liberalism and despotism are the forces of friction and gravity respectively. Reply Justin, Elkland 6/11/09 re: Phyllis McGinley quote McGinley was one of the true heroes of the feminist movement, cast in the mold of Abagail Adams. Today's feminists would be reviled by her, no doubt. Reply Justin, Elkland 6/10/09 re: John Morley quote RBESRQ, did you just say "I voted for [the Fasco-Statist] - and I still prefer [the Fasco-Statist] to the [Slightly Less Fascist Globalist]"? I feel like I must be taking crazy pills here. Obama sold himself to the American people as the most wealth re-distributing, generation thieving panderer since the infamous userper FDR. And now we're acting like we're surprised. "I expected him to govern more from the center" they'll say. From the center of what, the Fascist cesspool that the Federal Government has become? That is a rant. Reply Justin, Elkland 6/10/09 re: John Morley quote It's too late for short-term pain. Decades of socialist wealth redistribution scams and fascist economic control have left this nation with a financial burden that would take decades to un-do, if that were even possible in the current political landscape. But the fasco-statists press on with their short-sighted policies anyway, trading dollars to Fannie Mae, ACORN, and the Unions for votes, while waiting to see who will be without a chair when the music stops. The only End that the Means of Progressivism can prepare is a complete financial and societal collapse. Luckily western civilization is quite good at rebuilding itself every couple hundred years. 41Reply Justin, Elkland 6/10/09 re: Robert Welch quote And Lynn in Bozeman, your skewed view of history is clearly tainted by your own agenda. The federal government has only ever created and facilitated racism. The civil war and retaliatory policies undertaken by the fed thereafter directly led to the creation of organizations like the KKK. Today racist, sexist and protectionist "affirmative action" policies reignite old animosities and create new ones. Only we as individuals end racism when we refuse to allow ourselves to be divided and classified for our own selfish purposes. In summary, attempts to legislate equality invariably lead to inequality. 31Reply Justin, Elkland 6/10/09 re: Robert Welch quote Our government doesn't serve to protect the environment or civil rights or anything else. It is an apparatus of control. It can either be an extension of our own self-control or it can be used to force the will of a few on a dumb and slothful populace. Our government started as the former and has morphed into the latter. Reply Justin, Elkland 6/8/09 re: John Goodwin quote It is amazing how quickly conscience is traded these days for the illusion of economic security. 2 Reply Justin, Elkland 6/5/09 re: John C. Calhoun quote And Robert, you can have 3 million votes and have a seat in the government. You could be a school board member, mayor, state legislator and in some states a governor. My question is why should 545 people (536 elected and nine appointed) lord over 300 million people? And my answer is that they shouldn't. They should negotiate treaties, provide for the common defense, and mediate disputes among states. Leave the rest to the States or the people. 2 Reply Justin, Elkland 6/5/09 re: John C. Calhoun quote Calhoun truly was one of the greatest anti-statists. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print